CBCGB Church Council Minutes, Q3 of 2015

        September 19, 2015


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”): Liqin Chen (Chair), Ke-Chieh Chu, Yuguang He, David Ho, Timothy Lu, Terry Yang
  2. Board of Deacons (“BoD”): Joshua Chang, Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Chun-Yi Hu, Lance Pan, Phil Sailer, Beata Shih, Ji-Yong Wang (Treasurer), Xin-Wen Wang, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jian Zhang, Shanchuan Zhao
  3. Pastoral Staff: Minister Steven Bowman, Sr. Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor Steve Chang, Pastor David Eng, Pastor Jennifer Lin, Pastor Chuck Lowe, Pastor Ju-Ta Pan, Pastor Jiang Wei, Minister Yuegang Zhang
  4. Absent:
  1. Deacons:Jimin Xiong
  2. Pastors: Pastor Sandy Liu

  1. Location: Room 151-06

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:12 am.  Pastor Chuck opened in prayer.
  2. Pastoral staff reports
  1. Church-wide
  1. Special thanks to the Church Building Expansion Team for bringing the 151 construction to completion.
  2. The English Ministry fellowship groups is delaying moving into 151 until the installation of audio/visual equipment is complete.  Thanks to the Board of Deacons for identifying an interim plan for Chinese Ministry fellowship groups to use 151 until this is done.
  3. The Fall Mandarin Gospel Meeting is ongoing this weekend with substitute speaker Peter Wu.  Prayer support and follow-up are crucial.
  4. There are three major Chinese ministry activities this month: a theological seminar, Mandarin Gospel Meeting, and a parenting seminar.  The church will try to avoid such a packed schedule in the future.
  5. There has been a large influx of students and newcomers during the summer.  As a result of this challenge, the church is considering:
  1. Asking the community outreach committee to support a suburban campus ministry
  2. Creating a parallel Mandarin speaking track for youth and children’s ministry.
  1. The pastoral staff is drafting the 2016 church calendar.  It will be submitted to the church council for approval and is expected to be published at the beginning of 2016.
  2. Short and long form ministry matrices remain unchanged.
  3. The English Ministry pastoral search committee has started with Pastor Caleb Chang, Bryan Che, Emily Cheng, Elder Yuguang He, Loren Shih, Bryan Che, and Elder Terry Yang
  1. Children’s ministry
  1. September kicks off the new year for AWANA & Sunday School/Worship.
  2. Core Leaders’ Meeting to be held on 10/25/15.
  3. Fall Festival will be held on 10/31/2015 (probably late afternoon to early evening)
  4. There is a need for a teacher for the Philly Ministry.
  5. There is need for three core leaders: Friday/Special Nursery, Summer/Special programs, & AWANA
  6. Minister Bowman will attend a children’s pastors conference in January
  1. Chinese ministry
  1. Six new Stephen ministers have been commissioned for a total of thirty-three active ministers.
  2. Six people were baptized on August 23.
  3. Upcoming events: Mandarin Gospel Meeting, Esther Su seminar, Peter Chow theological course in September, literature workshop in October.
  4. A marriage enrichment retreat is being planned for November.
  5. Small group fellowship training is complete resulting in the creation of four new small groups in four towns.
  6. Speakers for 2016 retreat and Mandarin Gospel Meetings have been invited.
  7. Thirteen people will go to England (COCM) on a year-end short term missions trip.
  8. Bible study materials that are aligned with sermons are being created.
  9. Fellowship groups have smoothly transitioned to new rooms.
  1. English ministry
  1. The English Ministry identity document is now available discussing:
  1. Five core values
  2. Focus: using our vocations in service of God (4 ways)
