Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

August 15, 2015


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Pastor Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Joshua Chang, Chun-Yi Hu, Lance Pan, Beata Shih, Ji-Yong Wang (Treasurer), Xin-Wen Wang, Jimin Xiong, Jian Zhang, Shanchuan Zhao
  2. Invitees: BoE members: Elder David Ho
  3. Absentees: Phil Sailer, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon)

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:04 am
  2. Deacon Chris opened in prayer.
  3. Deacon Chris and the rest of the deacons introduced themselves and welcomed Shanchuan Zhao to the Board of Deacons.  Shanchuan was appointed by the Board of Elders to finish the term begun by Lawrence Gan who resigned in February.
  4. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder David Ho)
  1. BoE recommended Shanchuan Zhao to the BoD to replace Lawrence Gan.  Shanchuan Zhao will also be the chairperson of the community outreach committee.  (Elder David will serve in an advisory role)
  2. BoE has also approved the committee members of Metrosouth.
  3. BoE has approved for EM to have its own unique brand name, website, and domain name for many reasons, including better targeted demographic outreach.
  4. For more details, please refer to the August 2015 Board of Elders meeting minutes.
  1. Senior Pastor Sharing and Update (Pastor Caleb Chang)
  1. Small group leadership training has been completed.  Four to five small groups may start to meet in their own homes.  Continue to pray for this effort in disciple making.
  2. Pastoral staff are providing small groups with Bible study resources that parallel Sunday sermons.  
  3. Baptismal examiner workshop and examinations are going well.  Aim to multiply qualified examiners.  Future interviews / examinations may be start to be scheduled Friday nights as well.  
  4. Pastor Jennifer Lin has been ordained.
  5. Fall Mandarin Gospel Meeting is within 40 days.  We will potentially have the conference live streamed to City Outreach Ministry @ Ruggles Baptist Church.
  6. The music committee has been looking for a new Chinese ministry choir director after the previous director stepped down.
  7. The NYC short term missions team has safely arrived.
  8. The Asia short term team has also arrived with Pastor David and Millie.
  9. The Ministry Matrix and the church annual calendar will be developed by the pastoral staff and edited by BoE and BoD.  It is due to be completed before the beginning of the next year.
  10. There is desire to discuss follow-up from the church council retreat, as well as determine tangible and measurable strategic goals.
  11. Pastor Caleb will preach at two upcoming retreats: Chinese Gospel Church (Portland) during Labor Day weekend and Faith Hope Love Chinese Church (Philadelphia) during Thanksgiving weekend.
  12. The sanctuary LCD projector has failed again.  We need a quick solution to fix this.
  1. Financial Report (Ji-Yong Wang)
  1. Deacon Ji-yong reported on the church’s current financial situation.  Unfortunately, as of the church council meeting, the financial data from July had not yet been finalized.
  2. The BoD expressed confidence in the Metro-south loan repayment plan despite Metro-south finances falling short this past fiscal year due to unexpected property related expenses.
  3. The BoD also briefly discussed City Outreach Ministry building needs.
  1. Stewardship report (Jian Zhang)
  1. Property Projects
  1. Basement HVAC project - some ductwork still needs to be done.  Projected to be completed by this coming Monday, but still requires inspection.
  2. New play area (field) being developed beyond the new elevated parking lot location behind the church.  Many noted the importance to properly plan access to this area to ensure pedestrian safety.
  3. The BoD spent time discussing the need for better communication and coordination between individual projects and ministries with the Board of Deacons to ensure that church-wide ministry needs and requirements are captured and addressed as best as possible.
  4. The BoD discussed inviting the church building expansion team to come share at a future meeting to help facilitate communication regarding the planning and maintenance of church property (present and future).
  5. The church inventory database is currently kept in a Google Drive spreadsheet.  It was proposed that the finance committee has to control the database to make this as effective of a process as possible.  The finance committee is not interested in the number of items, but more interested in properly tracking asset depreciation.
  6. Kitchen propane-to-gas conversion project is at the last step.  All the equipment has been transitioned, but there are a couple problems to be fixed.
  7. Stewardship needs to inform the finance committee when capital projects are complete so that the finance committee can properly depreciate capital assets.
  8. A detailed report on potential main Building drainage solutions (to prevent water leaking into the first floor and basement) was presented.
  9. The sanctuary HVAC system is near end of life, is very costly, and has thermostat problem.  Stewardship is exploring potential bids to replace with a new HVAC system.
  1. Property Maintenance
  1. Purchased furniture and kitchen appliances for 151 Spring Street.
  2. The sanctuary rear screen was stabilized with magnets.
  3. The Philly ministry parking lot signs were moved back to create more parking space.
  4. Wasp nest near first floor driveway entrance was removed.
  1. Property Management
  1. Coordinated church upper parking lot landscaping.
  2. Arranged fire alarm resetting service.
  3. Purchased new church insurance policy.
  4. Informed church member not to park in neighbor’s parking lot.
  5. Bought new van key safe for 151 Spring Street.
  6. Made final payment for the 151 Spring Street project as gas connection work was completed.
  7. Add fire alarm and monitoring service for 151 Spring Street in compliance with Town Fire Department
  8. Gave 151 Spring Street garage door code to the van ministry
  1. Projector Discussion
  1. Short term solution is to quickly replace the projector bulb which is currently at 2966 hours.  We’ll continue to think about alternative solutions (e.g. short-throw projector at the front, truss to bring down the projector).
  1. Deacon Shanchuan closed in prayer and Deacon Chris adjourned the meeting at 11:50am.


