CBCGB Church Council Minutes, Q4 of 2015

        December 12, 2015


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”): Liqin Chen (Chair), Ke-Chieh Chu, Yuguang He, Timothy Lu, Terry Yang
  2. Board of Deacons (“BoD”): Joshua Chang, Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Chun-Yi Hu, Lance Pan, Phil Sailer, Ji-Yong Wang (Treasurer), Xin-Wen Wang, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jian Zhang, Shanchuan Zhao
  3. Pastoral Staff: Pastor Steven Bowman, Sr. Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor David Eng, Pastor Jennifer Lin, Pastor Sandy Liu, Pastor Chuck Lowe, Pastor Ju-Ta Pan, Pastor Jiang Wei, Minister Yuegang Zhang
  4. Invitees:
  1. Incoming BoE members: Bryan Che
  2. Incoming BoD members: Tuanfeng Zhang
  1. Absent:
  1. Elders: David Ho
  2. Deacons: Beata Shih, Jimin Xiong
  3. Pastors: Pastor Steve Chang

  1. Location: Church Office Basement

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:08 am.  Elder Liqin opened in prayer.
  2. Pastoral staff reports
  1. Church-wide
  1. The Missions and Social Concerns Conference will be reviewed.
  2. The job posting for the English ministry pastoral search is ready.
  3. A budget increase of $3,000 is requested for the two pastoral searches.
  4. Long and short ministry matrices are being finalized.
  5. The 2016 detailed annual calendar and a 2017 calendar (with 6-8 key weekend events) have been completed.  The purpose of having a two year outlook is to enable members to be able to book the church for weddings in advance.
  6. 2016 Chinese and Children’s ministry retreat contract and speaker have been settled.
  7. All short term missionaries should be fully approved and coordinated under the Missions ministry.  Leaders must follow church policies and guidelines.
  8. Leaders are faithful and focused on their respective ministries.  They are asked to also be aware of the wider church body and make sure there are no schedule conflicts with major church events, such as the missions and social concerns conference and baptisms.
  9. The church is facing a critical moment:
  1. We are losing two pastors.
  2. English Ministry is working on a new identity and branding.
  3. There are church building expansion challenges.

Pastor Caleb encourages church leaders and the congregation to pray.  Kneeling down to pray is the end and not just the means. “Prayer is not the spare tire but the steering wheel.”

