Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

May 21, 2016

  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Pastor Caleb Chang (Senior Pastor), Joshua Chang, Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Chun-Yi Hu, Phil Sailer, Beata Shih, Jimin Xiong, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jian Zhang, Tuanfeng Zhang, Shanchuan Zhao
  2. Invitees: BoE members: Terry Yang
  3. Absentees: Lance Pan (Treasurer), Xin-Wen Wang

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:05 am.  Deacon Haiguo Wu opened in prayer.
  2. Senior Pastor Sharing and Update (Pastor Caleb Chang)
  1. On May 1, the church held their 130th baptism, baptizing 8 adults and 12 youth.
  2. Minister Yuegang Zhang, Shanchuan Zhao, and Yanhua Yan attended Evangelism Explosion (EE) leadership training at Atlanta Chinese Christian Church North.  Pray for the coming revival of the EE ministry.
  3. English Ministry Charis retreat of about 20 people was fruitful.
  4. Summer retreat registration has ended with over 300 adults and 100 youth registered.
  5. A new English pastor is unlikely to be found before Pastor Chuck’s departure at the end of June.  An interim plan has been created.
  6. A youth pastor candidate and his wife will visit during the first half of June.
  7. The Metro-south (MS) building fund pledge drive has already reached 90% of the cash pledge goal and 50% of the personal loan goal.  With the blessing of our elders, the mother church would like to join hands with MS in their fund drive.  An announcement will be made tomorrow.
  8. The Chinese ministry summer sermons will be on basic doctrine topics.
  9. Pastor Caleb is working with deacon Jian Zhang on the main building HVAC replacement project.  It will require church council approval.
  10. Pastors are working on the church building expansion building requirements with deacon Phil Sailer.
  11. Chinese Ministry reaches its maximum capacity on most Sundays so a plan needs to be created for managing the large number of people.
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder Terry Yang)
  1. This month, the BoE reviewed office administration.  The church is in dire need of administration help.  Chinese Ministry has more administrative work than Ying Yuan Zhang can manage on his own.  English Ministry administrative duties have been handled by Pastor Chuck who is leaving.  The church will start to look for more administrative staff.
  2. Elder David has proposed some additions to the expansion of the Community Outreach ministry, including support for parachurch workers and returnee ministries that seek to help Christians returning to their native country from the US.
  3. There are two elders stepping down after this year (due to term limits).  The Board of Elders is seeking to identify individuals who can step up in their place.
  4. For more information, please refer to the May Board of Elders minutes.
  1. Financial Report (Haiguo Wu for Lance Pan)


Offering (Apr)

Expense (Apr)

Total (Apr)

Cumulative Balance
















CBE Fund















MS Building Fund





  1. General Fund budget summary - up to April 30, total expense is $1,358,546 (76.7% of total annual budget), and total offering is $1,627,158 (91.8% of budget).  The targeted percentage is 83.3% (10 months complete in the fiscal year).
  2. The outstanding Metro-south property member loan balance is $126,429. Through April 30, 50% of General Fund surplus attributed to Metro-south has reached $27,277. Together with MS Building Fund balance of $100,073, the combined balance of $127,351 is now sufficient to pay off the member loan, which will take place after the fiscal year concludes in June.
  1. Since the building member loan balance will be paid off by the end of the fiscal year, a new proposal for the Metro-south general fund surplus will be submitted at the church council meeting next month.
  2. The mother church will continue to support the Metro-south pastor’s package until Metro-south is fully independent.  Metro-south is awaiting approval of their tax exemption status for complete independence.
  1. Technology update (Joshua Chang)
  1.  Phone system replacement
  1. The office staff has received complaints that various components of the phone system are no longer working (e.g. voice mail, transfers, etc).  The existing phone system is so old that it is not possible to incrementally repair it.
  2. The technology committee has received quotes from three vendors.  The most attractive vendor offers a system from Samsung and a five year warranty.
  3. Deacon Joshua Chang motioned to approve $6,000 from the capital fund for the purpose of purchasing a new phone system.  Deacon Shanchuan Zhao seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1.  Video system cabling replacement
  1. Although the sanctuary projector accepts a higher resolution, the VGA cabling between the computer system and the projectors is not capable of supporting high definition resolutions.  The Technology Committee will be replacing and documenting all the video cables this week.  The new system will completely replace the older switcher and clean up cabling involved with projecting to the chapel and room 220.  The new system will also merge the powerpoint and speaker camera signals together into one single video signal as picture-in-picture.  The committee will investigate local streaming over the church Local Area Network for broadcast to other rooms or buildings (including room 302).
  1. Capital Request - Children’s Playground (Phil Sailer)
  1. Deacon Phil proposed a new playground to be installed at the site of the old playground.  The new playground would support sixteen children, consisting of a two-swing structure and a 5 foot by 7 foot tower (with 2 climbing apparatuses and a slide).
  2. Deacon Phil Sailer motioned to approve $10,038.00 from the capital fund for the purpose of purchasing and installing a children’s playground.  Deacon Joshua Chang seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Stewardship report (Jian Zhang)
  1. Property projects
  1. The main building HVAC systems for the chapel, first floor classrooms, and front entrance/lobby require replacement due to reliability issues and low efficiency.  The current system for the front entrance/lobby is also underdesigned.  The church has received quotes for replacing these systems which will cost around $200,000.
  2. The trees in the carriage house parking lot have been removed as part of the carriage house and church office parking expansion project.  
  1. Property maintenance
  1. Tools in the storage sheds have been organized.
  2. 1st floor pickup/dropoff area stairs have been repaired.
  3. Chapel curtain rail has been fixed.
  4. Stop signs have been installed in the parking lot near the upper lot ramp and stride rite walkway.
  5. Sanctuary flower base has been placed on the communion table for the flowers.
  6. Sanctuary stage floor divots were filled in.
  7. Cracks in the entrance sidewalk have been filled.
  1. Property management
  1. A google spreadsheet was created for recording room reservations.  The deacons discussed the need to centrally identify a set of requirements for room reservation management and viewing so that the technology committee can identify and/or develop the appropriate solution for the office staff.
  1. Deacon Joshua closed in prayer and Deacon Haiguo adjourned the meeting at 11:58am.