Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

February 20, 2016


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Joshua Chang, Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Chun-Yi Hu, Phil Sailer, Beata Shih, Xin-Wen Wang, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jian Zhang, Tuanfeng Zhang, Shanchuan Zhao
  2. Invitees: BoE members: Ke-chieh Chu
  3. Absentees:  Pastor Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Lance Pan (Treasurer), Jimin Xiong

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:05 am.  Deacon Haiguo Wu opened in prayer.
  2. Senior Pastor Sharing and Update (Haiguo Wu for Pastor Caleb Chang)
  1. Pray for the work of the Holy Spirit at four winter retreats this month (Senior High, Junior High, ICF, and COM undergraduates).  Pray also for safety in travel and weather for those that are upcoming.
  2. The 2016 Mandarin Gospel Meeting will be on March 18-20 with Leaf Huang as speaker.  40-day relay prayers are ongoing.
  3. On April 8-10, English Ministry is sponsoring a Mental Health conference with speaker Karen Mason.
  4. Pastor Caleb’s outside speaker engagements this year:
  1. Chinese new year evangelistic meeting at Chinese Alliance Church in Westchester, NY today.
  2. UMass Amherst church retreat in March.
  3. Pittsburgh Chinese Church Oakland spring revival conference in April.
  4. Portland Chinese Gospel Church in May (using vacation time)
  5. Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM) Bible Conference in June (Missions trip to UK)
  6. Baton Rouge Chinese Christian Church Missions Conference in November.
  1. English Ministry pastoral search is in progress.  Job description has been posted.  First round phone interviews and second round committee interviews are ongoing.
  2. Youth Pastor Search Committee consists of Elder Terry Yang, Karin Hsieh, Pastor Jennifer Lin, Kelly Hsu, and Pastor Caleb.
  3. The church may need an additional family pastor to enable better ministry integration and collaboration.
  4. Seven more aging heat pumps need to be replaced.  A project plan is being created.  RFQ and request for church council approval will occur in coming months.  Best case schedule will be to start work in June.
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder Ke-chieh Chu)
  1. When sharing with the congregation, church members noted that the original church vision statement had some discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions.  The BoE has been working on a revised statement to be presented at the church council meeting in March.
  2. Church building expansion (CBE) update:
  1. Reasons why the church needs a CBE project
  1. Resolve facility needs for Chinese Ministry Sunday worship for the next twenty years.
  2. Need a strong base to support expansion of outreach ministries (Missions, Local Outreach, Social Concern, etc.).
  3. Indoor activity center for children, youth, and AWANA.
  4. Prepare for reaching out to local Chinese immigrants
  1. Current proposed plan:
  1. Funding via 50% cash donation and 50% loans from church members.
  2. Promotion/fundraising led by pastoral staff and BoE.
  3. Requirements specification led by BoD and pastoral staff.
  4. Design/construction led by the Church Building Expansion Team (CBET).
  1. The requirements specification needs to be done before any design can be done.  A rough design needs to be done before any presentation can be made to the congregation.
  1. Deacon nomination committee will be chaired by Elder David Ho.
  2. Brother Zun-en Lu (陸尊恩) has been invited to hold a seminar on how Chinese churches should renew and prepare to reach out to Chinese students of the current generation.
  3. In 2016, the BoE will review the following ministries:
  1. Missions (tentatively April): Elder Timothy to coordinate
  2. Office Administration (March): Elder Yuguang to coordinate
  3. Chinese Ministry Spiritual Formation: Elder Terry to coordinate
  4. English Ministry (Second half of 2016): Elder David to coordinate
  1. AT&T is willing to pay the church $2,000/month to house a 12 foot-by-20 foot trailer with a micro cellular tower on the church property.  The BoE has asked the BoD to review.
  2. For more information, please refer to the February Board of Elders minutes.
  1. Financial Report (Haiguo Wu for Lance Pan)


Offering (Jan)

Expense (Jan)

Total (Jan)