  1. Lexington campus
  1. Pastor farewell parties need to be funded and coordinated.
  2. Sanctuary HVAC project will be at the critical point next week (the week before Christmas Sunday).
  1. Lexington Chinese ministry
  1. Preparations for the Year End Concert of Prayer are ongoing.  The theme is “Revive us, O Lord”.
  2. Fellowships and small groups had Thanksgiving dinners, outreaching to new immigrants and students.
  3. Since August, Bible study materials have been provided that are synchronized with sermons.  Bible study training has also been held.
  4. Thirteen people will go to Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM) in the UK for a year-end short term missions trip.
  5. Thirteen people will be baptized on 12/13.
  6. There are thirty-three active members of Stephen Ministry. Two will receive a one week leadership training course at Stephen Ministry headquarters next January.
  7. Thirty-five people attended the literature ministry’s workshop in October.  Pulse #124 is planned to be published by the year end.
  8. One family had a child dedication on 11/8.
  9. Two new couples were trained on 11/13 to be leaders in the Marriage Enrichment ministry.
  1. Lexington Children’s ministry
  1. Pastor Bowman will attend a children’s pastor conference from 1/19 to 1/23.
  2. A Philly ministry workshop will be held in Spring 2016.
  3. The attendance highs during 2015 were:
  1. Sunday session 1: 146 on 3/29
  2. Sunday session 2: 130 on 9/13
  3. AWANA: 127 on 5/1.
  1. A successful fall harvest party was held on 10/31/15.  135 children attended.  The event was well supported by Youth, EM, CM, etc.
  2. The Bible quizzing ministry continues to grow.
  1. Lexington Junior High Youth Ministry
  1. Junior ALIVE continues to study Ephesians.
  2. Fall harvest packing event was held with Lowell Mission Church.
  3. Applications and training for new worship team members was held.
  4. Planning is ongoing for the upcoming winter retreat (February 19-21, 2016).
  5. Youth Parents Association (YPA) Ski Trip is upcoming.
  6. Organization for the NYC short term missions next summer has begun
  1. Lexington Senior High Youth Ministry
  1. Seminary interns Will and Esther Leung’s last day will be on 12/20.
  2. Pastor Sandy’s last working day will be on 8/31/2016.
  3. Twenty-three college freshman care packages were sent out on 11/2.
  4. Passion Night was held on 11/27 with a focus on praying for Africa.
  5. Senior ALIVE Bible study is studying Romans.
  6. The Senior High Sunday School topic is “Biblical Worldview”.
  7. Upcoming quarter priorities:
  1. Planning for the winter retreat on 2/13-15.  The speaker is Dana Smith.
  2. Short Term Missions planning, team training, and assignments.
  1. Pastor Caleb asks for prayers for the yet to be formed youth pastor search committee.
  1. Lexington English ministry
  1. The English Ministry identity, branding, naming, and website effort are ongoing.
  2. English Ministry focus update: Meagan Chan (married to Gary Look) has started working for the International Justice Mission in Washington, D.C.
  3. The English Ministry retreat in October, with speaker Aaron Chan, had 66 adults and 9 kids in attendance.
  4. English Ministry is preaching through Jesus and salvation history this fall.
  5. There will be English worship on 12/20, with only joint worship on 12/27 and 1/4.
  6. The church hopes to have a mental health conference in April, 2016.  The Philly ministry has also wanted to hold a conference which may or may not be an independent event from the mental health conference.
  7. The average attendance this year through November is 222.  During the same period in 2014, that number was 235.
  8. At least ten college students in ICF (and several youth alumni) will attend the 2015 Urbana Missions Conference.
  9. One ICF student will be baptized on 12/13.
  10. Charis will be volunteering at Cradles to Crayons this afternoon.  Charis is also preparing twenty-five Christmas baskets to donate to Route One ministries.
  1. City outreach ministry (COM)
  1. The semester started in September with welcome programs.
  2. The fall evangelistic retreat occurred in October with around 150 attendees.
  3. Eleven people were baptized in November.
  4. Thanksgiving dinner was hosted for Chinese overseas students and scholars.
  5. A Christmas program will be held on Christmas Eve.
  6. A ministry fair will be held at the end of February.
  1. Metro-south (MS)
  1. The Mero-south Charter Membership was established with 73 members in October.
  2. The First Executive Council has been confirmed with votes from Metro-South Charter members.
  3. The first draft of the Metro-South bylaws has sent out to members for review.
  4. Cleanup of the 383 Old Post Road property has started. Many brothers and sisters have participated.
  5. Metro-South will start a pledge drive this coming March for building a new facility.
  1. Pastoral Off-Campus Service
