Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

July 18, 2015


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Pastor Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Joshua Chang, Chun-Yi Hu, Lance Pan, Beata Shih, Ji-Yong Wang (Treasurer), Xin-Wen Wang, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jian Zhang
  2. Invitees: BoE members: Elder Liqin Chen
  3. Absentees: Phil Sailer, Jimin Xiong

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:09 am
  2. Deacon Haiguo opened in prayer.
  3. Senior Pastor Sharing and Update (Pastor Caleb Chang)
  1. Pastor Caleb visited San Francisco and met with Pastor King-fai Choi, Elder Jack Hung, and their families.
  2. Pastor Caleb expressed gratitude to co-workers in IT, stewardship, AV, and worship ministries for fixing the sanctuary LCD projector.
  3. Chinese fellowship ministry leadership meeting on July 19 will discuss room assignments after 151 Spring Street is available.  Thanks to English Ministry for considerately moving to 151 on Friday nights.
  4. Baptismal examination workshop to be held on July 26.
  5. Angie Piau will be supported by Metro-south as a part time youth minister and removed from Internship support.
  6. Parachurch and vocational ministry workers are now under the care of the newly formed Community Outreach Committee.
  7. Hopi and Lynn STM teams are safely back.  Please pray for upcoming NYC STM and orphanage trips.
  8. Pastor Caleb has expressed to the Church Building Expansion team of the need for adjacent parking to 151 Spring Street, especially for when the Philly class moves there.
  9. Pastor Caleb will preach at two upcoming retreats: Chinese Gospel Church (Portland) during Labor Day weekend and Faith Hope Love Chinese Church (Philadelphia) during Thanksgiving weekend.
  10. The joint pastoral report during last church council meeting was well received.  One deacon noted that it may still be beneficial for pastors themselves to make more detailed regular notes for their own future reflection and self-evaluation.
  11. Pastor Caleb attended the Pittsburgh Chinese Church 50th anniversary celebration in June.
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder Liqin Chen)
  1. The BoE reviewed the website ministry and discussed the history and charter of website team, website project status, and future needs.  Many deacons lauded the hard work of the website team and the innovative solutions they have created in launching and maintaining the new website.  Some noted that communication between ministry leaders and the website team regarding user needs and requirements could be improved.  The Board of Elders will continue discussion at future meetings.
  2. The BoE discussed the current proposal for the MetroSouth Charter Membership.
  3. The BoE discussed potential appointments for the Benevolence Fund Committee in lieu of the current chair relocation.
  4. The Board of Elders approved the Vocational (Parachurch) Christian Ministry Policy.
  5. Elder Liqin encouraged all church council members to propose ideas for how to make the October church anniversary celebration more effective for the entire church.
  6. For more details, please refer to the July 2015 Board of Elders meeting minutes.
  1. Financial Report (Ji-Yong Wang)


Offering (June)

Expense (June)

Total (June)

