Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

November 21, 2015


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Pastor Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Chun-Yi Hu, Lance Pan (Acting Secretary), Phil Sailer, Ji-Yong Wang (Treasurer), Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jian Zhang
  2. Invitees: BoE members: K.C. Chu; Deacon Elect: Tuanfeng Zhang
  3. Absentees:  Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Joshua Chang, Beata Shih, Xin-Wen Wang,  Jimin Xiong, Shanchuan Zhao

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:07 am.  Deacon Haiguo Wu opened in prayer.
  2. Senior Pastor Sharing and Update (Pastor Caleb Chang)
  1. English Ministry Pastoral Search: The job description is done and communication is on-going. Posting is on a “critical path.”
  2. Regarding the church’s vision on discipleship training, disciples should be trustworthy and learn to trust God and others
  3. Sanctuary HVAC project has started with natural gas plumbing scheduled.
  4. Praise the Lord for a great Mission & Social concern conference. The important task for the two committees is the follow-up; Debriefing of the conference is forthcoming.
  5. During the Thanksgiving season, embrace the spirit with members, families and friends
  6. Getting ready for 12/13 baptism, 12/20 Christmas Sunday service, 12/24 Christmas Eve service; 12/27 and 1/03 joint services (no second service on both)
  7. 151 has been completed and the $1 million CBE fundraising target will soon be reached.  The church leadership needs to determine the next steps.  Some highlighted considerations and questions:
  1. The original justification/objective for the $6 million 3-phase project.
  2. The intent of the initial $1 million target pledge.
  3. Whether the total budget is realistic
  4. Democratic decision making process
  5. Seeking God’s divine intervention
  6. How the facility will help us achieve the “2X by 2020” goal and fit in the city-wide plan with our partner churches
  7. Priority between the educational wing versus the multi-function building  
  8. Signs of lack of momentum with the initial $1 million raised
  9. Any alternative options to achieve our goal
  10. Hope for opportunities to pray at the church council December retreat and at year-end Concert of Prayer
  1. Attention on the Overseas Returnees Ministry - with around 70%+ of Christians returning to China leaving the church, could this be our missions objective?
  2. Should we be concerned with recent member offerings shortfall?
  3. A thanksgiving for a special donation to CBCGB
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder Ke-chieh Chu)
  1. Friendship Association of Returnees sharing - There were 364,000 returnees to China last year, 10% of which were Christians.  About 75% of them became “casualties”, meaning no regular church lives and not letting people know that they are Christians. The association’s vision is to help these returnees find churches, overcome their difficulties, and come back to church lives
  2. Chinese worship committee charter - Discussed the draft prepared by Deacon Lance. The current CM committee structure was formed over a decade ago after the departure of the senior pastor, but was never formalized with a written charter. After CM worship ministry’s review last August, the BoE recognized the need to formalize the committee. Lance will re-submit new charter document based on the feedback from the BoE.
  3. Reviewed committee chairs up for reappointment.
  4. CBE project review - Brought up all possibilities and challenges for phase II and III construction. Discussed pros and cons of three funding options: issuing a church bond, another round of funding raising from members, and interest-free member loans. The multi-function (MF) facility may have more congregational support, as EM, Youth and Children’s ministries all have need. CBE will be a topic of the next CC retreat.
  1. Pastor Caleb mentioned that CM worship is close to capacity in the sanctuary and chapel overflow. The MF facility can be used as worship overflow among other functions
  2. The stewardship committee has put the drainage project around the sanctuary on hold until further notice as it would be destroyed should construction move forward  
  1. For more information, please refer to the November Board of Elders minutes.
  1. EM Branding Team (EMBT) Update (Phil Sailer)
  1. Intention  - Establish early awareness of EMBT progress.
  2. Objectives - Present the EMBT team, progress, process, status and next steps.
  3. Team - The 16-person EMBT team is lead by EM leadership Core (EMLC) headed by Brian Che and facilitated by Phil. The team met twice and stayed in contact via email.
  4. Progress - BoE approved that EM would create a unique branding and naming .
  5. Process is created by EMBT and approved by EMLC (Nov 8).
  6. Guiding Principle - Share criteria with EM.  Receive early input from EM; provide regular updates to EM and BoE; provide an avenue for regular communication with EMBT
  7. EM branding process is expected to narrow down to 2+ names.  EMBT will select 1 name for EM to confirm, and then present it to BoE.
  8. Current Status - EMBT is finishing up with naming criteria. Will kick off EM naming feedback during worship services on 12/06 and 12/15. The next EMBT meeting is scheduled in Mid-January. The whole naming process is expected to conclude in 3-6 months.
  9. EMBT will provide updates to the Church Council at monthly board and/or council meetings.  
  10. Please pray for the team and EM .
  1. Financial Report (Ji-Yong Wang)