  1. Pastor Caleb has five outside trips scheduled in 2016 (one using his vacation time), plus one additional missions trip approved by the missions committee to COCM UK mission in June).
  2. Pastor David will accompany students to Urbana from 12/27 - 1/1.
  3. Pastor Juta preached at a Virginia Tech campus fellowship in August and at the Bay Area Campus Evangelical Fellowship gospel camp in September.
  1. Board of Deacons update (Deacon Haiguo)
  1. Property projects
  1. 151 update
  1. Audio/visual:
  1. Three televisions have been installed.
  2. Two projectors will be installed in the coming week.
  3. The sound system components will be ordered shortly.
  1. The current plan is to have fellowship groups relocate to their final locations during the first weekend of the new year.
  2. A refrigerator and additional furniture (tables/chairs) were purchased for 151.  We may need to order more furniture in the future depending on English Ministry needs.
  3. A van key safe has been installed in the garage and lines have been drawn.  The hope is to have the garage available for van parking before snow starts.
  4. The thermostat in 151 has also been connected to WiFi and integrated with the rest of our WiFi controls.
  5. Signs have been installed around 151 to help regulate traffic and parking.
  6. An enclosure was built around the basement fan opening.
  7. Light switches around the entrances and garage doors have been connected to sensors.
  8. Church council members mentioned that there is no emergency exit lighting right now.
  1. The main church parking lot lights have been turning off by 10:30pm.  It was speculated that the timer may need to be adjusted to compensate for daylight savings.
  2. The sanctuary HVAC project should be complete on 12/18.  Next week is critical as we switch over to the new system.
  3. Quotes are being requested for expanding and widening the carriage house parking lot.
  1. Property maintenance
  1. The main building basement wall was repainted thanks to the ping pong fellowship.
  2. The parking lot was re-striped.
  3. Dividers were put in place in the upper level parking.  The upper level parking will not be available once the first major snowstorm occurs.
  4. A riding lawn mower was purchased.
  5. The church office, carriage house, and main building were treated for mice.
  6. Walls around the first floor entrance were repaired/finished.
  7. The main entrance walkway was repaired.
  8. The main building stairway landing was repaired.
  9. The first floor entrance stairs and walkway have been repaired.
  10. The main building gutter system was improved.
  11. Room 108’s circular window was fixed to try to address a water leak problem.  However, it was found that the root cause was with the gutters which have also been fixed.
  1. Property management
  1. Assisted RCN technician with underground survey work.  Obtaining quotes from RCN and Verizon for our Internet service.
  2. Received a quote for a second water meter for 151.
  3. Passed annual fire alarm and smoke detector inspections and quarterly elevator inspection.
  4. Assisted music committee with piano delivery.
  5. Ordered and installed whiteboards for 151.
  6. Ordered easels and easel pads for youth ministry.
  7. Our insurance agent came to appraise the value of 151.
  8. Received new quote from our snow plowing company in light of additional driveways.
  9. The playground wooden structure was removed for safety.
  10. Purchased microwave oven and vacuum cleaner for 151.
  11. Installed wooden markers around the church for snow plowing purposes.
  1. There continues to be a parking problem around the church office where parked cars block vehicle or pedestrian access paths or are in the fire lane.
  1. Board of Elders update (Elder Liqin)
  1. Policy and guideline approvals
  1. Chinese ministry worship committee charter is expected to be approved this afternoon.
  2. Social concern ministry charter revision has been approved.
  1. An official Information Technology (IT) ministry committee is being planned to help oversee IT equipment acquisition and maintenance, IT services, and the church website.  The first draft of the charter will be discussed by the BoE this afternoon.
  2. A City Outreach Ministry building fund has been approved for the potential purchase of an activity center.  The BoD will determine how to allocate surplus offering from the City Outreach Ministry towards this fund.
  3. Committee chair appointments
  1. Eric Chiu has been appointed for a second term as missions committee chair.
  2. Jinjie (TJ) Tang has been appointed for a second term as membership committee chair.
  1. The BoE has been discussing returnee ministry: how to minister to those who come to faith while in the United States (school or temporary assignment) and then return to China.
  2. Welcome to new church council members elder-elect Bryan Che and deacon-elect Tuanfeng Zhang.
  1. Quarterly Financial Report (Deacon Ji-yong)
  1. November financials:


Offering (Nov)

Expense (Nov)

Total (Nov)

Cumulative Balance































  1. Up to November 30, our total expense is at 36.7%, and our total offering is at 37.7% of the total annual budget (fiscal year ending June 30).
  2. Praise God that we reached our $1,000,000 donation goal for the Church Building Expansion (CBE) - Project Fund.  From December 2012 to November 2015, the total donation to the CBE Project Fund was $1,008,421.95.  From December 2015, the two CBE related accounts will be merged and renamed as the “CBE Fund” (reflected in the table above).
  1. The pastoral search expense budget needs to be amended due to two pastoral searches.  Expenses will be related to job postings and travel expenses for candidates.
  1. Pastor Chuck Lowe motioned to increase the pastoral search expense budget (Acct 64120) by $3,000.00 from $0 to $3000.  Pastor Sandy Liu seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
  1. The English ministry retreat had a deficit, not because it was over budget, but because of the need to put down a deposit for next year’s retreat.  An unexpected number of scholarship requests also contributed to the lack of surplus funds to cover that deposit.  There will be no further expenses in this budget during FY2016.
  1. Pastor Chuck Lowe motioned to increase the English ministry retreat budget (Acct 56500) by $686.75 from $2,800.00 to $3,486.75.  Pastor Sandy Liu seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Deacon Ji-yong expressed thanks from the finance committee for the support and encouragement received.  Elder Liqin also expressed thanks to Deacon Ji-yong for his service as treasurer over the last four years.
  1. Church Building Expansion Team Next Phase Proposal (Elder Ke-chieh)
  1. Original plan
  1. Phase I: $1.6 million budget
  1. 151 building rebuilt
  2. Additional parking
  3. Circular driveway
  1. Phase II: $2.6 million budget
  1. Foyer
  2. Fellowship hall
  3. Classrooms
  1. Phase III: $2.0 million budget
  1. Indoor gym / multi-purpose function hall
  1. The total of $6.2 million budget was planned to come from
  1. $200,000 existing CBE project fund
  2. $1 million donations
  3. $5 million church bonds
  1. Project Status Update
  1. Phase I Part 1: $1.2 million original budget
  1. 151 was rebuilt at a cost of $1.14 million
  1. Phase I Part 2: $400,000 original budget
  1. Additional parking - Current projected costs are $100,000
  2. Circular driveway - Current projected costs are $160,000
  1. Total Phase I current projected costs: $1.4 million
  1. The new proposed plan is to swap the order of Phase II and Phase III.
  1. New Phase II: $2.4 million budget
  1. Indoor gym / multi-purpose function hall
  2. Proposed funding to come from $1.2 million donation and $1.2 million member loans (rather than bonds).
  3. To increase transparency and visibility of the project and to give more ownership to the entire congregation, the proposal is to transfer more responsibility of the project from the Church Building Expansion Team (CBET) to the Church Council:
  1. Promotion and fundraising led by the pastoral staff and BoE.
  2. The requirements specification led by the BoD and the pastoral staff.
  3. Design/construction led by CBET.
  1. New Phase III: $2.4 million budget
  1. Foyer
  2. Fellowship hall
  3. Classrooms
  1. Total budget total (for all three phases) would remain at $6.2 million.
  1. There were some concerns about how we can balance all of the various building projects at  Metro-South, City Outreach Ministry, and Lexington.  Elders provided encouragement by encouraging the church first to be unified in prayer and vision regarding our ministry and purposes, and we will be able to raise the necessary funds.  Also, Metro-south will become independent in two years, while City Outreach Ministry is still in the planning phase regarding their future facility requirements and is not ready to propose anything to the rest of the church.
  2. The need for clear communication to the entire church was raised regarding each phase of building and how they integrate with each other in a unified plan.
  3. Requirements will hopefully be finalized in three to six months from the time that everybody agrees on the new proposed high level plan.
  4. The reason for swapping the original Phase II and Phase III proposals was because:
  1. Congregation members expressed more interest in a multi-purpose facility, especially English ministry which noted the current lack of facilities for Children and Youth ministries.
  2. The multi-purpose facility still has plans for some classrooms.
  1. It was proposed that we should investigate external loans to accelerate the process given current low interest rates.
  1. English Ministry branding (Deacon Phil)
  1. The English Ministry Branding Team (EMBT) consists of sixteen members of English Ministry (EM).
  2. Progress
  1. The BoE has approved that EM would create their own unique branding.
  2. The EMBT has been formed, is led by elder-elect Bryan Che, and is facilitated by Deacon Phil Sailer.
  3. The process was created by EMBT and approved by English Ministry Leadership Core (EMLC) on 11/8.
  1. Guiding principles
  1. Share criteria with English Ministry.
  2. Receive early input from English Ministry.
  3. Provide regular updates to EM and BoE.
  4. Provide a regular avenue for regular communication with EMBT.
  1. The approved process:
  1. EMBT creates the naming criteria.
  2. EMBT brainstorms names, while English ministry members also submit name suggestions.
  3. EMBT (in sync with EMLC) selects 2+ names.
  4. English ministry members submit feedback on the selected names.
  5. EMBT (in sync with EMLC) selects a single name.
  6. English ministry members confirms the name.
  7. EMBT submits the name to the BoE for approval.
  1. Currently, the process is in between the first two steps.
  2. English ministry members have received the re-branding proposal very favorably.  All members of the team volunteered; there was no need to ask people specifically to join the team.
  3. Next steps
  1. An announcement kicking off the English ministry members naming feedback collection will occur during the English worship service on 12/13.
  2. The process and status will be reviewed at the next BoE meeting in January and monthly thereafter at BoE/BoD/CC meetings until concluded.
  3. Questions and comments can be sent to embrand@cbcgb.org.
  4. The next EMBT meeting will be in early-to-mid January.
  1. Please pray for the team and the entire branding process.
  1. Pastor Sandy closed in prayer and Elder Liqin adjourned the meeting at 12:14 pm.