Cumulative Balance


























  1. CBE Total Donation since 12/1/2012: $941,631.99.
  2. At the end of FY2015, our total expense is at 97.3%, and our total offering is at 113% of the total annual budget.  Note that these numbers are still preliminary because FY2015 expenses are still being submitted.
  3. Per resolutions passed during this past fiscal year, the general fund surplus will be used for repaying Metro-south property loans before replenishing the general fund reserve fund and capital fund.  The Metro-south general fund surplus was not as high this year as initially expected due to many unanticipated expenses, but BoD members are still confident that the property loan repayment plan will still be successful.
  1. Miscellaneous (Haiguo Wu)
  1. All capital fund requests under $5000 can be approved by the stewardship committee independently.  Haiguo highlighted that capital requests must be depreciable assets.
  2. During the October membership meeting, both Deacon Chris and Deacon Haiguo may be re-nominated to serve as deacon.  In the event that this occurs, others need to oversee ballot collection and counting to prevent conflict of interest.  Deacon Xinwen will help with Metro-south campus; Deacon Chun-Yi will help with City Outreach Ministry campus; Deacon Joshua will help with Lexington campus.
  1. Stewardship report (Jian Zhang)
  1. Property Projects
  1. Stewardship Capital Budget Proposal for FY2016 will be around $100K from the following projects:
  1. The basement HVAC project is almost complete, except for the installation of ductwork due to a delay in the acquisition of materials.
  2. The kitchen is in process of converting from propane-gas to natural gas.
  3. The church walkway behind the church office towards the main building will be repaved during FY16 Q1.
  4. During FY16 Q2, a drain ditch around the main building will be built to try to draw water away from the building (which has been leaking into basement rooms).
  5. The sanctuary heater will be updated to use natural gas instead of electricity during FY16 Q2.
  1. Traffic signs have been placed to help with directing traffic in the new parking area and the middle area of the upper parking has been reduced to one row to allow for enable space to maneuver.
  1. Property Maintenance
  1. Chapel floor was stripped and waxed.
  2. Sanctuary ceiling fans were cleaned.
  3. Sanctuary projector was repaired.
  4. Church 2nd floor carpet was cleaned.
  5. 1st floor printer power re-routed to prevent tripping of circuit breaker.
  6. In the next few months, a contractor will be hired to repair the sidewalk and steps by the first floor entrance.
  1. Property Management
  1. Semi-annual HVAC maintenance was done.
  2. Elevator quarterly maintenance was done.
  3. For Building 151:
  1. Ordered sanitary dispensers
  2. Ordered door locks and keys
  3. Notified National grid to connect the natural gas line
  4. Notified Eversource to start electrical service
  5. Arranged for landscaping
  6. Selected kitchen appliances
  7. It was noted that currently there is no natural gas line to the kitchen and there is uncertainty of the size of duct installed for the kitchen stove exhaust.
  1. Deacon Jian motioned to approve $8000 from the capital fund for purchasing chairs and tables for Building 151.  Deacon Xinwen seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Church vision discussion (Elder Liqin)
  1. Discerning a vision for our church has been planned by the BoE for many years.  According to the bylaws, the BoE is responsible for the church vision, so the process has been led by the BoE as a team rather than a single person.
  2. The BoE tried to engage the entire church to pray for the church vision through monthly BoE prayer meetings, pastoral staff prayer meetings, 2014 June church council retreat, Sunday messages, congregational prayer meetings, the church annual meeting, newsletters, and requests for feedback/suggestions.
  3. A key challenge identified during the visioning process was discipleship training.
  4. The BoE created an initial first draft for a vision in January 2015 and received feedback from pastors and ministry leaders resulting in subsequent amendments.
  5. Some deacons noted that a vision statement defines a desired future state or goal, while a mission statement describes the means by which to move towards the vision.
  6. The plan is for the church council to discuss the vision statement during the August church council retreat and to try to create more focus for the church through a further defined mission statement.
  1. Deacon Chris closed in prayer and Deacon Haiguo adjourned the meeting at 1:03pm.




缺席:Phil Sailer,熊繼敏



  1. 會議開始於9:09am。
  2. 海國執事做開始禱告。
  3. 主任牧師分享 。 (章開第牧師)
  1. 開第牧師訪問舊金山,和蔡景輝牧師, 洪榮宗長老以及他們的家人見了面。
  2. 開第牧師向IT,管理,音像,敬拜事工的同工們表示感謝,謝謝他們修好了大堂的LCD 投影儀。
  3. 華語敬拜事工的帶領同工將在7月19日開會,討論151樓竣工後的教室分配。感謝英文部體諒大局,把周五晚上的活動遷入151樓。
  4. 受洗前的面談將安排在7月26日。
  5. Angie Piau 將被南區聘用為兼職青少年牧師,不再接受實習生支持。
  6. 輔助教會事工和職場事工的同工由新成立的社區外展委員會管理。
  7. Hopi 和Lynn的短宣隊已經平安返回。請為近期的紐約短宣隊和走訪孤兒院進行禱告。
  8. 開第牧師向教堂擴建團隊表達對151樓附近停車區域的需求,尤其是當Philly 課程搬到151樓以後的停車需求。
  9. 開第牧師將會在兩個退修會上講道,一個在華人福音教會(波特蘭)的勞工節週末,另一個在信望愛華人教會(費城)的感恩節週末。
  10. 上次教會理事會會議上的聯合牧師報告得到與會者的好評。一個執事覺得,如果牧師們能自己寫下更詳細的日常記錄,則依然有助於他們今後的回顧和自我評估。
  11. 開第牧師6月出席了匹茲堡華人教會的50週年慶。
  1. 長老團的分享 (陳利欽長老)
  1. 長老團評估了網站事工,討論了網站團隊的歷史和憲章,以及網站項目的現狀和未來需求。許多執事讚揚了網站團隊的辛苦工作,讚揚他們為建立和維護新網站提出的各種富有創意的方案。有人指出,事工領導和網站團隊之間就用戶需求的溝通可以進一步改善。長老團在未來的會議上將會繼續討論這事。
  2. 長老團討論了南區成員憲章的新近提案。
  3. 長老團討論了慈善基金委員會可能的成員任命,以取代現在的主席移交。
  4. 長老團批准了職業(輔助教會)基督教事工政策。
  5. 利欽長老鼓勵所有教會委員會成員為使10月教會周年慶典在全教會更有果效而出謀劃策。
  6. 更多的細節,請參看7月的長老團會議記錄。
  1. 財務報告 (王繼勇)