Offering (Sept)

Expense (Sept)

Total (Oct)

Cumulative Balance































  1. General Fund budget summary - up to October 31, total expense is $545,782 (30.9% of total annual budget), and total offering is $479,747 (27.1% of budget). The cumulative balance for General Fund is -$66,036.
  2. This is the third month (out of four) in this fiscal year with a deficit in the General Fund. The September deficit was attributed to a $32,415 electricity payment for the 2014-2015 fiscal year (otherwise the September deficit was only $8,300). Is this something to be concerned with? Please keep our financial needs in your prayers.
  3. CBE total donations since 12/1/2012: $998.971.95, $1,028.05 short of reaching the $1 million goal.
  4. While the CBE project fund is in the red, there is another restricted church building expansion fund that has $394,645.38 that can be used by CBE.  These two funds will be combined together once the CBE total donation reaches the $1 million goal.
  5. The board discussed possible causes for the reduced offerings and ruled out the obvious possible causes based on available data. The board asks the congregation to keep track of this development in the Sunday bulletin
  6. The financial committee asks the congregation to write one offering check per month to minimize bank fees. Special donation items can be noted in the memo field.
  1. Stewardship report (Jian Zhang)
  1. Property Projects
  1. New Sanctuary HVAC project started on 11/18, expected to be complete by 12/15.
  2. 151 HVAC wifi is now connected to the network.
  3. Carriage House parking expansion plan
  1. Expand the number of parking spaces from 13 to 19
  2. Build a new concrete retaining behind current curbline
  3. Add new concrete drywall by stairways to help drainage
  4. Build a wooden walkway behind the office.
  5. The project is planned for next spring.
  1. 151 has four fan openings that will need enclosure in the winter.
  1. Property Maintenance
  1. The cracked pavement and stairway steps at the main entrance have been repaired
  2. Improved main building gutter situation. Cleaned leaves in the gutter and installed a sloped surface drainage PVC pipe. Plans to build a low dam by the back slope to channel water away from the building
  3. Water leak in Room 108 was fixed. The leak was from cracked joint seal at the top of the wall.
  4. Installed three traffic signs (“stop” and “no parking”)
  1. Property Management
  1. Cleaned up and removed weeds and vines
  2. Purchased white boards for 151
  3. Purchased an easel and an easel pad for the youth pastor
  4. Requested insurance quote for 151.
  5. Met with the snow plowing company for the new season (updated pricing due to additional parking spaces plus 151 driveway)
  6. Contacted Chi-way and IT deaon Josh for internet and communication conduit work.
  7. Finalized sanctuary HVAC replacement contract with Better Comfort System.
  1. IT Committee Charter Discussion (Jason Lee)
  1. Currently ministry leaders make decisions on technology purchases and the A/V team makes the purchases.
  2. The rationale of the IT Committee is to centralize purchases, keep track of expenses, avoid duplicate purchases and have backup capabilities. A few examples were given to support better shared use of equipment by different ministries and to ensure technical specifications are met. The Committee also allows CM and EM to work together more effectively
  3. Budgeting will remain with respective ministries. Purchase will go through the IT Committee and back to the respective groups. This requires both sides to work together.
  4. Once approved by the BoE, the decision should be announced to churchwide ministries so purchases can be done centrally
  5. Key AV personnel are invited to be part of the IT committee and help with documentation.
  6. Stewardship already has an inventory control system in place. The charter will help establish a procedure of better management of invoices, receipts and warranty information
  1. 151 Usage and rental policy update (Haiguo)
  1. The garage is ready. There are parking issues. Lock to room 6C accepts the same keys as to the church office. Facilities now accepts room reservations. A/V installation is progressing slowly. Facility rental policy will include 151.  Rental charges may be adjusted lower, but professional service fees (cleaning, snow removal, etc.) will be separately listed.
  1. Deacon Phil closed in prayer and Deacon Haiguo adjourned the meeting at 12:06pm.




  1. 出席者:
  1. 出席: 章開第牧師(主任牧師),  胡中義, 潘瀾 (代理秘書),Philip Sailer,王繼勇 (財務),吳海國(執事會主席),張建
  2. 受邀: 長老團成員: 朱克潔;新當選執事:張團鋒
  3. 缺席鄭嘉文(秘書),張子剛,尹思瑩汪新文,熊繼敏,趙山川

  1. 地點: 教會辦公樓會議室.

