Church 46th Anniversary Annual Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2015

  1. Location: Church sanctuary

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Information from the meeting can be found in the following documents:
  1. PowerPoint Slides (English)
  2. PowerPoint Slides (Chinese)
  3. Church Vision Letter (English)
  4. Church Vision Letter (Chinese)
  5. Question and answer summary
  1. Addendum
  1. In a congregational vote on the same day, the motion to approve the following five deacon candidates to serve a two-year term starting in 2015 and the following one elder candidate to serve a three-year term starting in 2015 was passed.
  1. Deacons:
  1. Chris Cheng
  2. Haiguo Wu
  3. Jimin Xiong
  4. Tuanfeng Zhang
  5. Shanchuan Zhao
  1. Elders:
  1. Bryan Che