Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

October 17, 2015


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Pastor Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Joshua Chang, Chun-Yi Hu, Lance Pan, Phil Sailer, Beata Shih, Ji-Yong Wang (Treasurer), Xin-Wen Wang, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jimin Xiong, Jian Zhang, Shanchuan Zhao
  2. Invitees: BoE members: Yuguang He
  3. Absentees: None

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:06 am.  Deacon Haiguo Wu opened in prayer.
  2. Senior Pastor Sharing and Update (Pastor Caleb Chang)
  1. English Ministry Pastoral Search Committee has been formed with six members: Pastor Caleb Chang, Elders Yuguang He and Terry Yang, and former deacons Loren Shih, Bryan Che, and Emily Cheng.  Human Resource Committee members Edwin Tam and WeiJing Chia are assisting.  The process will be similar to previous searches and hope to post the job description soon.  Prayers are encouraged.
  2. Praise the Lord that we have received the occupancy permit for 151, which is now complete.
  3. The HVAC replacement project contract is being signed with the company that installed the 151 HVAC system for $81,000.  Completion expected before end of the year.
  4. The 2016 church calendar has been edited by pastors and be turned over to the church council soon.
  5. Minister Steven Bowman’s ordination will be tomorrow (10/18) at 2:00pm.
  6. Thirty people expressed interest in receiving Christ at the Fall Mandarin Gospel Meeting, with substitute speaker Peter Wu.  Evangelism Explosion is following up.  The video was streamed live to MIT and to Ruggles this meeting; the experience at MIT was better, while the Ruggles experience needs to improve.
  7. English Ministry retreat went well with speaker Aaron Chan.  The Pilgrim Pines camp was good.
  8. The third pastoral family retreat in Maine was brief and warm, with perfect weather.
  9. The City Outreach Ministry Fall Gospel Camp is approaching; this weekend is the last weekend for registration.  Please pray for seekers to attend.
  10. Missions and Social Concern conference is also approaching (November 13-15).
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder Yuguang He)
  1. The Board of Elders has delegated the drafting of a website/IT ministry committee charter to the Board of Deacons.  Please pray for effectiveness and church unity during this process.
  1. There is a recognition that due to different cultural backgrounds, there are different expectations or needs from the website from each of the individual ministries.
  1. A revision to the Social Concerns Ministry charter has been approved.
  2. The Board of Elders has asked the pastoral staff to review the church’s marriage policy and revise if necessary.
  3. There is a need for administrative staff to support the English-speaking pastors.  Currently, the pastoral staff is taking care of this themselves.
  4. Elder David Ho has volunteered to be the first coordinator of the suburban campus/student ministry under the Community Outreach Committee.
  5. Annual meeting is tomorrow.
  6. For more details, please refer to the October Board of Elders minutes.
  1. Financial Report (Ji-Yong Wang)


Offering (Sept)

Expense (Sept)

Total (Sept)