  1. 會議議程及記錄
  1. 早上9:07開始,吳海國執事開始禱告。
  2. 主任牧師分享
  1. 英文堂牧師聘任工作:對該職位的要求已經成文,目前處在與各方交流溝通階段。招聘啟事準備工作也處於關鍵時刻。
  2. 關於教會對門徒訓練的看法:門徒應受到信任並且要學會信任上帝和其他門徒。
  3. 教會正堂的冷暖空調已經開始安裝,煤氣接入日期也已經排好。
  4. 讚美主,差傳和社會關懷兩大會議取得極大成功。差傳和社會關懷委員會接下來的重要任務是跟進;會議簡報會很快完成。
  5. 感恩節期間,讓感恩充滿每一位會員,家庭和朋友。
  6. 下列事情的準備工作正在進行中:12月13日新基督徒受洗儀式;12月20日聖誕主日崇拜;12月24日平安夜崇拜;12月27日和1月3日聯合崇拜(這兩天沒有第二堂崇拜)。
  7. 151樓工程已經完成,一百萬美元的教堂擴建籌款目標也快達到。教會管理人員需考慮下列幾點:
  1. 當初決定耗資六百萬美元,分三階段實施的工程的因素和條件是否還適用
  2. 募資百萬美元的用途
  3. 總預算的可行性
  4. 集體做決定的過程
  5. 尋求上帝的神聖介入
  6. 新的活動空間將如何幫助我們達到“2020年翻倍”這一目標以及如何在與兄弟教會合辦的”全市計畫”中定位
  7. 教育園地和多功能大樓之間的優先級別
  8. 最初募款百萬的激情有所降低
  9. 有無其他途徑達到我們的目標
  10. 期望我們在十二月的教牧長執聯會退休會和年末音樂崇拜多多禱告
  1. 關注海歸人員事工-大約有70%以上回到中國的基督徒離開教會,這會是我們一個新的宣教目標嗎?
  2. 最近會員奉獻有些短缺,這是否應該引起我們的注意?
  3. 感謝主,CBCGB最近收到一份特別的捐贈
  1. 長老分享(朱克潔長老)
  1. 海歸聯誼會分享-去年有三十六萬四千海外留學人員(海歸)回到中國,其中10%為基督徒。在這些基督徒中,大約75%有迷失的危險-無正常的教會生活,不願在他人面前承認自己是基督徒。協會的遠景規劃是幫助這些海歸人員找到教會,克服困難,重回教會生活。
  2. 中文崇拜委員會章程-討論由執事潘瀾起草的章程草案。目前中文崇拜委員會組織框架還是十多年前主任牧師離開以後形成的,但從未有過書面形式的章程。經過中文崇拜事工八月份的討論,長老團認為有必要將中文崇拜委員會正式化。潘瀾將根據長老團的反饋,重新起草該章程。
  3. 審議了各委員會主席任期屆滿後的重新委任
  4. 有關教堂擴建情況-列出所有二期和三期工程的可能性以及面臨的挑戰。會議討論了三種籌集資金的優缺點:發行教會債券,在會眾中發起新一輪奉獻活動,以及向會眾借款(無利息)。該多功能建築會贏得會眾的支持,因為英語,青少年和兒童事工都有需要。教堂擴建將會是牧長執聯會退修會的一個主題。
  1. 開第牧師提到正堂和副堂的中文週日崇拜人數已接近飽和,新的多功能建築也可以分流一些中文週日崇拜人流。
  2. 產物管理委員會已經暫停大堂週邊下水道的安裝工作,何時復工,有待通知。因為如果擴建工程如期進行,這些下水道將會被去除。
  1. 如需更多信息,敬請參閱11月份的長老會會議記要。
  1. 英語部事工冠名小組(EMBT)最新消息(Phil Sailer)
  1. 目的-盡早提供冠名小組(EMBT)工作進展情況
  2. 目標-提供有關本小組的情況,以及工作進展,流程,目前狀況和下一步工作
  3. 小組情況-共有16名成員,接受英語部事工核心(EMLC)領導層指導,由Brian Che具體負責,Phil協助。小組已開過兩次會議,平時通過電子郵件保持聯繫。
  4. 工作進展-長老會已同意英語部事工應設計一個具有特殊意義的名稱。
  5. 工作流程已由冠名小組(EMBT)完成並由英語部事工核心(EMLC)領導層11月8日批准。
  6. 指導思想 – 與英語部事工分享冠名要素和條件。接納英語部事工早期提議;定期向英語部事工和長老團提供最新進展;提供與冠名小組(EMBT)正常交流的渠道
  7. 英語部事工冠名過程將把名字縮小到兩個以上,冠名小組會選擇其中之一提交英語部事工,再交予長老會討論
  8. 目前進展情況 - 冠名小組(EMBT)即將完成冠名要素和條件要求。將在12月6日和15日的主日崇拜時討論英語部事工的反饋。小組(EMBT)下一次全體會議定在1月中旬。整個冠名過程大概需要3到6個月的時間。
  9. 冠名小組(EMBT)將會向教牧長執聯會月度例會或其他會議提供最新進展情況  
  10. 請為冠名小組和英語部事工禱告