奉獻 (6月)

支出 (6月)




























  1. CBE 教堂擴建總計奉獻自12/1/2012以來的總額: $941,631.99。
  2. 截止2015財年末, 我們的總支出是年度總預算的97.3%, 總奉獻達到年度總預算的的113% (財年止於6月30日)。注意這些數字是初步的,因為2015財年的花費還未全部提交。
  3. 依據過去的財年通過的決議,常費的盈餘在補充常費備用金和基本資金之前,將先被用來先償還南城物業貸款。由於有許多預期外的支出,南區的常費結餘沒有初期預想的那麼多,但執事會成員們對物業貸款的償還計劃充滿信心。
  1. 雜項(吳海國)
  1. 所有低於5000的資本金需求能由管理委員會獨立批准。海國強調基本資金需求必須是可以折舊的資產。
  2. 在10月的會員大會上,執事Chris和海國執事可能被再次提名為執事。一旦出現這種情形,需要有其他人來監督選票的蒐集與計數,以避免利益衝突。新文執事將幫助城南校園;中義執事將幫助城區外展校園的事工;子剛執事將幫助Lexington的校園。
  1. 產物管理委員會報告 (張建)
  1. 物業項目
  1. 產物管理委員會2016財年的資本預算提案是大約100K,包括以下項目:
  1. 主建築地下室HVAC 項目已經接近完成,但管道系統由於材料晚到的原因,暫時沒有完工。
  2. 廚房正在從丙烷氣改造成天然氣。
  3. 教堂後面從辦公室到主樓的人行道將在2016財年一季度重鋪。
  4. 在2016財年二季度,環繞主樓的排水溝將被修整,以更好地排水。目前有水漏到地下室房間。
  5. 在2016財年二季度,敬拜大堂的暖氣將從電取暖改用燃氣。
  1. 交通標誌已經被安放在新的高坡停車場,以引導車流。新停車區中部的兩排停車位已改為一排,以留出足夠的移車空間。
  1. 物業維護
  1. 副堂的地板已經清潔和打蠟。
  2. 大堂頂部的風扇已經清潔過了。
  3. 大堂的投影機已被修復。
  4. 教堂二樓的地毯清潔過了。
  5. 一樓的打印機供電已經重新走線,以避免跳閘。
  6. 接下來的幾個月,會僱人維修一樓入口處的人行道和台階。
  1. 物業管理
  1. 半年的HVAC維護已經完工。
  2. 電梯的季度維護已經完工。
  3. 為151樓:
  1. 訂購了衛生飲水機
  2. 訂購了門鎖和鑰匙
  3. 通知了National Grid 接天然氣管線
  4. 通知了EverSource 開始供電
  5. 安排園林綠化
  6. 選購廚房設備
  7. 注意:暫時沒有天然氣管線通到廚房,廚房爐灶的排風管口徑未知
  1. 張建執事提議從資本金支出8000元購買151樓的桌椅,新文執事贊同。議案無異議通過。
  1. 教會異象討論 (利欽長老)
  1. 長老會多年來打算為教會挑選一個異象。就章程而言,為教會尋找異像是長老會的職責,所以進程一直是由長老會作為一個集體而非個人來帶領。
  2. 長老團試著通過推動整個教會通過禱告來需求異象,包括每月的長老會禱告會,牧師禱告會,2014年6月教會委員會退修會,主日信息,會眾禱告會,教會年度會議,簡報以及反饋和意見徵詢。
  3. 在異象尋求中,一個確定的關鍵挑戰是門徒訓練。
  4. 長老團在2015年1月為異象製作了一個初稿,其後受到來自牧師們和事工領導們提供的反饋和修改意見,並作修改。
  5. 一些執事認為一個異象的表述定義了一個目標或希望的未來狀態,而一個使命的陳述則描述了朝向異象發展的途徑。
  6. 計劃由教會委員會在其8月的退修會上討論異象的表述,而且試著通過一個明確的使命表述,使教會進一步專注此事。
  1. 嘉文執事作結束禱告,海國執事在1:03分宣布休會。