Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

January 16, 2016


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Pastor Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Joshua Chang (Acting Secretary), Chun-Yi Hu, Lance Pan (Treasurer), Xin-Wen Wang, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jimin Xiong, Jian Zhang, Tuanfeng Zhang
  2. Invitees: BoE members: David Ho, Ke-Chieh Chu (for the discussion of CBE)
  3. Absentees:  Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Phil Sailer, Beata Shih, Shanchuan Zhao

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:10 am.  Deacon Haiguo Wu opened in prayer.
  2. Brief introduction and sharing
  1. The board discussed BoD procedures and responsibilities.
  2. Deacons were encouraged to think about the future treasurer as Deacon Lance cannot serve after this year.
  1. Senior Pastor Sharing and Update (Pastor Caleb Chang)
  1. Christmas Sunday, Christmas Eve, 12/27, and 1/3 Joint Sunday services went well.
  2. COCM short term missions team member and Urbana conference attendees have returned.
  3. In 2016, both Christmas Day and New Year Day fall on Sunday; There may be different arrangement for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.  There may be less joint services.
  4. Winter retreats
  1. ICF (2/12-14)
  2. Senior High (2/13-15)
  3. Junior High (2/19-21)
  1. English Ministry Pastoral Search progress
  1. Job description is done, posted, and available on website.  The team is working on a scoring system
  2. The search committee has received a few applicants.
  1. The youth pastoral search committee is in formation.  There is hope that the pastoral team can better integrate their ministry through collaboration, leading to desegregation.
  2. Church Building Expansion future development
  1. The team wishes to minimize political decision making and seek divine intervention and unity.
  2. The goal is church growth and prayer is the end.
  3. Permitting process is on-going.
  4. Proposal for a new CBE plan:
  1. Take a holistic, long term approach.  Cheaper is not necessarily better.
  2. Church Council should assume ownership and has a duty to lead.
  3. Enhanced communication through Church Council updates, reports and reviews.  
  4. A failure to plan, is planning to fail: Project management is crucial
  1. Propose a new Church Building Expansion Team framework
  1. Projection Management (Teamwork; Procedure; Time Table)
  2. Prayer, Promotion, and Communication: Pastors, Colin Wu
  3. Design: Thomas Wang, KT Huang, Chiway Hsiung, Shin-Jong Chen
  4. Construction Management
  5. Finance: Fund Raising: Jiyong Wang, Elder Ke-Chieh Chu - Cost estimation & control
  1. Sanctuary HVAC project is done and is gas fueled
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder David Ho)
  1. Elder Ho has been assigned to chair the deacon nomination committee and asked the BoD for candidates.
  2. The BoE has approved two committees (Technology Committee with Joshua Chang as chair, and the Finance Committee with Lance Pan as chair)
  3. Continue to pray for the Church Building Expansion
  4. Upcoming ministry reviews: church office administration, spiritual formation, and English ministry
  5. For more information, please refer to the January Board of Elders minutes.
  1. Financial Report (Lance Pan)


Offering (Dec)

Expense (Dec)

Total (Dec)