  1. 出席:
  1. 與會者:  章開第牧師(主任牧師), 鄭嘉文(秘書), 張子剛,  胡中義,  潘瀾,  尹思瑩,  王繼勇(司庫),  汪新文,  熊繼敏,  張建,  趙山川
  2. 受邀者: 長老團成員:  何明治長老
  3. 缺席:Phil Sailer,  吳海國(執事會主席)

  1. 會址:  教堂辦公樓會議室.

  1. 會議議程及紀錄
  1. 會議從上午9:04開始
  2. 鄭嘉文執事開場禱告.
  3. 鄭嘉文執事和其他執事做了自我介紹,並歡迎趙山川加入執事會。趙山川長老團委派, 替補甘良生今年二月辭職後的空缺.
  4. 長老團分享(何明治長老)
  1. 長老團建議趙山川進入執事會代甘良生的位置。趙山川也將成為社區外展委員會主席。 (何明治長老將會以顧問的身份來協調工作)
  2. 長老團同時批准了南區委員會成員名單.
  3. 長老團已經批准:由於多種原因,英語部事工可以擁有他們自己獨特的品名,網站和域名,包括更好的推廣人群目標.
  4. 詳情請參20158月長老團會議紀要.
  1. 主任牧師的分享與更新(章開第牧師) 
  1. 小組領袖培訓已經完成。四,五個小團契可能會開始在家中聚會。繼續為門徒造就這項工作禱告。
  2. 教牧同工提供小組聖經研讀資源,可與週日講道同步進行
  3. 洗禮面試研討會和麵談進展順利,目標是倍增合格的面試者.今後的面試和考核可以在週五晚上就開始安排.
  4. 林珍妮牧師已按牧.
  5. 華語部秋季佈道會將在40天內舉行。我們將有可能實況轉播.
  6. 自從前任華語部事工詩班指揮卸任後,音樂委員會一直在尋找一個新的華語部詩班指揮.
  7. 紐約市短宣隊已經安全抵達.
  8. 亞洲短宣隊已經和吳經權牧師,米莉一起回來了.
  9. 事工服事表和教會年曆將由教牧同工製定並由長老團和執事會編輯。這項任務將在明年開年之前完成.
  10. 希望討論一下由牧長執聯退修會提交的議題,諸如確定具體的,可衡量的戰略目標.
  11. 章開第牧師在將有兩次退修會的講道:一次在是勞工節週末的波特蘭華人福音教會,另一次在是感恩節期間的費城信望愛華人教會.
  12. 正堂的LCD投影機再次出故障。我們需要拿出一個盡快解決這個問題的方案.

  1. 財務報告(王繼勇)
  1. 王繼勇執事匯報了教會目前的財務狀況。遺憾的是,在教牧長執聯會會議之際,自7月份以來的財務數據尚未最終確定整理出來
  2. 執事表示對南區植堂貸款的還款計劃有信心,儘管南區的財務狀況因意外物業相關開銷而在過去的財年裡出現短缺狀況
  3. 執事還簡要討論了城區事工房間的需要.
  1. 理事會報告(張健)
  1. 物業項目
  1. 地下室暖通工程 - 一些管道仍然需要工作量。預計將由下星期一完成,但仍需要檢驗
  2. 在教堂後面新高架停車場的遠處, 新的遊樂區(場)正在開發。正確規劃進入這一地區,以確保行人安全的重要性得到許多人的重視.
  3. 執事花時間討論如何更好地溝通個別項目和事工與執事會之間的需要,以確保盡可能捕獲並處理教會事工廣泛的需求和要求.
  4. 執事討論了在今後的會議中邀請教堂建築擴展隊前來參與,以幫助促進有關規劃和維護教會財產(現在和將來)的事宜.
  5. 教會清單數據庫目前保存在谷歌驅動器電子表格。有人建議,財政委員會必須控制數據庫,以使這一過程的有效方法成為可能。財務委員會對資產折舊項目數不感興趣,但對適當跟踪資產折舊有更多的興趣.
  6. 廚房丙烷到煤氣的轉化項目到了最後步驟。所有設備已轉換,但還有幾個問題需要解決.
  7. 當資本項目完成後理事會需要通知財務委員會,以使財政委員會能夠正常折舊固定資產.
  8. 主樓排水的可能性解決方案(以防止水滲漏到一樓和地下室)的詳細報告已提交.
  9. 正堂HVAC系統已快要壽終正寢了,更換的代價是高昂的,並伴隨溫控器的問題。理事會正在探索潛在的解決方案投標,以更換新的空調系統.
  1. 物業維修
  1. 為坐落在古泉街151上教會購買家具和廚房器具
  2. 正堂後投影儀的屏幕已用磁鐵固定住了.
  3. 特殊兒童事工部的停車場標誌已經後從而的停車空間.
  4. 除去了一樓車道入口附近的蜂巢.
  1. 物業管理
  1. 協調安排了教堂上停車場的綠化
  2. 安排了火警位服務
  3. 購買了新的教會的保險計劃.
  4. 告知了教會成員不要在鄰居的停車場停放車輛.
  5. 新購買了古泉151的車鑰安全.
  6. 當古泉街151項目為燃氣接口工作完成時,最後一筆款項付款到位.
  7. 添加火警與監控服務,使古泉151符合城鎮消防局要求
  8. 151古泉街車庫門代碼給了交通組事工部
  1. 投影機討論


  1. 趙山川執事做結束禱告。鄭嘉文執事於11點50分宣布休會。