Board of Deacons (“BoD”) Meeting Minutes

February 15, 2014


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Attendees: Joshua Chang, Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Lawrence Liang-Shang Gan, Chun-Yi Hu, Loren Shih (Head Deacon), Ji-Yong Wang (Treasurer), Ruike Wang, Xin-Wen Wang, Haiguo Wu, Jimin Xiong
  2. Invitees: BoE members: Yuguang He (Board of Elders), Ming-Jer Tsai (Board of Elders)
  3. Absentees: Lance Pan, Phil Sailer

  1. Location: Conference room, church office building.

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:13 am
  2. Opening Prayer - Deacon Loren opened in prayer.
  3. Board of Elders (“BoE”) Sharing (Elder Yuguang He)
  1. Elder Yuguang highlighted key points from the February BoE Meeting.  For more information, please refer to BoE February 2014 meeting minutes.
  2. BoE plans for an all day church council retreat on June 21.  The topic will be "The vision of the church"
  1. Financial Report (Ji-Yong Wang)































* Note: If subtracting church main building re-roofing budgets, the available Capital Fund will be $354,485 on January 31, 2014.

  1. For the budget summary - up to January 31, our total expense is at 51.5%, and our total offering is at 70.8% of the total annual budget.
  2. The finance committee wants to emphasize that only those designated as being allowed to approve expenditures for a given budget should sign for reimbursement requests.  BoD members asked if the list of those who can approve budgets can be made public to make it more convenient for people.  One idea is to post the list of account numbers, account description, and approvers next to the mailboxes or on the church website so that people can ensure they are requesting the right signatures.
  1. Stewardship Update (Lawrence Gan)
  1. The BoD was given a summary of what was accomplished last month and the list of projects and maintenance items to be implemented in the future.  In particular:
  1. The chapel heater blower motor was fixed with insurance money (this was damaged in the electrical outage in January)
  2. The emergency light at the front building entrance was replaced
  3. The septic system was serviced
  4. Emergency and exit lights were added to the stairwell between the basement and first floor.
  1. Between the last meeting and this one, Lawrence Gan motioned over e-mail to repair the elevator control board and other damaged hardware ($6119) and to replace two HVAC compressors on the west side of the building ($5570).  It is possible that insurance will cover these items.  Haiguo Wu seconded the motion and the motion passed.
  2. A stewardship committee meeting was held on 2/9.
  3. A concern was raised about illegal parking (e.g. parking in the handicap spots or the van spots).  A suggestion is to create a "violation notice" on violating car's windshield to appeal to people’s conscience or to put up a sign saying that violators will be towed on owner’s expense.
  1. IT update (Joshua Chang)
  1. Joshua discussed a possible new laptop replacement policy for church staff.  Joshua will update the policy based on BoD feedback, after which the policy will be proposed to the BoE for approval.
  2. The electrical closets are now doubling as storage closets.  The server room in the church office is also being used as a fellowship storage closet.  Some of these items hinder access to the circuit breakers and/or network switches.  However, it was noted that the stewardship committee has already been in the process of cleaning these closets.
  3. The BoD discussed whether or not to outsource IT maintenance and support to an external contractor.  Both potential benefits and drawbacks were mentioned.  Josh will put together a proposal which BoD will approve.  If approved by BoD, the church council will implicitly approve during the next fiscal year’s budget review (since such an expenditure would be in the budget)
  1. March ministry review preparation (Loren Shih)
  1. Elder Tsai wants as many members of BoD to show up at BoE meeting as possible.
  2. The review will focus primarily on finance and stewardship.
  1. Offering box decision
  1. The current arrangement of manually bringing a locked offering box to and from a secure location is very cumbersome.  We need a secure and long term decision.
  2. The finance committee proposes a permanent locked offering box that is strongly affixed to the church structure.  Lawrence and Ji-Yong will investigate options.
  1. Capital Fund discussion (Loren Shih)
  1. The BoD needs to create a process/policy for budgeting and approving capital expenditures through polling ministries for requests simultaneously so that BoD can appropriately prioritize expenditures (rather than doing so on a first come first serve basis).
  1. Miscellaneous
  1. A concern was raised about traffic direction in Stride Rite lot, especially when it snows and cars slip.  The stewardship committee will address this.
  2. The BoD also briefly discussed possibilities to improve pedestrian safety in the church parking lot. Discussion will continue over e-mail.
  1. Tabled items:
  1. Humanitarian disaster discussion
  2. Parking lot pedestrian lane
  1. Meeting adjourned by Loren at 12:08 pm.

