CBCGB Church Council Minutes, Q1 of 2016

March 19, 2016


  1. In Attendance:
  1. Board of Elders (“BoE”): Bryan Che, Ke-chieh Chu, Yuguang He, David Ho, Terry Yang
  2. Board of Deacons (“BoD”): Joshua Chang, Christopher Cheng (Secretary), Lance Pan (Treasurer), Beata Shih, Xin-Wen Wang, Haiguo Wu (Head Deacon), Jimin Xiong, Jian Zhang, Tuanfeng Zhang, Shanchuan Zhao
  3. Pastoral Staff: Pastor Steven Bowman, Sr. Pastor Caleb Chang, Pastor David Eng, Pastor Jennifer Lin, Pastor Sandy Liu, Pastor Chuck Lowe, Pastor Jiang Wei, Minister Yuegang Zhang
  4. Absent:
  1. Elders: Timothy Lu
  2. Deacons: Chun-Yi Hu, Phil Sailer
  3. Pastors: Pastor Steve Chang, Pastor Ju-Ta Pan

  1. Location: Church Office Basement

  1. Meeting Agenda & Minutes
  1. Meeting started at 9:08 am.  Pastor Caleb opened in prayer.
  2. Pastoral staff reports
  1. Church-wide
  1. Mandarin Gospel Meeting is this weekend with speaker Leaf Huang.  40-day relay prayers and prayer-watch are ongoing.  Morale is high with the community outreach committee leadership.
  2. English ministry pastoral search is in progress.  Job description has been posted.  First round phone interviews and second round committee interviews are ongoing.
  3. Youth pastor search committee consists of Elder Terry Yang, Karin Hsieh, Pastor Jennifer Lin, Kelly Hsu, and Pastor Caleb.
  4. Pastors approved three seminarians for scholarship support.  The staff is glad to witness more lay leaders committing to full time studies.
  5. The church hosted two New England Chinese church pastors’ gatherings.
  6. Pastor Caleb reiterated that the church is facing a critical moment: we are losing two pastors; English ministry is working on their new identity and branding; and the church building expansion brings challenges.  Kneeling down to pray is the end, not just the means. “Prayer is not the spare tire but the steering wheel.”
  7. 2016 Chinese ministry and children’s retreat contract and speaker have been settled.  The speaker is Joshua Ting, director of Chinese Congress on World Evangelization (CCOWE).  Next year, the church has invited Pastor Peter Wu from Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell.
  8. All short term missionaries should be fully approved and coordinated under the Missions ministry as with all other ministries.  Church policies and guidelines should not be ignored by leaders.
  1. Lexington campus
  1. There are seven more smaller HVAC units (besides the recently replaced sanctuary units) that are in need of replacement.  Some have already shown signs of failure.  The total cost to replace all units may be around $250,000.
  2. The church council needs to take leadership in collecting building requirements for the church building expansion project  for the next ten years.
  3. Chinese ministry has already reached maximum capacity and currently need overflow seating for four hundred people.
  4. Pastor Caleb is considering proposing integrating Lexington, Metro-south, and City Outreach Ministry needs together when raising funds for building/facilities rather than managing each campus independently.
  1. Lexington Chinese ministry
  1. Chinese ministry fellowships and small groups hosted Chinese New Year dinners where seekers were invited to Gospel-themed programs.
  2. Small groups continue to grow; 2016 small group leadership training will start soon.
  3. 2016 retreat contract has been signed; team is now planning.
  4. The 30th Marriage Enrichment Retreat was held from March 4-6 in Bedford, NH.  There were twenty couples (nineteen from CBCGB).  Five seekers came to know the Lord.
  5. There have been ten applicants to be 2016 Stephen Ministry trainees.  Six will be selected, including three brothers.  The training program will begin on the first Thursday of April.  Forty-six Stephen Ministers have enrolled for the Stephen Ministry retreat held on April 1-3.  Rev. Wendell Friest will be the guest speaker.
  1. Lexington Children’s ministry
  1. Pastor Bowman attended a children’s pastor conference on January 19-23.  The conference was an avenue for good training and networking.
  2. The Philly ministry will hold a workshop on April 10.
  3. Upcoming major children’s ministry events: Mandarin Gospel Meeting, Good Friday, Easter, Memorial Day Retreat.