  3. Identity: cultural bridge
  1. The summer sermon series completed the year-long series on Old Testament salvation history.
  2. Two recent weddings were celebrated.
  3. English Ministry fellowship groups will move from the chapel to 151 for the sake of the other fellowship groups once 151 is ready for English Ministry use
  4. ICF/Charis had a great fall kick-off on 9/11.  Close to 70 people attended including more than 25 visitors.
  5. English Ministry Retreat will be held on October 2-4 in New Hampshire with speaker Pastor Aaron Chan (former CBCGB seminarian).
  6. Former seminarian Jeffrey Hwang graduated and left to accept a position in New York.
  1. Youth ministry
  1. Preparation is ongoing for sending out short mission teams to Lynn (6/28-7/3) and NYC (8/14-23)
  2. The summer consisted of joint youth fellowships.
  3. Fall Kickoff was held on September 11.
  4. Two youths were baptized in August.
  5. Senior High Sunday School video series:
  1. Discerning Biblical teaching through videos of popular speakers (Summer)
  2. God First and Biblical Worldview (Fall & Winter)
  1. City outreach ministry (COM)
  1. Entering fall semester, COM is looking forward to a lot of newcomers and has scheduled welcome programs.
  2. On 9/26, there will be a COM band musical concert and mid-fall food festival.
  3. COM fall gospel retreat is scheduled for 10/23-25.  The goal will be 150 attendees/60 seekers.
  4. COM is awaiting an official reply from the Board of Elders regarding its Revised Building Fund Proposal.
  5. This weekend represents a pilot test for live streaming video during the Mandarin Gospel Meeting to Ruggles Baptist Church (90 attendees) and MIT (75 attendees).  There were some technical issues on Friday but improved as the night progressed.
  1. Metro-south (MS)
  1. The MS Charter Membership application process started on 9/6.  It will end on 10/4.  The approval process will be complete on 10/18.
  2. Sharon town officials have agreed on a land survey to determine the wetland boundary. Site planning and soil test will follow.
  3. The combined total of 50% MS general fund surplus  and the MS building fund from FY2015 was above $60,000. The remaining unpaid loan is less than $125,000.
  1. Pastor Chuck Lowe has submitted his resignation effective 6/30/16.
  1. Board of Deacons update (Deacon Haiguo)
  1. Property projects
  1. The basement HVAC project is complete.
  2. The kitchen propane->gas conversion is complete.
  3. The office basement floor tile project is complete.
  4. A fence has been installed around the office basement boiler.
  5. The current HVAC system is nearing end of life.
  1. We are spending around $9,000/month for electricity (which includes heating) during winter, and we have had trouble the last few years properly regulating the sanctuary temperature with the thermostats.
  2. We have received two different quotes for installing a new sanctuary HVAC system.  There were some suggestions to explore utility rebates and the MassSave program to see if we can help subsidize the cost.
  3. While anticipated costs are under $90,000, the Board of Deacons is requesting approval for $100,000 in case of contingencies.
  1. The Board of Deacons is planning to install a drainage system around the main building to mitigate water leaking into first floor rooms.
  1. The A/V team has provided a list of items (televisions, projectors, etc.) to install into each room of 151.  It was noted that it’s important to understand the use cases for each room to ensure that our solution meet those needs.  While the Board of Deacons are the approving authority for these expenses, it is important that the anticipated users of the facilities are involved in the decision making process.  The BoD needs to create a process for making these decisions.
