Meeting Minutes

Board of Elders (“BoE”)

October 10, 2015

Present: Ke-Chieh Chu (Acting Chair), Pastor Caleb Chang, Liqin Chen, David Ho, Timothy Lu, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jimin Xiong (Board of Deacons [“BoD”] Representative), Terry Yang (Secretary)

Present for Social Concerns Ministry (“SCM”) Charter Discussion: Yang-Sheng Tzeng (Chair)

Absent: Yuguang He

Elder Ke-Chieh opened meeting with prayer at 9:06 am.

  1. Brief Sharing

Elders David and Timothy shared about successful Mandarin-focused evangelism meeting at Boston Evangelical Church’s Newton Campus they recently attended. Pastor Caleb shared his thoughts on location of upcoming pastor family retreat in Maine.

  1. Update on State of CBCGB

Pastor Caleb provided a quick update on:

  1. BoD Update

Deacon Haiguo provided a quick update on:

  1. Website Ministry Arrangement

Elder Liqin proposed creation of standing Information Technology (“IT”) Committee to clearly delineate leadership and ownership of IT issues. Proposed standing IT Committee would contain stable membership from year-to-year consisting of co-workers in website and infrastructure teams chaired by a Deacon. BoE agrees in principal and commissions BoD to draft Charter.

  1. English Pastor Update

BoE members of the English Pastor Search Committee (“EPSC”) provided a quick update on:

  1. Community Outreach Committee (“COC”)

Elder David proposed creation of Campus Coordinator position within COC to oversee post-high school student ministries undertaken by CBCGB. BoE agrees in principle and commissions Elder David to draft roles and responsibilities for position.

  1. SCM Charter Changes

Brother Yang-Sheng presented proposed changes to SCM Charter:

BoE approves proposed changes to SCM Charter in principle and commissions Brother Yang-Sheng to incorporate BoE-suggested revisions into draft to present to BoE for final approval.

  1. Marriage Policy

Elder David proposed establishing official marriage policy to clarify and unify CBCGB’s position on concept of marriage. BoE agrees in principle and commissions pastoral staff to draft policy for review.

  1. Administrative staff for EM/Youth Ministry (“YM”)/Childrens Ministry

Elder Terry proposed hiring of administrative staff to support EM, YM and Childrens Ministry; respective pastoral staff have indicated that heavy administrative burden takes time away from pastoral responsibilities. Elder Terry proposed hiring one full time administrative staff to support all of EM/YM/Childrens Ministry.

BoE agrees in principle, and commissions Pastor Caleb to use Ying Yuan’s job description as a template and gather input from the affected EM/YM/Childrens Ministry pastors in order to draft job description (including reporting relationship) for review by the BoE.

  1. Annual Meeting Reminder

BoE reviewed all logistics surrounding annual meeting. Deacon Jimin assigned responsibility for organizing cake cutting during annual meeting.

Pastor Caleb closed meeting with prayer at 12:04 pm.

Addendum: BoE approved revised SCM Charter as attached over e-mail on October 15, 2015.


2015 十月十日

出席: 朱克潔 (代理主席), 章開第牧師, 陳利欽, 何明治, 盧忠信, 吳海國(執事會主席), 熊繼敏 (執事會代表), 楊徳禮(秘書)

出席社會關懷事工討論: 曾陽生 (主席)

缺席: 何煜光

早上9:06 克潔長老禱告開始

1. 簡短分享


2. 本教會現況報告


3. 執事會報告


4. 網站事工安排


5. 英文堂牧師


6. 社區外展委員會(“COC”) 


7.  社關章程更改SCM Charter Changes



8. 婚姻辦法


9. 英文堂/ 青少年事工YM/ 兒童事工


長老團原則上同意,請開第以雇用張應元的職責作為範本,再從英文堂/ 青少年事工/ 兒童事工的牧師集取意見,起草其職責,和該助理向誰負責,再交長老團審核

10. 年會提醒


中午12:04 開第禱告結束會議

增編: 長老團2015年十月十五日在電郵中,通過社關委員會章程更改的修訂版