波士頓郊區華人聖經教會牧長執聯會會議紀錄-- 2015年第4季


  1. 與會者:
  1. 長老團:陳利欽 (主席), 朱克潔, 何煜光, 盧忠信, 楊德禮
  2. 執事會:張子剛, 鄭嘉文 (秘書), 胡中義, 潘瀾, Phil Sailer, 王繼勇 (司庫), 汪新文, 吳海國 (執事會主席), 張建, 趙山川
  3. 教牧同工: 鮑斯文傳道, 章開第主任牧師, 吳經權牧師, 林珍妮牧師, 劉梅碧儀牧師, 盧植德牧師, 潘儒達牧師, 韋江牧師, 張越剛傳道
  4. 受邀人員:
  1. 新任長老:車文建
  2. 新任執事:張團鋒
  1. 缺席:
  1. 長老:何明治
  2. 執事:尹思瑩, 熊繼敏
  3. 牧師:張子義牧師

  1. 會議地點:教會辦公室地下室

  1. 會議議程及紀錄:
  1. 會議從上午9:08開始.  陳利欽長老開始會前禱告
  2. 教牧同工報告
  1. 全教會
  1. 將回顧宣教及社關年會。
  2. 英文部牧師的徵聘工作準備完畢。
  3. 建議新增預算$3000,作為兩位牧師的尋聘費用。
  4. 教會事工同工矩陣的簡詳圖,正在作最后定稿。
  5. 2016詳細行事曆和含有6-8件重要大事的2017年行事曆已經完成,目的是方便會員預定婚禮場地。
  6. 2016華語部和兒童事工退修會的合同及講員已經确定。
  7.  所有短宣隊隊員必須通過和接受宣教委員會的核准及協調,帶領人必須遵守教會政策和準則。
  8. 事工領導都忠於職守,專注於其事工服事,他們要注意全教會的安排,不要跟教會宣教/社關年會或洗禮等重要活動相衝突。
  9. 教會面臨關鍵時刻:
  1. 我們將失去兩位牧者。
  2. 英文部正在重新命名。
  3. 教會擴建面臨挑戰。