  4. The church needs core leaders for AWANA, Friday night nursery, etc.
  5. Children’s ministry is partnering with English Ministry Leaders (EML) to effectively minister together.
  6. Pastor Bowman will direct the Chinese Missions Conference (CMC) children’s program on December 27-31.
  1. Lexington Junior High Youth Ministry
  1. Junior High has finished studying Ephesians and is moving on to 1 Corinthians for Friday night Bible studies.
  2. The Youth Parents Association (YPA) ski trip was held on January 16.
  3. Training of new worship team members will start soon.
  4. Junior High winter retreat was held on February 19-21.  There is anticipation of a need for more counselors as someone may be stepping down soon for a break.
  5. Organization of the NYC short term missions team for next summer is underway.
  6. Upcoming May retreat preparations are ongoing.
  1. Lexington Senior High Youth Ministry
  1. Youth short term missions training is ongoing with four sessions in January, and one session each month from March to June.
  2. One hundred thirty-three youth were registered for the winter retreat held from February 13-15.  Praise God that everyone there felt included in the activities.
  3. Senior High may also need counselors in the fall.  One seminarian is leaving for a youth pastor position in Toronto.  There will still be one seminarian working with the youth.
  4. Senior ALIVE is studying Romans.  Senior High Sunday school is studying the topic of Biblical worldview and ethics (value of life, marriage, sexuality, divorce, medical ethics).
  5. Upcoming quarter priorities:
  1. World Vision 30 Hour Famine (3/25-26)
  2. May retreat (5/28-30) : 4 tracks - Boys, Girls, Hopi, NYC
  3. Baptism preparation, Short term missions preparation, youth pastor search
  1. Please pray that the Lord would bring a new youth pastor to the church in a timely manner.
  1. Lexington English ministry
  1. English ministry identity: branding, naming, and website are in progress
  2. English ministry will continue preaching on “life in the meantime” in the fall, focusing on the period between the first & second comings of Christ.
  3. Mental health conference will be held on April 8 and 10 with Dr. Karen Mason speaking.  Among the topics that will be addressed is depression.  Members of Chinese ministry are welcome to attend.
  4. An English ministry member will be resigning from job for seminary / ministry.
  5. Average year-to-date attendance (Jan - Feb): 227; 2015 same period: 229
  6. English Ministry Easter Potluck will be held on March 27 at 1:00pm.
  7. Thirty-one students attended the ICF Retreat on February 12-14 with speaker Mako Nagasawa.  The topic was social justice.
  8. Outreach events were held two weeks ago at Wellesley and Brandeis.
  9. Charis prepared twenty-five Christmas baskets for Route One Ministries.
  10. Some members of Charis will volunteer to mentor youth/children from the Quincy and Lexington Chinese ministry families.
  1. City outreach ministry (COM)
  1. COM is currently in process of identifying a third Friday meeting location (they currently have locations at Ruggles Baptist Church and MIT).  They are looking at a potential location in Malden.
  2. The Spring Mandarin Gospel Meeting was the second time the church has streamed the conference live to COM.
  3. Four candidates will be baptized on Easter Sunday.
  4. COM Service at Chinese ministry on April 24.
  1. Metro-south (MS)
  1. Metro-south celebrated its five year anniversary on March 6, with 98 adults attending. By reviewing the blessings which Metro-south has received over the past five years, all brothers and sisters were encouraged and gave thanks to the Lord.
  2. Metro-south received the Certificate of Incorporation from the Massachusetts state government; the Employer Identification Number filing is also complete.  The next step is to apply for non-profit tax exempt status.
  3. Metro-south will call a congregational meeting tomorrow (March 20), to review the church building plan and to promote the $1 million building pledge drive starting in April.
  1. Pastoral Off-Campus Service
  1. Pastor Caleb has “5+1” scheduled off-campus service in 2016. The “+1” is a church sponsored missions trip to Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM) in the UK during June.
