Meeting Minutes

CBCGB Board of Elders (“BoE”)

January 14, 2017


Present:Yuguang He (Chair), David Ho, Timothy Lu, Haiguo Wu (BoD Chair), Loren Shih (BoE Secretary), Bryan Che, Pastor Caleb Chang, Jian Zhang (BoD Stewardship Chair)


(9:05am) Elder Yuguang opened in prayer.

Senior Pastor Update

Pastor Caleb

BoD Update

Haigou (BoD chair)


Support model review of food/entertainment for student groups

KC, Jessie Chen (Finance Committee)

HR Presentation to BoE Benefit Policy

Edwin Tam (HR Committee Chair)

Report by English Pastor Search Committee

Emily Cheng (EPSC Chair)

Senior Pastor Search Committee

Yuguang He (SPSC Chair)

Mission Statement

Bryan Che

CBE Update

Yuguang He (BoE CBET rep)

Church Ministry Matrix Review

Yuguang He

Review Pastor Jennifer Lin sabbatical proposal

Caleb Chang

Brainstorm on church direction and focus

Yuguang He

2017 Ministry Review

Yuguang He

(12:00pm) Caleb Chang closed in prayer.