  2. Property maintenance
  1. A method for stabilizing the rear screen in the sanctuary has been installed.
  2. The floors of the chapel and third floor has been stripped and waxed.
  3. The sanctuary projector has been repaired.
  4. The Philly ministry parking lot signs have been moved back to create more parking space.
  5. Sanctuary roof leaks have been fixed.
  1. Property management
  1. Kitchen appliances and furniture have been purchased for 151.
  2. Semi-annual HVAC maintenance done
  3. Quarterly elevator maintenance done
  4. Assisted with 151 landscaping
  1. We have received permission from the town of Lexington to allow us to use 151.  However, the official certificate of occupancy has not been issued yet pending some document work.
  2. Parking is not permitted in the 151 driveway, because once the vans move to the garage, the driveway has to be kept clear for van access.
  1. Board of Elders update (Elder Liqin)
  1. Ministry reviews continue to be on a “need base”.  This doesn’t mean that those ministries are having problems; rather they are ministries whose complexity may require more prayer and support from the Board of Elders.  This year, the BoE has reviewed the web ministry and Chinese Ministry worship.
  1. The web ministry was started as an independent task force by the Board of Elders.  There has been some discussion as to whether the ministry should continue to fall under the Board of Elders or whether the responsibility should be under the Board of Deacons instead.  The web ministry is extremely complicated in terms of managing and creating guidelines for web site content and advocating for web site support and use from the congregation.  By extension, BoE will also be discussing IT ministry organization and guidelines as well in the future.
  2. Chinese Ministry worship has grown significantly and the Board of Elders has been discussing how to best help the diverse ministries plan well together.
  1. The Metro South charter membership document has been approved.
  2. The Support of Vocational (Parachurch) Christian Ministry Policy has also been approved.
  3. Ning Yang has been appointed as the Benevolence Fund committee chair.  The Board of Elders would like a member of the English Ministry to also join this committee.
  4. The Community Outreach Committee members have been approved: Ivan Kuo, Xinyu Li, Andrew Tsang, Xinwen Wang, Haiguo Wu, Yanhua Yan, and Minister Yuegang Zhang.
  5. The vision statement that will be proposed to the congregation has been finalized.  The elders will continue the effort on formulating a mission statement and strategic goals based on the input from the church council retreat on August 1st.  The letter for communicating the vision to church members is in process of being written and approved.  Please continue to pray for the process.
  6. Elder Liqin presented a tentative agenda for the annual meeting which includes confirmation of deacons and elders, sharing from pastors, elders, and missionaries, appreciation for the 151 project team, and an update regarding the church vision.
  1. Quarterly Financial Report (Deacon Ji-yong)
  1. FY2015 year-end financial summary
  1. Last year, general fund expenses were at 95.6% of our budget and our general fund offering was at 112.8% of the budget.
  2. The FY2015 general fund surplus was $288,123.22 which was disbursed as follows according to our approved financial policies:
  1. Metro-south member loan repayment: $46,785.63
  2. General reserve fund: $28,737.00
  3. Capital fund: $212,600.59
  1. In FY2014, church members donated a total of $2,591,122.81 total to all funds (general, missions, SCM, CBE, etc.).  In FY2015, church members donated $2,622,192.45 total to all funds.
  1. July financials:


Offering (July)

Expense (July)

Total (July)

Cumulative Balance


























  1. CBE Total Donation since 12/1/2012 thru 7/31/2015: $956,526.95.
  2. Up to July 31, our total expense is at 7%, and our total offering is at 6.9% of the total annual budget (fiscal year ending June 30).
  1. August financials:


Offering (August)

Expense (August)

Total (August)

Cumulative Balance


























  1. CBE Total Donation since 12/1/2012 thru 8/31/2015: $972,991.95.
  2. Up to August 31, our total expense is at 14%, and our total offering is at 14.4% of the total annual budget (fiscal year ending June 30).
  1. While the CBE project fund is in the red, there is another restricted church building expansion fund that has $394,645.38 that can be used by CBE.  These two funds will be combined together once the CBE total donation reaches the $1 million goal.
  2. On April 24, 2015 the land and properties on it at the location of 383 Old Post Road, Sharon, MA 02067 became official assets of CBCGB.
  1. The property sale price was $342,500.00.
  2. The loan amount on 4/24/15 was $186,500.00.
  3. The payment to the trust on 8/31/2015 was $60,070.56 which consisted of:
  1. $46,785.63 from the general fund surplus
  2. $13,284.93 from the Metro-south building fund.
  1. The loan amount on 9/1/2015 was $126,429.44
  1. Elder David Ho motioned to approve up to $100,000 from the capital fund for the purpose of purchasing and installing a replacement sanctuary HVAC system.  Pastor Jiang Wei seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
  2. CBET update (Elder Ke-chieh)
  1. Expenses:
  1. $999K has been paid for 151 construction, with a balance of $83K still outstanding.  (Phase I Part 1)
  2. $10K has been paid for the building permit. (Phase I Part 1)
  3. $39K has been spent for consultant/vendor fees. (Phase I Part 1)
  4. $45K has been paid for the temporary parking and play area. (Phase I Part 2)
  5. This is all still under the original $1.2 million budget for Phase I Part 1 and $400K for Phase I Part 2.
  1. CBE Phase I Part 1:
  1. Construction for CBE Phase 1 part 1 is done save running through last details with the contractor and obtaining a last signature to acquire the occupancy permit.
  2. There were many challenges overcome during the planning and construction of 151:
  1. Our budget was very tight which required extra time to design and re-design.  In the end, we will have spent $1.12 million for a 5,000 sq ft building.
  2. The property lot had a lot of problems: A giant boulder that required digging/crushing/removing, un-level lot, and soil contamination and hazardous material to manage/remove.
  3. The Lexington Building Commissioner changed mid-process.
  4. Bad weather reduced working days and caused damage during construction.
  5. The Town of Lexington does not have a written list of requirements for applying/approving a certificate of occupancy.
  1. CBE phase I part 2:
  1. Entire site plan land survey was completed in January of 2014.
  2. An estimate for constructing a stairway between the upper parking lot and the main building will be conducted in October 2015.
  3. The original plan was to pave the upper parking lot.  However, the current thinking is to leave the parking as is due to environmental protection concerns and the need for a complicated drainage plan if it were to be paved.
  4. The original plan was also to have a circular driveway.  There is a challenge for how to complete this given the slope of the property.
  5. An area adjoining the upper parking lot has been flattened out using materials from the 151 construction.  It is not intended for children but is intended to be a level field for adults and youth to use.
  1. CBE Phase II and Phase III has had no activity since August of 2014 when a facilities usage analysis was conducted.  There are a few challenges:
  1. Funding for Phase II and Phase III: the estimated costs for each are $2.6 million and $2 million respectively.
  2. It has been difficult to achieve consensus regarding design direction.
  3. There hasn’t been a lot of support shown for Phase II and Phase III from the church.
  4. The CBE team recommends to delay Phase II and Phase III for at least two years to reassess plans and direction.
  5. Members of the church council encouraged the CBE team to come up with a plan to overcome these challenges during the delay.
  1. Elder Yuguang closed in prayer and Elder Liqin adjourned the meeting at 12:38 pm.
  2. Addendum
  1. In July via electronic ballot, Elder Liqin Chen motioned to
  1. Increase the FICA Tax budget (Acct 65000) by $1,000 from $25,000 to $26,000.
  2. Increase the Music Ministry budget (Acct 55080) by $350 from $4,000 to $4,350.
  3. Increase the Seminarian Support budget (Acct 57400) by $9,050 from $35,000 to $44,050.

Deacon Haiguo Wu seconded. The motion passed.

  1. On August 1st, during the church council retreat, Elder Liqin Chen motioned to increase the FICA Tax budget (Acct 65000) by $728.03 from $26,000 to $26,728.03.  Deacon Ji-yong Wang seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


        September 19, 2015

  1. 出席:
  1. 長老團 : 陳利欽 (主席), 朱克潔, 何煜光, 何明治, 盧忠信, 楊德禮
  2. 執事會: 張子剛, 鄭嘉文 (秘書), 胡中義, 潘瀾, Phil Sailer, 尹思, 王繼勇 (司庫), 汪新文, 吳海國 (執事會主席), 張建, 趙山川
  3. 教牧同工: 鮑斯文, 章開第主任牧師, 張子義牧師, 吳經權牧師, 林珍妮牧師, 盧植德牧師, 潘儒達牧師, 韋江牧師, 張越剛牧師
  4. 缺席:
  1. 執事:熊繼敏
  2. 牧師: 劉梅碧儀牧師