Cumulative Balance































  1. CBE total donations since 12/1/2012: $988,261.95
  2. For the General Fund, up to September 30, our total expenses are 23.0%, and our total offering is at 20.7% of the total annual budget.
  3. About $32,000 of the general fund deficit is due to an Eversource charge for electricity from last fiscal year (an annual charge for electricity consumed beyond what was paid for through fixed monthly payments).
  4. While the CBE project fund is in the red, there is another restricted church building expansion fund that has $394,645.38 that can be used by CBE.  These two funds will be combined together once the CBE total donation reaches the $1 million goal.
  5. Deacon Ji-Yong noted that he will be stepping down from the Board of Deacons at the end of this year and there is a need for a new church treasurer next calendar year.
  1. Stewardship report (Jian Zhang)
  1. Property Projects
  1. The main building basement HVAC project is complete.
  1. It was suggested to block off access to the furnace under the stairs for safety and/or cosmetic reasons.
  1. Kitchen propane to gas conversion is complete.
  2. Church office basement tile floor has been replaced.
  3. Church office basement boiler railing is complete.
  4. For 151:
  1. The initial audio/visual plan is to purchase
  1. Two televisions and a projector for the large community room
  2. A television and a projector for two of the larger classrooms.
  3. Whiteboards for each classroom.
  1. Chairs and appliances have also been purchased for 151.
  2. The garage can hold four vans.  Stripes have been drawn on the floor to help guide van parking since the space is narrow.  A safe has also been installed in the garage to hold van keys.
  1. We received two quotes for a new sanctuary HVAC system and will soon sign a contract with Better Comfort Systems, Inc. to install a high efficiency system with variable frequency drive motor for $81,000.
  1. Property Maintenance
  1. The main building basement walls have been repainted thanks to the Ping Pong fellowship group.
  2. The parking lot has been restriped.
  3. Parking dividers were created for the upper-level parking using concrete blocks, PVC pipes, and yellow warning tape.
  4. The church has purchased a new riding lawn mower.
  5. We signed a contract with Waltham Pest Control to try to eliminate mice from the church office, carriage house, and main church building.
  6. Some repairs were made to portions of the main building first floor walls.
  7. The main entrance walkway has been paved with bricks.
  8. The main building stairway landing was cleaned.
  9. The main building second and third floor tile was stripped and waxed.
  1. Property Management
  1. Assisted RCN technician to do underground work survey and obtained quote from RCN for burying our aerial line underground, which was deemed unnecessary at this time.
  2. Got quote for adding 2nd water meter for 151 (aka the Conjunction house)
  3. Passed annual fire alarm and smoke detector inspections.
  4. Passed quarterly elevator inspection.
  5. Assisted music committee with piano delivery.
  6. Contacted roof contractor to check roof leaking.
  7. Contacted HVAC contractor for water drops from the ceilings in the sanctuary.
  8. Ordered LED projector lamp from Amazon for Pastor Jennifer Lin.
  9. Cleaned up first floor storage room for Sunday School to store recording tapes.
  1. Miscellaneous
  1. IT/web committee charter preparation (Haiguo Wu and Joshua Chang)
  1. The Board of Elders has decided to establish an IT/web committee and has asked the Board of Deacons to create a charter for this new committee (subject to Board of Elders approval)
  2. The reason for establishing a formal committee is to enable continuity over time and to create a larger group of co-workers who can handle IT related issues.  The goal is to create a committee comprised of both members from CM and EM with the responsibility of taking care of the technological needs of the church.  The main question is defining what areas should be managed by the IT/web committee.
  3. It was proposed to define IT as network infrastructure and any device or system that will interact with the network.
  4. Deacon Joshua will create an initial draft for the charter and present to the Board of Deacons for feedback.
  1. Network for 151 (Joshua Chang)
  1. There is a conduit between the church office building and 151 that can be used to bridge the network between the two buildings.  However, there is exploration currently underway regarding our ISP.  Currently, RCN is providing the church office building with Internet.  However, it looks like Verizon FIOS will be able to give us three times our current bandwidth for cheaper than what we are currently paying RCN via the 151 building and provide an underground connection to our church.
  1. Deacon Joshua closed in prayer and Deacon Haiguo adjourned the meeting at 12:07pm.
  2. Addendum
  1. In October via electronic ballot, Deacon Jimin Xiong motioned to approve $7,500.00 from the capital fund for the project "A/V Equipment for 151 Building – Part 1".  Deacon Jian Zhang seconded.  The motion passed.


October 17, 2015

  1. 出席者:
  1. 出席: 章開第牧師(主任牧師),  鄭嘉文(秘書), 張子剛,胡中義, 潘瀾 , Philip Sailer, 尹思瑩,王繼勇 (財務), 汪新文, 吳海國(執事會主席),熊繼敏, 張建, 趙山川
  1. 受邀: 長老團成員: 
  1. 缺席: 無

  1. 地點: 教會辦公樓會議室.

  1. 會議議程及記錄
  1. 早上9:06開始。吳海國執事開始禱告。
  2. 主任牧師分享
  1. 英文堂聘牧委員會已成立, 共六個成員:章開第牧師長老和楊德禮長老,和前任執事Loren Shih, 車文建, and 劉安玲。人力資源委員會成員談秉遜和蔡慧瑾協助。這個過程將類似於以前的聘牧過程,希望很快能公布職位敘述。鼓勵大家多為此禱告。
  2. 讚美主,我們已經收到了151 使用許可證.
  3. 暖通空調更換項目與安裝了151 暖通空調系統的公司完成了合同簽字。預期在今年年底前完成。
  4. 2016年教會年曆已由牧師們編輯,很快會移交給聯席會。
  5. 鮑斯文傳導的按牧典禮明天(10/18) 下午2:00點
  6. 在秋季華語福音聚會中,由吳正群帶領,三十人表示願意接受基督。福音工作正在跟進。視頻被同步傳播到麻省理工學院和Ruggles教堂;在麻省理工學院的效果好些,Ruggles教堂的效果需要有改善。
  7. 英語堂的退修會由講員Aaron Chan帶領,進行良好。營地Pilgrim Pines camp很好。
  8. 第三次牧師家庭退修會在緬因州舉行,短暫而溫暖,完美的天氣。
  9. 城區事工秋季福音營很快到來;本週末是最後一個週末可以登記。請禱告慕道者參加。
  10. 差傳和社會關懷年會很快到來(十一月13-15)。
  1. 長老分享(何煜光長老)
  1. 長老團已授權執事會起草網站/ IT委員會的章程。請為在此過程中的有效性和教會的合一來禱告。
  1. 存在一種共同認識,由於不同的文化背景,各委員會的網站有不同的期望和需求。
  1. 社會關懷事工章程的修訂已通過。
  2. 長老團已請求牧師們審查教會的婚姻政策,並在必要時修改。
  3. 英文部牧師需要行政同工協助,現在他們自己管自己。
  4. 何明治長老自願當第一任社區擴展委員會下的郊區校園/學生事工的召集人。
  5. 明天召開教會年會。
  6. 更詳細內容, 請見十月的長老團會議記錄。
  1. 財務報告(王繼勇)


