Meeting Minutes

CBCGB Board of Elders (“BoE”)

November 12, 2016

Present: Ke-Chieh Chu (Chair), Yuguang He, David Ho, Chun-Yi Hu (Chinese Ministry [“CM”] Spiritual Formation Representative), Paul Huang (CM Spiritual Formation Representative), Timothy Lu, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Terry Yang (Acting Secretary)

Absent: Pastor Caleb Chang, Bryan Che (Secretary)

Elder K.C. opened meeting with prayer at 9:06 am.

  1. Brief Sharing

Elder Yuguang shared about a recent family health crisis. Elder Timothy shared about his current job situation.

  1. Update on State of CBCGB

Elder K.C. provided quick update on:

  1. Board of Deacon (“BoD”) Update

Deacon Haiguo provided quick update on:

  1. CM Spiritual Formation Ministry Review

Deacons Chun-Yi Hu and Paul Huang provided overview, status, challenges and goals for the CM Spiritual Formation Ministry.


Adult Sunday School Challenges:

Short-Term Goals:

Long-Term Goals:

Ministry Leader Observations:

Recommendations from Elders:

  1. Cross Bridge Lead Pastor Search Update

Elder Terry provided update on status of search, with Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs continuing to provide supplemental preaching, if necessary, through April 2017.

  1. December Church Council Meeting Agenda

Elder K.C. outlined agenda for both Thursday (December 8) sharing session and Saturday (December 10) formal meeting:

  1. Senior Pastor Search Committee

Appointed Elder Yuguang to Chair Senior Pastor Search Committee; charged Elder Yuguang to identify desired members of Search Committee for approval at December BoE meeting. Approved position posting to specify that expected start date will be January 2019.

Charged Elder K.C. to discuss contract extension details with Pastor Caleb.

  1. CBE Phase I Part II Update

Elder K.C. provided quick update;

  1. Minister Membership

Decided to clarify ambiguity in Bylaws by revising the CBCGB Benefit and Personnel Policies for Pastoral and Administrative Staff to automatically confer membership to all ministerial and pastoral staff. Elder K.C. charges HR Committee to revise Policies as appropriate.

Elder Terry closed in prayer at 12:04 pm.