  1. 勒星頓教會
  1. 牧師歡送會需要籌款和協調。
  2. 大堂暖氣空調項目下週進入關鍵階段 (聖誕主日前的一週)。
  1. 勒星頓華語部
  1. 正在準備跨年禱告會,主題是:主啊,復興我們。
  2. 團契及小組舉行了感恩聚餐,聯絡新移民和學生。
  3. 從8月起,開始提供與講臺同步的查經資料,並進行了查經訓練。
  4. 13人將參加海外基督教華僑佈道會在英國的年終短宣。
  5. 12月13日將有13人受洗。
  6. 司提反事工目前仍在服事同工有33位,其中兩位將在明年1月參加司提反事工總部的領袖訓練課程,為時一週。
  7. 35人參加了10月的文字營,心版124期計劃在年終出版。
  8. 11/8一個家庭作孩童奉獻禮。
  9. 兩對夫婦在11/30受訓,成為恩愛夫妻營的帶領人。
  1. 勒星頓兒童事工
  1. Bowman牧師將參加1/19 至1/23的兒童牧師會議。
  2. 蒙愛班講習班將於2016年春季舉行。
  3. 2015年兒童人數最多的時候是:
  1. 主日第一節: 3/29有146人
  2. 主日第二節: 9/13有130人
  3. AWANA: 5/1有127人
  1. 10/31/15舉行的秋收盛會非常成功,有135位兒童參加,青少年、英文部、中文部等都給予極大的支持。
  2. 聖經背誦事工繼續成長。
  1. 勒星頓初中生事工
  1. 初中生ALIVE繼續讀《以弗所書》。
  2. 與Lowell宣教教會共同舉辦了秋收節。
  3. 進行了敬拜團新成員的申請及訓練。
  4. 正在籌劃即將舉行的冬令退修會,時間是2016年2月19-21日。
  5. 青少年家長會將舉行滑雪活動。
  6. 開始組織明年夏天的紐約短宣。
  1. 勒星頓高中生事工
  1. 實習神學生Will 和 Esther Leung的事奉將在12/20結束。
  2. 劉梅碧儀牧師最後一個工作日是8/31/2016。
  3. 11/2送出23份給大專新生的關懷包裹。
  4. 恩慈之夜已於11/27舉行,中心是為非洲禱告。
  5. 高中生ALIVE查經研讀羅馬書。
  6. 高中生主日學的主題為「聖經的世界觀」。
  7. 本季度優先辦理事項:
  1. 計劃2/13-15的冬季退修會,講員為Dana Smith。
  2. 短宣的計劃、隊員訓練及工作分配。
  1. 開第牧師請大家為籌組青少年牧師聘牧委員會禱告。
  1. 勒星頓英語部事工
  1. 英語部正在定位、標記、命名及網站諸方面努力。
  2. 英語部最近的事工重點:Meagan Chan (與Gary Look結婚)已開始在華府國際公義宣教組織的工作。
  3. 10月的英語部退修會講員為Aaron Chan,有66位成人和9位兒童參加。
  4. 英語部今年秋季的講台信息為耶穌基督和救贖歷史。
  5. 12/20有英語部主日敬拜,12/27和1/4則是聯合敬拜。
  6. 教會希望於2016年4月舉行心理健康講座,蒙愛事工也可能合併或獨立舉行一項有關心理健康的會議。
  7. 截至11月止,主日敬拜平均人數為222人,2014年同期人數是235人。
  8. 至少10位大專生團契的學生 (及幾位青少年校友)將參加2015 Urbana 宣教大會。
  9. 一位大專生將於12/13受洗。
  10. Charis團契今天下午自願協助「從搖籃到臘筆」事工。該團契將準備25個籃子捐贈給1號路事工。
  1. 城區事工(COM)
  1. 本學期從9月起開始迎新活動。
  2. 10月的秋季佈道會約有150人參加。
  3. 11月有11人受洗。
  4. 為華人學生和學者舉行了感恩聚餐。
  5. 聖誕夜將舉行聖誕節相關活動。
  6. 2月底將舉行事工介紹活動。
  1. 南區植堂 (MS)
  1. 成立南區會員組織,10月份有73名會員。
  2. 南區會員投票確認了第一屆常務理事。
  3. 南區教會憲章的初稿已經發給會員們評閱。
  4. 開始清理383 Old Post Road房屋 ,有許多弟兄姐妹參與。