Cumulative Balance
















CBE Fund















  1. General Fund budget summary - up to January 31, total expense is $938,813.95 (53% of total annual budget), and total offering is $1,210,257.68 (68.3% of budget).  The targeted percentage is 58.3% (7 months complete in the fiscal year).
  2. The capital fund does not reflect payments yet to be made for the sanctuary HVAC project.
  3. As a matter of finance policy, year-end offerings received by the church office after year-end will be counted towards January offerings regardless of postmark dates. January 2016 offerings reflect those delayed checks.
  4. To avoid duplicate payments to recipients, deacons are asked to remind authorized signers not to submit duplicate requisition forms.  If the original form is misplaced, please clearly mark “Second Request” on the subsequent form.
  1. Stewardship report (Jian Zhang)
  1. Property Projects
  1. 151 updates:
  1. Room number signs have been placed outside each room.
  2. Lock boxes have been placed around the thermostats.
  1. Sanctuary thermostat previously next to the window on the right side was relocated to the stage to more accurately measure the sanctuary temperature.
  2. Carriage house parking expansion
  1. Tree stumps will be removed.
  2. The far end slope will be pushed back to widen the parking lot.
  3. Area between the carriage house and the parking lot will be paved to make it easier for cars to turn around.
  4. Area to the left of the church office entrance will be paved to open up 4-5 spaces.
  5. Project will hopefully begin when the weather gets warmer.
  1. New HVAC needs to be installed for main building classrooms.  Current system uses aging electric heat pumps scattered around the building.
  1. Property Maintenance
  1. Sanctuary digital clocks were installed on the back wall.
  2. Main building chimney leak was repaired.
  3. Potholes formed in the main driveway were patched temporarily; they will be permanently fixed in the Spring.
  4. Heating timers will be installed in main building third floor rooms during the next week.
  5. Room 216 lights will be changed.  The Stewardship committee will investigate alternative lighting placement in the room as well as LED lighting.
  1. Property Management
  1. Applied for liability certificate for the City Outreach Ministry retreat.
  2. Applied for building certificate for the 151 building.
  3. Passed annual and quarterly state elevator inspections.
  4. Applied for kitchen food service certificate.
  5. Online room reservation system is now in place.
  1. Technology updates (Joshua Chang)
  1. Phone system replacement
  1. Problems:
  1. Incoming calls currently can’t reach the church staff.
  2. Staff names cannot be updated in phone system without effort and expense.
  3. Voicemail not functioning properly.
  4. The church would like to have blacklist functionality.
  1. Proposal: Cloud-based solution (virtual phones)
  1. A cloud-based solution would enable receiving or making calls using data via a smartphone application or desktop/laptop computers, as well as allow for forwarding calls during business hours to mobile phones.
  1. Status:
  1. A temporary trial of the cloud-based solution is ready to be deployed.  Since the phone systems don’t currently work anyways, one proposal is to do a trial run with the cloud-based solution both as a stop-gap measure and to evaluate long-term viability.
  2. Discussions with the staff will occur this week to define future direction.
  1. Sanctuary projector replacement
  1. Problems:
  1. The projector lamp is past life expectancy.
  2. The projector is difficult to reach.  A rental lift is currently required in order to replace the lamp.
  3. There is a desire for a brighter projector.
  1. The BoD discussed whether the church should purchase a lift to enable easier maintenance of items on the sanctuary ceiling (lights, fans, projectors, etc.)
  2. The technology committee is meeting tomorrow with the A/V team to discuss options, including laser projectors which have a much longer replacement lifetime than conventional projector bulbs.
  1. Card access vs. key support
  1. Problems:
  1. It is hard to manage all the keys (e.g. who has access and who has keys).
  2. The locks in 151 are not key-compatible with the locks in the main building, requiring distribution of a completely different set of keys.
  3. It is difficult to protect against lost keys.
  4. Somebody has to be physically present to unlock doors during regular meeting hours.
  5. It is desirable to be able to have a log of who accesses more sensitive rooms.
  1. Deacons discussed:
  1. Contingency measures in the event of power failure
  2. Whether the purpose of card access is for convenience or for security.
  1. If for convenience, only the primary doors of each building would need to convert to card/electronic access.
  2. If for security, all locks would need to be replaced.  Only a few individuals would have key access while most would have card access.
  1. The proposal is to prioritize convenience and create card/electronic access for only the primary doors for each building.  These doors can be programmed to unlock based on a schedule and also be unlocked remotely.
  1. Network support
  1. Problem: It is difficult to access the network during peak usage at peak locations.
  2. Network access is restricted because the current policy is that WiFi access is only for ministry purposes.  Thus, the network hardware only permits a limited number of WiFi connections reflecting this policy.  However, devices that have accessed the network for ministry often continue to connect even when not being used for ministry.
  3. The cost of upgrading hardware to allow for general WiFi access is not an issue; the question is whether general WiFi access should be allowed.
  4. Deacons agreed that it is both difficult and inconvenient to police WiFi usage and that the church should make the investment to enable general WiFi access.  In the worst case, the church can blacklist devices that consistently abuse the network.
  1. Temporary leasing request - Cell On Wheels (Jian Zhang)
  1. AT&T has requested to put a 12 foot-by-20 foot trailer with a micro cellular tower on our property for a period of up to two years.  They are willing to pay the church $2,000/month.  The church has discretion to choose the location for the device.
  2. Deacons discussed the following issues:
  1. Impact on church building expansion is minimal if the church can choose the location.
  2. Liability is covered by the cell tower owner.
  3. The church needs to investigate further what our tax liability is with this income.
  4. The church may want to position the tower to also optimize aesthetics.
  5. The church should also consider whether our neighbors will have objections to the presence of the cell tower.
  1. The BoD is willing to explore the possibility subject to the results of details and negotiations with AT&T.
  1. CBE Project Discussion
  1. It is the consensus of the BoE that the church should switch the original Phase II and Phase III plans and first build a multi-purpose facility.  This facility would include a large multi-purpose room and a limited number of classrooms.  The BoD have no concerns with this new direction.
  2. Deacons raised the need to identify use cases and priorities regarding which ministries would use the facility during which times.  A more concrete plan regarding use cases and priorities will help raise awareness among church members and provide more clarity to the design team.  The BoD has already been tasked with identifying ministry requirements specifications, led by Phil Sailer.  Phil would like to meet in person with ministry leaders to discuss their needs to be more effective in requirements gathering by walking them through the process of defining their needs.
  1. Deacon Chun-yi closed in prayer and Deacon Haiguo adjourned the meeting at 12:41pm.