Cumulative Balance
















CBE Fund















  1. General Fund budget summary - up to December 31, total expense is $820,567.13 (46.3% of total annual budget), and total offering is $964,210.89 (54.4% of budget).
  2. As was updated in the November report, we reached our $1MM donation goal for the CBE – Project Fund. From Dec. 2012 to Nov. 2015, the total donation to the CBE Project Fund was $1,008,421.95. From Dec. 2015, the two CBE related accounts, CBE – Project Fund and Church Bldg Expansion Fund, were combined and named “CBE Fund”.
  3. Year-end contributions that are received after the end of the year, will not be counted towards calendar year 2015, but will instead be counted towards calendar year 2016.
  1. Technology Committee Introduction (Joshua Chang)
  1. Technology committee will start recruiting members.
  2. Technology purchases need to be signed off by Joshua from any ministry.
  3. If purchase is for a specific ministry alone, that ministry will be responsible for the finances involved.
  4. If purchase is for multiple ministries, the Technology Committee will cover the finances.
  1. Stewardship report (Jian Zhang)
  1. Property Projects
  1. Sanctuary HVAC system has been replaced.  It was initially fired up on12/18/2015.
  2. Carriage House Parking Expansion project to start in March 2016 which will seek to add more parking spots in the church office / carriage house area.
  1. Two options are to either increase parking space by the the carriage house or to add parking spaces to the front of the church office.
  1. 151 Updates:
  1. A/V equipment has been installed.
  2. Some lights have been converted from using switches to using sensors.
  3. Van garage webcam has been installed.
  4. Built an enclosure around basement fan opening for safety.
  1. Property Maintenance
  1. Driveway has been re-striped.
  2. Lower parking lot dirt has been removed.
  3. Storage rooms have been cleaned.
  1. Property Management
  1. A new room reservation system is being developed.
  2. Annual sprinkler inspection done.
  3. Annual fire alarm inspection done.
  4. Annual extinguisher inspection done.
  5. Annual kitchen cleaning done.
  6. Annual state elevator inspection passed.
  7. Winterized 151 underground and garage by insulating windows and pipes.
  8. Repaired chapel HVAC units.
  1. Church Building Expansion Project discussion and feedback
  1. Review: in 2012, the congregation approved (1) church building expansion (conceptually, but not specifically), (2) $6.2 million budget, (3) $5 million maximum bond that the church can issue.
  2. The current proposal is to make phase 2 the indoor gym / multi-purpose function hall and phase 3 the foyer, fellowship hall, and classrooms.
  3. More communication between the church council and congregation is needed to better facilitate understanding and support.
  4. The BoD discussed the rationale for the church building expansion and how to communicate better with the congregation
  5. Deacon Phil Sailer will capture the requirement specifications from the BoD and pastoral staff.
  6. The BoD tabled creating alternate proposals to next month.  
  1. Deacon Lance closed in prayer and Deacon Haiguo adjourned the meeting at 1:18pm.




  1. 出席:
  1. 出席:章開第牧師(主任牧師), 張子剛 (執行秘書), 胡中義, 潘瀾 (財務), 汪新文, 吳海國 (執事會主席), 熊繼敏, 張健, 張團鋒
  2. 應邀出席:長老會成員:何明治,朱克潔 (為擴堂事宜)
  3. 缺席:鄭嘉文(秘書),Phil Sailer, 伊思瑩,趙山川
  1. 地點:教會辦公室樓會議室
  2. 會議議程:
  1. 上午九點 10分海國執事做會議開始禱告。
  2. 簡短介紹和分享:
  1. 執事會討論規程和責任。
  2. 鼓勵執事們考慮下期財務執事人選,因為潘瀾執事無法在下一年再擔當此職。
  1. 主任牧師近況分享(章開第牧師)
  1. 聖誕節主日,聖誕夜,12月27日以及1月3日的聯合主日崇拜順利完成。
  2. COCM短宣隊成員以及厄巴納會議參與者已經返回。
  3. 在2016年,聖誕日和新年都將在主日;聖誕夜和新年夜可能需要有和以往不同的安排。可能安排較少的聯合崇拜。
  4. 冬季退修會
  1. ICF(2/12-14)
  2. 高中(2/13-15)
  3. 初中(2/19-21)
  1. 英文堂牧師聘牧進程
  1. 職務描述已經完成並張貼在網站上。聘牧團隊正在建立評分系統
  2. 聘牧委員會已經收到一些申請
  1. 青少年事工牧師的聘牧委員會正在成立中。希望牧師團隊能夠通過合作和減少各事工部之間的分隔而達到更好的整合。
  2. 擴堂施工未來發展
  1. 團隊希望能夠減少政策性的決定而尋求神的導入與合一。
  2. 目標是教會的成長,禱告是終結。
  3. 正在申請許可證。
  4. 新的教堂擴建計劃的起草書:
  1. 要從整體和長遠考慮。便宜的未必更好
  2. 教會聯會應承擔所有權和領導的義務
  3. 通過聯會更新,報告和回顧來加強溝通
  4. 沒有好的計劃會導致項目的失敗:項目管理是關鍵
  1. 起草新的教堂擴建團隊:
  1. 項目管理(團隊合作;程序;時間表)
  2. 禱告,宣傳和交流:牧師們,Colin Wu
  3. 設計:王子中,黃江泰,熊起瑋,陳忻中
  4. 建築管理
  5. 財務:籌款:王繼勇, 朱克潔長老–花費估計和控制
  1. 大堂空調暖氣工程竣工,使用天然氣氣做燃料
  1. 長老團分享(何明治長老)
  1. 何長老已被任命為執事提名委員會主席並提請執事會推薦候選人
  2. 長老會已批准兩個委員會(張子剛為主席的技術委員會以及潘瀾為主席的財務委員會)
  3. 繼續為教堂擴建禱告
  4. 接下來的事工審閱:教會行政辦公室,靈命塑造以及英文事工
  5. 如需要更多消息請參閱一月的長老會報告。
  1. 財務報告(潘瀾)




