  1. 會議地點: 151-06

  1. 會議議程及紀錄:
  1. 會議從上午9:12開始.  盧植德牧師做開場禱告.
  2. 教牧同工報告
  1. 全教會範圍
  1. 151樓竣工,特別感謝教會建築擴展隊的貢獻
  2. 英語部事工團契組推遲了進入春街151的計劃,以等待音頻/視頻設備的安裝完工。 感謝由於執事董事會確定的中期計劃,使華語部事工團契組可以在音頻/視頻設備的安裝完成之前使用春街151。
  3. 本週末的秋季中文佈道會由替補講員吳正群牧師主持。禱告支持和後續行動至關重要。
  4. 本月華語部事工將有三個主要活動:神學研討會,中文福音佈道會,以及子女養育研討會。未來,教會將避免這樣擁擠的時間安排。
  5. 這個夏季有大量學生和新移民湧入波士頓。為應對這一挑戰,教會正在考慮:
  1. 要求社區外展委員會支持郊區校園事工部
  2.  為青年兒童事工部創建一個國語對話渠道
  1. 教牧同工正在起草2016年教會年曆。它將被提交給牧長執聯會審核批准,預計在2016年年初出版。
  2. 短期和長期的事工部結構保持不變。
  3. 英語部事工教牧薦聘委員會已經啟動,由章開第牧師,Bryan CheEmily Cheng執事,何煜光長老,Loren Shih執事,和楊德禮長老組成。
  1. 兒童事工部
  1. 九月是WANA,主日學和主日崇拜新一年的開始
  2. 核心帶領人會議將於151025日舉行
  3. 秋季節慶將於20151031日舉行(時間大概是從下午到傍晚)
  4. Phily事工部需要一名教員
  5. 在以下的項目中需要三位核心帶領人:週五/特殊托兒園,夏季/特別項目,以及AWANA。
  6. 鮑斯文傳道將在一月份參加一個兒童牧師會議
  1. 華語部事工
  1. 擁有33個現任同工位置的司提反事工已有六個新司提反事工同工得到任命
  2. 六人於今年823日受洗
  3. 近期活動: 國語佈道會,Esther Su研討會,九月週功和牧師的神學課程,十月的文字事工研討會。
  4. 十一月份計劃舉辦夫妻恩愛營
  5. 小組團契培訓完成之後,在四個鎮裡產生出四個新的小組
  6. 已經向2016年退修會和華語佈道會的兩位主講人發出了邀請
  7. 將有十三人組成去英國(COCM)的年末短宣隊。
  8. 正在組織與佈道相關聯的聖經學習材料
  9. 各團契小組已經順利過渡到新的教室
  1. 英語部事工
  1. 英語部事工身份文件已在討論中:
  1. 五個核心價
  2. 焦點:用我們的職業來為上帝服務,(4種方式)
  3. 身份:文化橋樑
  1. 夏天講道系列已講完,完成了為期一年的舊約救贖歷史系列
  2. 近期舉行了兩場婚禮
  3. 一旦春街151準備完畢可供英語部團契使用,英文團契將為了其他團契而從副堂移到春街151。
  4. 九月11日 大專生團契/Charis舉行秋季啓動儀式。有近70人參加,包括超過25個來訪者
  5. 由陳子俊牧師(原CBCGB神學生)主講的英語部事工退修會將於102-4日在新罕布什爾州舉行
  6. 神學生黃杰弗畢業了,已去紐約接受新的職位
  1. 青少年事工部
  1. 前往Lynn(6/28-7/3)和紐約(8/14-8/23)短宣小組正在進行準備工作。
  2. 夏天有青少年團契聯合活動。
  3. 秋季啓動儀式在911日舉行。
  4. 八月份有兩位年青人受洗。
  5. 高中主日學視頻系列:
  1. 通過觀看著名講經者的視頻來接受聖經教育(夏季)
  2. 上帝為第一和聖經的世界觀(秋冬季)
  1. 城區事工部 (COM)
  1. 進入秋季學期,城區事工部期待會有很多新人,已經安排了歡迎節目。
  2. 9月26日,城區事工部將舉辦樂隊音樂會及中秋美食節。
  3. 城區事工部秋季福音退休會定於10月23日到10月25日舉行。目標是有150人參加,其中包括60名慕道友。
  4. 城區事工部正在等待長老團會對其建設基金的修正提案作正式答复。
  5. 在本週末的華語佈道會上,測試了向Ruggles浸信教會(90名與會者)和麻省理工學院(75名與會者)發送實時視頻流。上週五發現一些技術問題,但在晚間得到了改進。
  1. 南區 (MS)
  1. 南區憲章會籍申請程序於9月6日開始,10月4日結束。審批流程將於10月18日完成。
  2. Sharon鎮官員已經同意作土地測量,以確定濕地邊界。在此以後將要作場地規劃和土壤測試。