  1. 出席概況:
  1. 出席者: 張子剛, 鄭嘉文 (秘書), 胡中義,Phil Sailer, 尹思瑩, 汪新文, 吳海國 (執事會主席), 張建, 張團峰, 趙山川
  2. 受邀者: 長老會成員: 朱克潔
  3. 缺席者:  章開第牧師 (主任牧師), 潘瀾 (司庫), 熊繼敏

  1. 會議地點: 教會辦公樓會議室.

  1. 會議議程及紀錄
  1. 會議從上午9:05開始. 吳海國執事做開場禱告.
  2. 主任牧師的分享與匯報(由吳海國執事替章開第牧師作匯報)
  1. 這個月即將舉行四場冬季退休會(高四,高三,大專生團契和城區事工的本科生), 祈求聖靈為此做功,也祈求即將舉行的退休會上旅行的安全和好的天氣。
  2. 2016年春季華語福音會議將在3月18~20日舉行,由黃力夫教授主講。 40天的接力祈禱正在進行中。
  3. 4月8-10日,英語事工部主辦精神健康會議,由Karen Mason醫生主講。
  4. 開第牧師今年外地講演的安排如下:
  1. 今天在紐約州威徹斯特市威郡華人宣道會的中國新年佈道會上講演。
  2. 三月份將在馬薩諸塞大學阿姆赫斯特教堂退休會上講演。
  3. 四月份將在匹茲堡的中國教會奧克蘭春風吹又生會議上講演。
  4. 五月份將在波特蘭中國福音教會上講演(利用假日時間)。
  5. 五月份將隨團前往英國, 在基督教華僑佈道會舉行的聖經會議上講演。
  6. 十一月份在貝城華人基督教會會議上講演.
  1. 英語事工部的教牧事工薦聘工作正在進行。職位描述已發布。第一輪電話面試和第二輪委員會面試正在進行。
  2. 青少年牧師薦聘委員會的成員有:長老楊德禮,林珍妮牧師,Kelly Hsu和開第牧師。
  3. 教會可能需要一位家庭牧師,以實現更好的事工整合和協作。
  4. 還有七個老化的熱泵需要更換。正在製定項目計劃。在未來幾個月內,將尋求報價和請求教會聯會批准該項目。最好是6月開始施工。
  1. 長老團分享(朱克潔長老)
  1. 與眾分享時,教會成員指出, 教會願景聲明原文的英文和中國版本之間存在一些差異。長老會一直在修訂聲明, 將在3月份的教牧長執聯會會議上提交討論。
  2. 教堂擴建匯報:
  1. 教會需要教堂擴建的原因
  1. 解決未來二十年內華語部事工主日崇拜對設施的需求。
  2. 需要強大的基礎設施來支持外展的事工部(傳道,當地外展,社會關懷等)
  3. 為兒童,青少年和AWANA提供室內活動中心
  4. 為接待本地中國移民做準備
  1. 目前提出的計劃:
  1. 資金的50%來自現金捐贈,50%來自從教會成員中貸款。
  2. 由教牧同工和長老會領導促進和籌款活動。
  3. 由執事會和教牧同工領導對需求的確定。
  4. 由教會擴建隊(CBET)領導設計和施工。
  1. 在做任何設計之前,要完成需求確定。在向會眾介紹之前,需要完成一個粗略的設計。
  1. 執事提名委員會由何明治長老主持。
  2. 陸尊恩兄弟已受邀舉行一個研討會,研討華人教會如何更新,以準備接待當代的中國學生。
  3. 在2016年,長老會將審查以下事工部:
  1. 宣教團(暫定4月): 由盧忠信長老主持
  2. 辦公室行政(三月): 由何裕光長老主持
  3. 華語培靈事工部:楊德禮長老主持
  4. 英語事工部(2016下半年): 何明治長老主持
  1. AT&T願意支付教會$2,000/月,以安置一個在教會微峰塔上12英尺×20英尺的活動房屋。長老會已要求執事會審核此事。
  2. 欲了解更多信息,請參見2月份長老會會議記錄
  1. 財務報告(吳海國執事替潘瀾執事)