  1.  出席:
  1. 與會者: 張子剛, 鄭嘉文(秘書), 甘良生, 胡中義, 施志寧 (執事會主席), 王繼勇 (財務), 王瑞珂, 汪新文, 吳海國,熊繼敏。
  2. 受邀者: 長老團成員:  何煜光 (長老團),蔡明(長老團)。
  3. 缺席: 潘瀾 , Philip Sailer
  1. 地點: 教會辦公樓會議室
  2. 會議議程及記錄
  1. 早上9:13開始
  2. 開始禱告 - 志寧。
  3. 長老團分享(何煜光長老)
  1. 煜光長老著重分享了二月長老團會議的重點。更多信息,請參閱二月長老團會議記錄。
  2. 長老團計畫於6月21日召開牧長執聯會退修會。主題是“教會的異像”
  1.  財務報告 (王繼勇)































*  注解:如果減去教堂主樓重新鋪屋頂預算,可用資基金於2014年1月31日將是354,485美元。

  1. 預算小計 – 到1月31日總支出是全年的 51.5%,而總奉獻是總預算的70.8%
  2. 財務委員會希望強調的是,只有那些指定為可以核准個預算支出的人, 才能簽署報銷相應的請求。執事會成員使大家更方便,提出是否可以公開預算核准人員的名單。一種想法是郵箱旁邊或在教會網站上,張貼帳號,帳戶說明,核准,讓人們可以確保他們拿到正確的簽名。
  1. 產物理事會現況 (甘良生)
  1. 執事會聽取了關於上個月所完成的項目和將在未來實施的項目和維護項目的彙報。特別是:
  1. 副堂加熱器鼓風機電機的維修運用了保險金(它在一月的停電時受損)
  2. 前面入口處應急燈被替換
  3. 化糞池系統的維護
  4. 地下室和一樓之間的樓梯間添加應急燈。
  1. 上次會議和這次會議之間,甘良生通過電子郵件的溝通,提議修復電梯控制板和其他損壞的硬件(6119美元),並更換教堂西側的兩個空調壓縮機(5570美元)。有可能保險將支付這些項目。吳海國支持此提議。此提議獲得通過。
  2. 產物理事會會議於二月九日召開。
  3. 有關違例泊車的考慮(如停在禁止停車處或交通車位)。一個建議是在違規汽車的擋風玻璃上,放置違規通知,以示提醒,或立一個牌子注明違規汽車將被拖,並且費用車主自付。
  1. IT更新(張子剛
  1. 張子剛執事討論了一項為教會員工更換新筆記本電腦的政策。子剛執事將根據執事會會議的反饋意見更新這項政策,並且提交長老團會議批准。
  2. 作為儲藏電子设备的储藏室现在也被用作其他储藏,教會辦公室的侍服器房間也被一個團契用來做儲藏室。其中一些物品擋住了電路開關和/或網絡交換機的通道。现在產物管理委員會已經開始清理這些储藏室了。
  3. 執事會會議討論了是否將IT維護和支持交給外面承包商管理。潛在的優點和缺點都有提及。子剛執事將把討論结果综合成一個提案提交執事會會議批准。執事會會議批准了,教牧長執將在下一個財政年的財政預算討論時決定是否批准。(這項经费將在預算內)。
  1. 三月事工檢討準備(施志寧
  1. 蔡長老希望執事會盡可能地參加長老團會議。
  2. 檢討將主要關注財政和產物管理。
  1. 奉獻箱決定
  1. 現有讓專人來回搬運上鎖的奉獻箱的安排非常麻烦。 我們需要一個安全並且長期的決定。
  2. 財政委員會提議在教會建築物上安裝一個永久上鎖的奉獻箱。Lawrence和王繼勇將調查可能的辦法。
  1. 資產基金討論(施志寧
  1. 執事會需要產生一項流程/政策,通過對事工請求進行投票來同時預算和批准資產支出,這樣執事會可以合理地優化開支。(而不是採用先到先處理的方法)。
  1. 杂项
  1. 需要關注Stride Rite 區域的交通方向,特別是下雪時車輛打滑。產物管理委員會將處理此事。
  2. 執事會會議简要討論了關於提高教會停車場的行人安全的可能性。並且將通過電子郵件持續討論。
  1. 议程上的事項:
  1. 人道主义的災難討論
  2. 停車場人行道
  1. 中午12點8分由施志寧宣布會議休會。