  1. 財務報告(王繼勇)


奉獻 (十月)


































  1. 經常費 - 至10月31日,總開支$545,782 (年度預算的30.9%), 總奉獻是$479,747 (年度預算的27.1%). 大約有$66,036的經常費赤字.
  2. 這已是本財政年度四個月中第三個月經常費出現赤字。九月份的赤字歸結於上一財政年度(2014-2015)的用電收費( $32,415 ),否則,九月份的赤字應該是$8,300。這應該引起我們的警惕?請繼續為我們的預算問題禱告。
  3. 自2012年12月1日起,教堂擴建總奉獻是 $998,971.95,離一百萬目標還差$1,028.05。
  4. 雖然教堂擴建項目資金尚有缺口,但另有一筆有限制條件的教會主樓擴建基金($394,645.38 )可用於教堂擴建項目。一旦教堂擴建總奉獻達到一百萬的目標,這兩項基金可以合二為一。
  5. 執事會討論了奉獻減少可能的原因,並根據現有資料排除最有可能的原因。執事會希望會眾隨時注意週日簡報。
  6. 教會財務委員會希望會眾每月寫一張奉獻支票以減少銀行收費,特別奉獻可在支票memo處註明。
  1. 資產報告(張健)
  1. 房屋工程
  1. 正堂新空調安裝工作已於1118日開始,預計1215日完工。
  2. 151樓的空調通過無線網已經連到網絡上
  3. 馬房停車場擴建工程
  1. 停車位由13個增加到19
  2. 在目前路肩後面新建水泥加固牆
  3. 沿台階新鋪水泥乾牆以利雨水流出
  4. 在辦公樓後面新鋪木製人行道
  5. 這些工作計畫來年春天開工
  1. 151樓的四台風扇需要在冬天來臨時包起來
  1. 財產維護
  1. 教會大樓正門入口處的裂縫和台階都已修補完畢
  2. 關於教會大樓的屋簷水槽修繕工作,已清理水槽內的樹葉和安裝傾斜式的PVC接水管。將來計劃在水管後面建一堵矮牆,這樣雨水就會遠離建築物。
  3. 108房間漏水問題已經修好。水是從牆的頂端接縫處漏進來的
  4. 新裝了三個交通標誌(“停”和”禁止停車”)
  1. 房產管理
  1. 枯枝落葉已被清理拉走
  2. 151樓新購置了白色書寫板
  3. 給青少年牧師新購置了畫架和畫板
  4. 已向保險公司要求151樓的保險估價
  5. 和鏟雪公司商討冬季鏟雪事宜(因新增停車位和151樓車道,今年的價格會有所變動)
  6. 和Chi-way以及IT執事子剛商討有關網路通訊線路鋪設工作
  7. 最後與Better Comfort System簽訂合同,由他們負責更換正堂空調
  1. IT委員會章程(Jason Lee)
  1. 目前的情況是事工領導做決定,視聽小組成員購買
  2. 成立IT委員會的目的是集中購買所需設備,方便跟踪開銷,避免重複以及提供備用設備的能力。例如各事工之間可設備共享以及確保設備的技術指標滿足我們的需要。該委員會同時要求中文和英文堂事工更加有效地在一起工作。
  3. 預算工作還是和各事工分別做,但是購買將會通過IT委員會再返回各事工。這就要求雙方發揮合作精神。
  4. 這一章程一旦經過長老團批准,需在全教會所有事工中宣布,電子設備需統一購買。
  5. 關鍵視聽工作人員會被邀請加入IT委員會並且幫助建立文檔。
  6. 產物管理部門已建立起一套設備庫存管理系統。新的章程將幫助我們更好的管理賬目,收據和設備保修信息。
  1. 151樓使用和出租規則(更新)(海國)
  1. 車庫已經可以使用,但是停車還有問題。房間6C 的鎖可以用教會辦公樓的鑰匙​​打開。大樓目前已經開始接受房間預訂。視聽設備安裝進展緩慢。教會樓層出租規則將包括151樓。租金可以略降,但相關專業收費(清理,鏟雪等)要單獨列出。
  1. Phil執事最後作結束禱告,海國執事與12點06分宣布會議結束。