  5. 南區將於三月舉行建造新設施的認獻活動。
  1. 教牧外出服事
  1. 開第牧師2016年有5次外出服事 (其中一次用的是自己的休假),另有一次,是宣教委員會同意的參加基督教華僑佈道會6月在英國舉行的宣教活動。
  2. 吳經權牧師陪伴學生參加12/27至1/1的 Urbana大會。
  3. 潘儒達牧師外地講道:8月在Virginia Tech校園團契,9月在灣區校園福音團契福音營。
  1. 執事會近況 (吳海國執事)
  1. 產物項目
  1. 151 近況
  1. 視聽:
  1. 已裝設三台電視。
  2. 下週裝設兩只幻燈投影器。
  3. 即將於訂購音響系統零件。
  1. 目前計劃在新年第一個週末將團契搬遷到決議所訂的房間。
  2. 已為151購買一台冰箱和一些傢俱(桌椅),視英語部的需要,可能需要購買更多的傢俱。
  3. 交通車的鑰匙保險箱已裝設在車庫裡,車道線也劃了好,盼望能在冬天下雪以前車庫能讓交通車停放。
  4. 151的溫度表已與WiFi連結,納入我們的WiFi控溫系統。
  5. 151附近的交通標誌都已放置,以協助管制交通和停車。
  6. 地下室通風設備的外殼已完工。
  7. 入口處和車庫門附近已經安裝感應式電燈。
  8. 聯會會員提出目前緊急出口沒有指示燈。
  1. 教會主樓的關燈設定在晚上10:30,有人提醒時間的設定要配合日光節約時間。
  2. 大堂的暖氣設備更新應於12/18完工,下週是新設備轉換的關鍵期。
  3. 正在徵得拓寛馬車房附近停車場的施工估價。
  1. 產物保養
  1. 主樓地下室牆壁重漆工作已經完成,謝謝乒乓球團契。
  2. 停車場的車道線重劃已完成。
  3. 較高層停車場的隔離標牌已經到位,一但第一場大風雪來臨,該停車場將不再開放。
  4. 購買了一台乘坐式的剪草機。
  5. 教會辦公室、馬車房及主樓已作滅鼠處理。
  6. 一樓入口處周圍的牆壁已經修復完工。
  7. 主要入口處的走道已經修復。
  8. 主樓樓梯的平台已經修復。
  9. 一樓入口處的樓梯和走道已經修復。
  10. 主樓排水管系統已改善。
  11. 1為了解決漏水問題,修複了08房間的圓形窗,後來發現癥結是排水管問題,現在已經修好。
  1. 產物管理
  1. 協助 RCN 技術人員進行地下視察工作,取得RCN 和Verizon互聯網服務的估價單。
  2. 取得151第二水錶的估價。
  3. 通過了火警警報和煙霧感應器的年度檢查,以及電梯的季度檢查。
  4. 協助音樂委員會運送鋼琴。
  5. 為151訂購及裝設了白色書寫板.
  6. 為青少年事工訂購畫架及墊子。
  7. 我們的保險公司職員前來估定151的價值。
  8. 收到我們剷雪公司的剷雪估價單,估價包括新增的車道。
  9. 為安全考量,已拆除兒童遊戲場的木製設備。
  10. 購置了151需用的微波爐及吸塵器。
  11. 為了剷雪,在教會四周裝置了木製記號。
  1. 在教會辦公室附近,仍有停車問題,停靠的車輛阻擋了交通車或行人道,甚至佔用消防車道。
  1. 長老團近況 (利欽長老)
  1. 政策和規章的核准
  1. 華語部崇拜委員會規章預定於今天下午核定。
  2. 社關事工規章已經核准。
  1. 將計劃組成資訊技術事工委員會,協助監督資訊設備的購買和保養、資訊系統的維修以及教會網站的運行。規章初稿將於今天下午長老團會議中討論。
  2. 城區事工的建堂基金已通過,作為可能購買活動中心之用。執事會將決定如何把城區奉獻的盈餘分配到這個基金。
  3. 委員會主席的任命
  1. 趙宏鈞弟兄再度被任命為宣教委員會主席。
  2. 唐進捷(TJ)弟兄再度被任命為會員委員會主席。
  1. 長老團已經開始討論海歸事工:如何牧養這些在美國(就讀或短期工作期間)信主、後來回到中國的信徒。
  2. 歡迎新的聯會會員:當選長老車文建和當選執事張團鋒。
  1. 季度財務報告 (王繼勇執事)
  1. 11月財務狀況:


奉獻 (11月)

支出 (11月)

總計 (11月)
































  1. 截至11月30日, 我們的總支出為年度總預算的36.7%, 總奉獻為度總預算的37.7% (財年截止於6月30日)
  2. 感謝主,一百萬元教堂擴建基金的奉獻已經達​​標。從2012年12月到2015年11月止,奉獻總金額為$1,008,421.95元。自2015年12月開始,兩個與教會擴建有關的帳戶將合併並更名為「教會擴建基金(CBE Fund)」(請見上圖)。
  1. 因為要聘請兩位牧師,聘牧預算需要增編,作為廣告及候選人車馬費等用途。
  1. 盧植德牧師建議牧師聘牧預算 (64120項)從$0增為$3,000元。劉梅碧儀牧師附議,提案以不記名表決通過。
  1. 英文部退修會呈現赤字,不是因為超支,而是要預付下年退修會的訂金。預料之外的幾項獎學金申請,也是造成存款無法支付該基金超支的原因。在2016年會計的預算中,不能再有任何開銷。
  1. 盧植德牧師建議增加英語部退修會預算(帳目56500) $686.75,從$2,800.00增至$3,486.75。劉梅碧儀牧師附議,提案以不記名表決通過。
  1. 繼勇執事感謝財務委員會的支持與鼓勵,利欽長老對繼勇執事在過去四年擔任司庫的服事表達謝意。
  1. 教會擴建委員會下階段提案 (克潔長老)
  1. 原訂計畫
  1. 第一階段:1百60萬預算
  1. 重建151
  2. 增建停車場
  3. 環形車道
  1. 第二階段: 2百60萬預算
  1. 進門前廳
  2. 團契廳
  3. 教室
  1. 第三階段: 2百萬預算
  1. 室內體育場/多功能館
  1. 總計6百20萬預算來自
  1. 目前擴建基金有$200,000。
  2. 1百萬奉獻。
  3. 5百萬教會債券。
  1. 計畫更新近況
  1. 第一階段第一期:依原訂預算是1百20萬。
  1. 重建151的花費是1百14萬。
  1. 第一階段第二期: 原訂40萬預算。
  1. 新增停車位 – 目前估計開支10萬。
  2. 環形車道 – 目前估計開支16萬。
  1. 第一階段目前估計的開支是1百40萬。
  1. 新提案將把第二期和第三期互換。
  1. 新階段第二期:2百40萬預算
  1. 室內體育館/多功能館
  2. 建議1百20萬來自奉獻,1百20萬來自貸款 (而不是債券).
  3. 增加計畫的透明度和可見度,賦予會眾更多的自主權,建請將計畫的責任歸屬從擴建小組轉移至教牧長執聯會:
  1. 推動及籌款由教牧同工及長老團負責。
  2. 特定的需求由執事會和教牧同工負責。
  3. 設計/架構由擴建小組負責。
  1. 新階段第三期: 2百40萬預算
  1. 進門前廳
  2. 團契廳
  3. 教室
  1. 總預算 (三階段合計) 仍維持6百20萬。
  1. 對如何平衡南區植堂、城區事工和勒星頓等擴(植)堂經費的一些關切:長老們勉勵大家,首先在禱告和異像中,尋求各事工及目標的合一,就可以募集到需要的基金。南區植堂將在兩年後獨立,城區事工要看未來設施的需求而定,還在計畫階段,沒有打算對教會其他成員提出任何建議。
  2. 關於擴建的每一階段以及彼此間如何配搭而成為統一的計劃、有必要與全教會進行清楚的溝通。
  3. 希望在3-6個月能達到最後的共識,屆時每個人都同意新提議的上選計畫。
  4. 把原訂第二階段和第三階段互換的原因為:
  1. 會眾對多功能館比較感興趣,尤其是英語部提出目前缺少兒童及青少年事工的場所。
  2. 多功能館計劃中包括一些教室。
  1. 有人提議,鑒於目前較低的利率,我們應該探索外部貸款,以加速擴堂進程。
  1. 英文部命名事工 (Phil執事)
  1. 英文部命名事工小組 (EMBT) 包括16位英文部會員。
  2. 進展
  1. 長老團同意英文部建立自己特有的名稱。
  2. 命名小組成立,由當選長老車文建領導,Phil Sailer執事配合執行。
  3. 整個流程由命名小組開創,並組英文部核心領導於11/18同意。
  1. 指導原則
  1. 與英文部分享準則。
  2. 從英文部獲得最初的建議。
  3. 按時向英文部及長老團提供更新事項。
  4. 設有固定途徑,能與命名小組作例行性的溝通。
  1. 已獲同意的過程:
  1. 英文部命名小組建立命名的準則。
  2. 英文部命名小組儘可能多地提名,英文部會員也提出命名的建議。
  3. 英文部命名小組 (與英文部核心領導同步) 選出兩個以上的名字。
  4. 英文部會員對選好的名字提出回應。
  5. 英文部命名小組(與英文部核心領導同步) 選定一個名字。
  6. 英文部會員確認這個名字。
  7. 英文部命名小組把名字交由長老團審核。
  1. 目前進行到第一步和第二步之間。
  2. 英文部會員已經收到重新定名的建議,而且很喜歡。本小組所有的組員都是自願的,不需要特別邀請別人參與。
  3. 下一步
  1. 12/13在主日崇拜時,將宣佈開始向英文部會員收集命名回應單。
  2. 有關流程和現況將於1月長老團會議中進行評審,以後每月由長老團/執事會/聯會評審,直到完成。
  3. 若有疑問和意見可以用embrand@cbcgb.org連繫。
  4. 下一次的英文部命名小組會議將在一月上中旬舉行。
  1. 請為小組及所有的命名過程禱告。
  1. 劉碧儀牧師作結束禱告,陳利欽長老宣佈會議於中午12:14結束。