奉獻 (九月)


































  1. 教堂擴建總奉獻, 自12/1/2012: $988,261.95 
  2. 經常費, 至九月30為止,總開支是年度預算的23.0%,,總奉獻是年度預算的20.7%.
  3. 大約$ 32,000的經常費赤字 主要歸結於上一財務年Eversource用電收費(年度收費是交付耗電量超出了每月固定支付的部分) 。
  4. 現在教堂擴建經費是赤字,有另一個$394,645.38的有限制的教堂擴建資金 可以用於教堂擴建。 這兩個資金在教堂擴建總奉獻達到一百萬目標時,將會合併。
  5. 王繼勇執事將在今年年末會退出執事會。明年需要一名新的教會財務。

  1. 資產報告(張健)
  1. 房屋工程
  1. 主樓地下室空調已完工
  1. 出於安全和美觀的角度,建議把樓梯下方的鍋爐擋起來。
  1. 廚房改用煤氣工程已經結束
  2. 辦公室地下室地磚鋪設工程已經完工
  3. 位於辦公室地下室的熱水器,新安裝了保護欄桿
  4. 有關151樓事項
  1. 音像設備購買事宜
  1. 大會議室將配置兩台電視機和一台投影儀
  2. 兩個大教室其中一個配置電視機,另一個裝投影儀
  3. 每一個教室將安裝一塊可擦寫白板
  1. 151所需桌椅和廚房用具已經購買
  2. 車庫可停放四輛教會用車,停車線已畫好。用於存放車鑰匙的保險箱也已安裝好。
  1. 我們共收到兩份有關更換大堂冷暖空調的報價,經過比較,我們將會和Better Comfort Systems公司簽訂合同,安裝高效變頻馬達,總價 $81,000。
  1. 財產維護
  1. 主樓地下室牆壁已重新粉刷過,感謝乒乓球隊團契
  2. 主停車場已重新劃線
  3. 山坡上的停車場採用水泥塊,塑料管和黄色膠带把停車位分隔開來
  4. 教會新購買了一台可騎乘的割草機
  5. 教會和Waltham的 Pest Control 新簽了合約,讓他們滅鼠(辦公室,馬房和教會主樓)
  6. 位於主樓一樓的部分損壞牆壁已經修復。
  7. 用磚頭新鋪設了主樓大門入口
  8. 清理主樓樓梯口
  9. 主樓二樓和三樓的地磚重新劃線,打蠟
  1. 房產管理
  1. 協助RCN技術人員完成了有關地下工作的評估,收到把明線通過地下管線的報價,並確定暫時不需要
  2. 在151 樓安裝第二個水錶的報價已經收到
  3. 火警和煙霧警報器年檢已通過
  4. 電梯季度檢查已通過
  5. 協助音樂委員會搬運鋼琴
  6. 和維修公司交涉有關屋頂漏水問題
  7. 和空調公司交涉有大堂滴水問題
  8. 為林珍妮牧師從亞馬森網站購買了投影儀燈泡
  9. 打掃和清理一樓的儲物間,用於存放週日學校錄製的磁帶
  1. 其他事項
  1. 信息技術及網站委員會工作章程(吳海國和張子剛)
  1. 長老會決定成立信息技術及網站委員會,並要求執事會起草一份委員會工作章程(有待長老會批准)
  2. 成立該委員會的目的是為了其可持續性以及有更多的同工能參與其中處理與信息技術有關的事宜。該委員會將由華語部事工和英語部事工組成,負責和滿足教會對信息技術的需求。目前最主要的問題是該委員會應該具體負責教會的哪些領域。
  3. 過去有過提案,建議將信息技術定義為網路以及與網路連接的相關設備與系統.
  4. 子剛執事將起草一份該委員會工作章程並提交執事會徵求意見。
  1. 151網路系統(張子剛)
  1. 在教會辦公樓和151之間有一根管道可用於網路走線。目前線路勘查正在進行中。RCN現在是我們的互聯網服務提供商。但VERIZON FIOS可提供151樓三倍於RCN的網速,然後通過地下走線與教會其他建築連接,而且價錢更便宜。
  1. 子剛執事最後作結束禱告,海國執事與12點07分宣布會議結束。
  2. 附加說明
  1. 十月份通過電子投票形式,熊繼敏執事提議批准從教會基金中提撥$7,500用於151樓音像設備(第一部分) 的提案,張健執事附議。該提案已經通過。