奉獻 (一月)

花費 (一月)

總額 (一月)
































  1. 常費預算概要 - 截至到1月31日,總費用為$938,813.95(為年度總預算的53%),全部奉獻為$1,210,257.68(為預算的68.3%)。目標值是58.3%(在財政年度的7個月完成)。
  2. 資本資金尚未包括支付給正堂水暖項目的款項。
  3. 作為一項財政政策,不管郵戳日期如何,年終過後由教會辦公室收到的年終奉獻將算作一月份的奉獻。 2016年1月的奉獻將包括這些延遲的支票。
  4. 為了避免給收款人重複付款,要求執事應提醒授權簽署人不要重複提交申請單。如果原來的形式是錯誤的,請清楚地在隨後的表格上標明“第二次請求”的字樣。
  1. 產物管理報告(張健)
  1. 產物工程
  1. 151樓最新進展:
  1. 房間號碼牌已經安裝完畢.
  2. 溫控器鎖盒已安裝.
  1. 教會主堂溫控器原緊靠右邊的窗戶,現已移到靠近講台的地方,這樣能夠更精確的測控室內溫度。 
  2. 馬房停車場擴建工程
  1. 樹樁將被移走.
  2. 停車場末端的斜坡將被切進,以增加停車場的寬度.
  3. 馬房門口與停車場之間的泥地將鋪設瀝青,以方便車輛掉頭.
  4. 教會辦公室入口左側空地也會鋪設瀝青,以增加4到5個停車位.
  5. 擴建工程在天氣轉暖後即可開始.
  1. 教會主樓教室需要新的取煖製冷系統。現有的系統使用老舊的壓縮機,遍布主樓周圍.
  1. 產物維護
  1. 主堂電子鈡已經安裝完畢.
  2. 教會主樓煙囪漏水已經修好.
  3. 主車道上的坑洞暫時補好,有待春季徹底整修.
  4. 位於教會主樓三樓的溫控定時器將於下週安裝.
  5. 216房間的照明將要更換。產物管理委員會將尋找替代方案或者使用LED照明.
  1. 產物管理
  1. 已申請城區事工靈命進深營的保險證書.
  2. 已申請151樓的樓宇證書.
  3. 電梯已通過州政府的年度和季度檢查.
  4. 已申請廚房提供餐飲服務的證書.
  5. 在線房間預訂服務已開通使用.
  1. 技術分享(張子剛)
  1. 更新電話系統
  1. 問題:
  1. 打進的電話往往找不到教會工作人員.
  2. 在電話系統裡無法更新教會工作人員的姓名, 除非付費或作其他努力。
  3. 電話留言不能正常工作.
  4. 目前沒有免騷擾電話功能.
  1. 提案: 雲解決方案(虛擬電話)
  1. 在雲方案中,使用智能手機應用或電腦上的數據, 就能接聽和打出電話,而且可以在特定時間段內將接入的電話轉到手機上去.
  1. 現狀:
  1. 如有可能,雲方案可以馬上進入測試階段。因現有的電話系統已經不工作,提議現在就開始試驗,一來可以解燃眉之急,二來也測試其長期實用性.
  2. 本週會和教會工作人員商討這個問題.
  1. 更換主堂投影儀
  1. 問題:
  1. 投影儀燈泡設計壽命已過.
  2. 因位置較高,必須租一台升降機才能更換投影儀.
  3. 希望有更亮的投影儀.
  1. 執事會已討論過教會是否應該購買一台升降機,以方便將來其他方面的維護工作(照明,風扇,投影儀等)
  2. 技術委員會預定明天與聲頻視頻事工小組開會,討論各種選項,包括選用激光投影儀,因其具有比簡易投影儀更長的使用壽命.
  1. 門卡與鑰匙
  1. 問題:
  1. 管理所有鑰匙很困難(譬如,誰可以開門以及誰有鑰匙).
  2. 因151樓的鑰匙與教會主樓的鑰匙不兼容,所有必須從新分發151樓的一套鑰匙.
  3. 丟失鑰匙後,很難採取保護措施.
  4. 正常聚會時間,必須要有人到現場來開門.