  3. 50%的南區常費盈餘加上2015財政年度的南區建設基金,其總和高於$60,000。剩餘未支付的貸款少於$125,000
  1. 盧植德牧師已經提交了辭呈, 將於16630日生效。
  1. 執事會報告(海國執事)
  1. 物業項目
  1. 地下室供熱及空調通風(HVAC)系統項目完工。
  2. 廚房丙烷改天然氣改造項目完工。
  3. 辦公室地下室地板地磚項目完工。
  4. 辦公室地下室鍋爐周圍已經安裝了柵欄。
  5. 目前的HVAC 系統已經接近使用年限。
  1. 我們現在在冬季每月花費$9,000電費(包含供熱), 而且,在過去幾年,我們在用恆溫器設置和調節敬拜大堂的溫度時,遇到了一些問題。
  2. 對於大堂安裝新的HVAC系統,我們已經收到兩家公司不同的報價。有人建議探討電費的折扣和MassSave 項目,看能否貼補一些開支。
  3. 儘管預期費用低於$90,000, 執事會考慮到突發狀況,申請得到額度為$100,000的授權。
  1. 執事會計劃在主建築樓周圍修建排水佢係統,以減輕一樓多個房間漏水的問題。
  1. 音頻視頻團隊提交了一份物品清單(電視,投影機等),用於安裝在151樓各房間。重要的是要了解每個房間的用途,以確保我們的方案符合需求。儘管執事會有權批准這些開支,未來的設施使用者要參與製定決策,這一點很重要。執事會需要為這些決策創建一個流程。
  2. 物業維修
  1. 已使用有效的方法來穩定大堂後部的屏幕。
  2. 副堂和三樓的地板已經清潔和打蠟。
  3. 大堂的投影機已經修好。
  4. Philly 部的停車場標識已經向後挪,以增加停車空間。
  5. 大堂屋頂漏水已經修好。
  1. 物業管理
  1. 151樓的廚房裝置和家具已經採購完成。
  2. 年中 HVAC 設施維護完工。
  3. 季度電梯維護完成。
  4. 協助 151樓周圍的園林綠化。
  1. 我們已經收到萊剋星頓鎮批准我們使用151樓的許可。然而,由於一些文件的耽擱,官方的入住證書還沒有被簽發。
  2. 151樓的車道禁止停車,因為一旦廂式車駛入車庫後,車道必須空出來,便於廂式車的進出。
  1. 長老會報告 (利欽長老)
  1. 事工討論仍然是按需要才進行。這並不意味著那些事工存在問題,而是這些事工比較複雜,需要我們更多的禱告和來自長老的支持。今年,長老會已經討論過網站事工和華語敬拜事工。
  1. 網站事工由​​長老會建立,是一個獨立的執行小組。大家有過討論,是把網站事工繼續置於長老會之下,或是置於執事會之下。網站事工是極其複雜的,尤其是在管理、建立網站內容的指導、 以及推動對網站的支持和會眾使用等方面。推而廣之,在將來長老也會討論IT 事工的組織和準則。
  2. 華語崇拜事工已經取得顯著的發展,長老會已經在討論如何最好地幫多種事工共同發展好。
  1. 南區會員章程文件已經得到批准。
  2. 職場支持(輔助教會)基督徒事工政策也已經得到批准。
  3. 楊寧已經被任命為慈善基金委員會主席。長老會期望英文事工能有同工也加入這個委員會。
  4. 社區外展委員會成員已經被批准: Ivan Kuo,李新宇,Andrew Tsang,汪新文,吳海國,顏焱華,張越剛傳道。
  5. 將要提交給會員大會的異像表述已經確定下來。以8月1日教會理事會退修會的意見為基礎,長老們將繼續努力,作出使命表述和策略目標。已經在撰寫和批准與會眾溝通異像的信,請繼續為此禱告。
  6. 利欽長老提交了一個暫定年度會議議程,包括確認執事與長老;與牧師、長老、宣教士的分享;對151項目團隊的感謝;以及對教會異像的報告。
  1. 季度財務報告(繼勇執事)
  1. 財年2015 年終財務總結
  1. 去年,常費基金支出達到我們的預算的95.6% ,同時我們的常費奉獻達到了預算的112.8%。
  2. 2015財年常費盈餘是$288,123.22,參照我們經過批准的財務政策被支出在以下事項:
  1. 南區會員貸款還款: $46,785.63
  2. 常費保留基金: $28,737.00
  3. 資本金: $212,600.59
  1. 2014財年教會成員奉獻總計$2,591,122.81,包括各項基金(常費,宣教,社區關懷,教堂擴建等)。 2015財年,教會成員奉獻總計$2,622,192.45。
  1. 7月財報:


奉獻 (7)

支出 (7)

總計 (7)



























  1. 教堂擴建總奉獻(12/1/2012至7/31/2015: $956,526.95
  2. 截止7月31日, 我們的總支出達年度總預算的7%, 我們的總奉獻達6.9% (財年截止於6月30日)。
  1. 8月財報:


奉獻 (8月)

支出 (8月)

總計 (8月)



























  1. 教堂擴建總奉獻(12/1/2012 到8/31/2015): $972,991.95
  2. 截止8月31日, 我們的總支出達年度總預算的14%,我們的總奉獻達14.4% (財年截止於6月30日)
  1. 一旦教堂擴建項目資金出現赤字,有另一個受限的教堂擴建基金能用於教堂擴建,其金額為$394,645.38。當教堂擴建總奉獻達到一百萬的設定目標後,這兩個基金將整合在一起
  2. 從2015年4月24日起,位於麻州383 Old Post Road, Sharon, 02067土地以及上面的房產將正式成為CBCGB的產業。
  1. 物業的售價是 $342,500.00.
  2. 貸款的金額在 4/24/15 是 $186,500.00.
  3. 還款金額截止8/31/2015 是$60,070.56, 包括:
  1. $46,785.63 來源於常費的盈餘
  2. $13,284.93 來源於南區建築基金
  1. 貸款餘額在9/1/2015 是 $126,429.44

f. 何明治長老提議通過從資產基金中拿出10萬美元,用於購買和安裝新的正堂空調暖氣通風系統。韋江牧師支持。提案一致通過。

g. 教堂擴建工程更新 (克潔長老)







ii. 教堂擴建工程第一期第一部分:


2. 151在計劃和建造期間克服了很多挑戰:

a. 我們的預算非常有限,需要額外的時間去設計和重新設計。最後,我們建造5千平方英尺的房子花費了112萬

b. 建築場地遇到很多問題:一塊巨石需要被挖出/粉碎/移出,場地不平整,土地污染和危險物需要被管理/移出

c. 萊剋星頓建築專員在建設期間更換

d. 惡劣天氣致使工作天數減少及造成建築損害

e. 萊剋星頓鎮缺少申請/審批居住認證條件的書面目錄

iii. 教堂擴建工程第一期第二部分:






iv. 教堂擴建工程第二期和第三期在2014年8月後進行設施運用分析期間沒有舉動。以下是一些挑戰:






g. 煜光長老以禱告結束會議,利欽長老在下午12:38休會

h. 附錄

i. 在7月,通過電子選票,陳利欽長老提議

1.提高FICA稅預算1000美元(Acct 65000, 從25000美元提高至26000美元)

2.提高音樂事工預算350美元(Acct 55080, 從4000美元提高至4350美元)

3.提高支持神學生預算9050美元(Acct 57400, 從35000美元提高至44050美元)


ii. 在8月1日,牧長執聯會退修會期間,陳利欽長老提議提高FICA稅預算728.03美元(Acct 65000, 從26000美元提高至26728.03美元)。