  1. 常費預算總結-到12月31日為止,總支出為is $820,567.13 (佔全年總預算的46.3%),總奉獻為$964,210.89 (佔總預算的54.4%)
  2. 如11月的報告所述,我們已完成100萬的教堂擴建工程認獻目標。從2012年12月到2015年11月,總捐款額為$1,008,421.95。從2015年12月起,兩個有關教堂擴建工程的賬戶-工程基金及教堂擴建基金已合為一個賬戶“教堂擴建工程基金”。
  3. 年終末收到的奉獻將不記入2015年而記入2016年。
  1. 技術委員會介紹(張子剛)
  1. 技術委員會將開始招募成員。
  2. 任何事工中有關技術的購買須經過張子剛許可。
  3. 如購買用於單獨特定的事工,有關財政由這一事工負責。
  4. 如購買用於多項事工,財政由技術委員會負責。
  1. 教會管理報告(張健)
  1. 教堂工程
  1. 教會空調暖氣系統已更新。 2015年12月18日投入使用。
  2. 馬房停車場擴建工程將在2016年3月展開,將會在教會辦公室及馬房區域增加更多的車位。
  1. 在增加馬房的車位或增加辦公室的車位的兩個方案中二選一。
  1. 151更新:
  1. A/V設備已安裝。
  2. 一些燈已經由手動開關轉換為傳感器開關。
  3. 房車車庫攝像頭已安裝。
  4. 為了安全,修建了地下室風扇安裝開口。
  1. 教堂維護
  1. 車道已重新劃線
  2. 低處停車場的垃圾已被移走
  3. 儲藏室清理完畢
  1. 教堂管理
  1. 正在建立一個新的房間預約系統。
  2. 年度消防淋水設備檢驗已完成。
  3. 年度火災報警設備檢驗已完成。
  4. 年度滅火設備檢驗已完成。
  5. 年度廚房清潔已完成。
  6. 年度州內電梯檢驗已完成。
  7. 151地下和車庫已為過冬將窗戶和管道添加隔熱層。
  8. 修理了副堂的空調保暖設備。
  1. 教堂擴建工程討論和反饋:
  1. 回顧:2012年,教會成員通過了(1)教堂建築擴建(概念性的而不是具體的),(2)620萬預算,(3)不超過500萬的債券
  2. 現在的提案是室內體育館/多功能大廳為第二階段,門廳,聚會大廳和教室為第三階段。
  3. 需要教會聯會與會眾的更多溝通來更好的互相理解和支持。
  4. 執事會討論了教堂擴建的原因以及怎樣更好的和會眾進行溝通。
  5. Phil Sailer執事將負責記錄執事會和牧師們的具體需要。
  6. 執事會推後決定各種不同的建議。
  1. 潘瀾執事禱告結束,海國執事在1:18分休會。