  1. 執事會已討論下列事項:
  1. 停電時的緊急處理.
  2. 使用門卡是為了方便還是安全.
  1. 如是為了方便,只需將各樓的主要入口換成門卡或電子鎖.
  2. 如是為了安全,所有的鎖都應該更換。只有極少數人需要鑰匙,大部分將用門卡.
  1. 提案建議將方便性列為優先等級,只將各樓的主要入口大門改為門卡或電子鎖。這些大門可以預先設置何時開門和關門,而且可以遠操控.
  1. 網路支持
  1. 問題: 在高峰時段和高峰地點,教會無線網絡接入非常困難.
  2. 根據現行教會規定,只有事工可以使用教會無線網絡。因此網絡的硬件設備只允許少量的無線連接。但是,用於事工的電腦設備在事工結束後,往往還聯在網絡上.
  3. 設備升級費用以支持會眾使用教會的無線網,那不是問題;問題是是否應該讓會眾使用.
  4. 執事會一致同意管理無線網絡比較困難,不便執行。建議教會在這方面投資,開放網絡給會眾使用。在最糟情況下,可以禁止有不良行為的人與設備上網.
  1. 短期租賃請求 - 移動信號發射塔(張建)
  1. ATT要求在教會放置一輛12英尺X 20英尺的拖車,用於安置一台小型手機信號發射塔,為其兩年,並為此支付教會每月2000美元。教會正在慎重考慮選址.
  2. 執事會討論了下列事項:
  1. 如果教會可以決定選址,該租賃對教會擴建計畫影響不大.
  2. 該信號發射塔的有關保險由AT&T承擔.
  3. 教會需要諮詢一下該租賃收入對教會未來在稅務上有何影響.
  4. 教會在發射塔定位上應考慮美觀.
  5. 也應考慮鄰居可能會反對在教會建立該發射塔.
  1. 執事會希望與ATT進行溝通,獲取細節,以探索選項可能性.
  1. 教堂擴建工程分享
  1. 長老團一致認為教會應將原第二期和第二期工程對調,首先建設多功能大廳。該大廳包擴一個大型多功能房間和數個小教室。執事會對此無異議.
  2. 執事會認為有必要舉出一些使用和優先權安排的實例,來表明哪些事工在哪個時間段可以使用。有一個涉及使用和優先權的具體計劃,能提升會眾的關注,使設計團隊更清晰地理解該計劃。執事會已經開始工作, 由Phil Sailer帶領,去識別事工的具體需求。他將與各事工負責人一一會面,走一遍定義事工需求的過程, 以更有效地獲取他們需求的信息.
  1. 中義執事最後作結束禱告,海國執事與12點41分宣布會議結束.