  2. Pastor Juta will preach at Southeast Gospel Camp on  April 1-3 and at Northeast Gospel Camp from May 27-29.
  1. Board of Deacons update (Deacon Haiguo)
  1. Stewardship Update
  1. Property projects
  1. Sanctuary HVAC system units have been installed.  Initial fire up was on December 18, 2015 (the day before Christmas worship service).
  2. Audio/visual installations are almost done for 151.
  3. The main building 3rd floor classrooms have had timers installed for HVAC.
  4. As previously mentioned, a plan is being formed to replace seven HVAC units that are used for the chapel, hallways, first floor classrooms, and third floor classrooms.  The current units have become unreliable.  They are also inefficient and in some cases underdesigned.  We don’t currently have enough money in the capital fund so the church may have to do this project in stages.
  5. The church has received a quote for expanding the parking area around the carriage house and church office.  The plan is to take out the tree stumps in the carriage house parking lot and add four to five parking spaces in front of the church office.
  1. Property maintenance
  1. The driveway was re-striped.
  2. Dirt left over from the 151 building project has been removed from the lower level parking lot.
  3. Four storage rooms (rooms 104, 130, 210, 316) were cleaned up.
  4. Two new digital clocks were installed at the back of the sanctuary to help speakers manage time.
  1. Property management
  1. Various annual inspections were completed (fire alarm, fire extinguisher, elevator, kitchen).
  2. Several certificates were applied for or renewed (COM retreat liability, 151 building, Kitchen food service)
  3. Chapel HVAC units were repaired.
  4. Chairs for the chapel dining room areas were ordered.
  5. 151 underground and garage areas were winterized.
  1. Technology updates
  1. First meeting was on February 21 with attendees: Elder Ke-chieh Chu, Deacon Haiguo Wu, Deacon Jian Zhang, Deacon Tuanfeng Zhang, Baosen Zhou (A/V ministry), Jason Lee, and Jon Tang.
  2. Tasks were assigned for:
  1. Sanctuary project replacement (in progress)
  1. A new projector has been purchased and being tested.
  1. Documentation of the church computer network (in progress)
  2. Clean up IT room in the church office basement (in progress)
  3. Phone system replacement (in progress)
  1. Recording have been fixed.
  2. New systems are being researched.
  1. Documentation of the audio/visual system (pending)
  2. Live-streaming system (pending)
  1. Trial services have been used for recent events.  A long term solution needs to be identified and implemented.
  1. Card access system (resolved)
  1. Proposed systems were found to be cost prohibitive.
  2. Alternative simpler and cheaper strategies are being explored.
  1. Board of Elders update (Elder Ke-chieh)
  1. The technology committee charter was approved.
  2. Personnel approval:
  1. Finance committee members were approved.
  2. Brother Yang-sheng Tzeng was approved to serve again as social concerns committee chair.  
  3. Elder David Ho was appointed as the deacon nomination committee chair.
  4. Deacon Joshua Chang was approved as the technology committee chair.
  1. Major ministries to be reviewed in 2016:
  1. Missions Committee (April, coordinated by Elder Timothy)
  2. Office Administration (May, coordinated by Elder Yuguang)
  3. Chinese Ministry Spiritual Formation (coordinated by Elder Terry)
  4. English Ministry (Second half of 2016, coordinated by Elder David)
  1. The church vision statement has been amended.  The new statements have been revised to be more consistent and fluid.  The statements are:
  1. To see every person become a disciple of Christ,
    across all cultures, from East to West,
    from Greater Boston to the world.
  2. 從大波士頓到世界各地,
  1. April 17 Church-wide information session tentative agenda
  1. Opening prayer
  2. English pastor and youth pastor search updates
  3. Church vision statement updates
  4. Major facility improvements
  5. Church building expansion phase II planning updates
  6. Question and answer
  7. Closing Prayer
  1. Quarterly Financial Report (Deacon Lance)
  1. February financials:


Offering (Feb)

Expense (Feb)

Total (Feb)

Cumulative Balance































  1. Up to February 29, our total expense is at 62.1%, and our total offering is at 76.1% of the total annual budget (fiscal year ending June 30).
  2. Part of the reason for the February deficit is due to the youth retreats (where the retreat fees were collected in January and expenses were paid in February) and snowplowing.
  1. Lance gave an overview regarding the trends that the finance committee have been seeing with the missions and social concerns funds.
  1. Both funds have a surplus, but most of the “income” from each year is carryover from previous years rather than new contributions.
  2. For the missions fund, spending has been slightly increasing year over year, while offering has been relatively steady.  In the last five years, the missions committee has been slightly reducing the surplus.
  3. For the social concerns fund, contributions are increasing year over year, while spending has been relatively steady.
  4. Because pledges have not been consistent and have not tracked actual contributions, missions and social concerns ministry leaders may be limiting their spending because of the lack of accurate forecasting.  There is a potential “chicken and egg” problem, where ministries won’t spend if they don’t get pledges/giving and pledges/giving don’t happen because the ministries aren’t spending.
  5. It was noted that both missions and social concerns committee need to do a better job of integrating with the congregation and communicating/promoting their ministries.
  6. The missions committee will be reviewed during the April Board of Elders meeting.
  1. Social concerns ministry budget approval (Deacon Jimin)
  1. According to the social concerns ministry charter, the church council needs to review and approve the SCM budget.
  2. Deacon Jimin outlined an overview of the 2016 social concerns budget which includes items related to education, CBCGB-run ministries, supported external organizations, new initiatives, disaster relief, and reserve/emergencies.
  3. Some church council members asked questions about the reserve/emergency budget item.  The amount in the budget are dictated by the social concerns ministry charter.
  4. Deacon Joshua Chang motioned to approve the SCM budget totalling $70,438.  Deacon Jian Zhang seconded.  The motion passed.
  1. Briefing on CBET Phase I part 2 updates and Phase II planning (Elder Ke-chieh)
  1. The reasons we need the church building expansion project:
  1. Resolve facility needs for Chinese ministry Sunday worship for the next 20 years.
  2. Create a strong base to support expansion of other ministries such as Missions, Community Outreach, Social Concerns, etc.
  3. Indoor activity center for children, youth, and AWANA
  4. Facilities to support outreach to local Chinese immigrants
  5. Note that five years ago, the Chinese population of surrounding ten towns was already about 5.4% (26,000 people) of the total population (490,000 people).  CBCGB has only reached 5% (1,300) of this population.
  1. Phase I
  1. Financials
  1. Part 1’s budget was $1.2 million.  151 was rebuilt with an actual expense of $1.14 million
  2. Part 2’s budget is $400,000
  1. Upper parking estimate $100,000.  ($55,000 has been spent)
  2. Upper driveway estimate: $160,000 + $5,000 for land survey and $10,000 for a consultant.
  1. Total Phase I current estimate: $1.4 million
  2. $1.19 million has been spent.  $270,000 is remaining.
  1. Part 2 Activities:
  1. Land survey was started on March 1.
  2. Road design with consultant was started on March 12.
  3. Permit application is being planned.
  4. Contractor search is being planned.
  1. Elder Ke-chich presented three options for how to implement the circular driveway.
  1. Two options are to build around either side of 151.  The challenges are the steepness of the terrain and proximity to our neighbor.
  2. A third option is to seek approval from Boston Properties to have the driveway exit into their parking lot.
  1. Phase II
  1. Proposed alternative plan for Phase II and Phase III
  1. Phase II: Budget $2.4 million
  1. Indoor gym / multi-purpose function hall
  1. Phase III: Budget $2.4 million
  1. Foyer, fellowship hall, classrooms
  1. The Board of Elders had discussed the possibility of combining fundraising for Phase II and Phase III together or to move aspects of Phase III into Phase II.
  2. The budget for phase II is $2.4 million.  The current proposal is to raise half of this through donations and the other half through member loans.
  3. Responsibilities:
  1. Promotion and fundraising will be led by the pastoral staff and Board of Elders (led by Brother Jingning Wu and Deacon Jian)
  2. The requirements specification will be led by the Board of Deacons and pastoral staff (led by Deacon Phil)
  3. Design and construction will be led by the Church building expansion team
  4. Financial planning will be led by Brother Ji-yong Wang and Elder Ke-chieh
  1. Proposed sequence of events
  1. Attain consensus from church leaders regarding the plan for phase II
  2. Draft requirements documents
  3. Draft rough design
  4. All parties agree on the rough design
  5. Communicate to the congregation
  6. Promotion, fundraising, and issue loans
  7. Detailed design and apply for permit
  8. Search for a contractor
  1. Church council members noted that:
  1. It is important to identify which ministries will be using the new facilities ahead of time to ensure that the design is optimized for how it will be used.
  2. The church congregation needs to be engaged earlier during the process.  Church leadership needs to be prepared to address the following two issues with the congregation:
  1. The reasons why the financial plan has changed since phase II was formerly to be completely financed by member loans.
  2. The reasons for why the original phase II and phase III plans were swapped.
  1. The proposed sequence of events needs to be clearer regarding how the budget is set.  The current proposal is budget driven, but there may need to be budget adjustments as requirements and designs are defined and created.  Elder Ke-chieh will refine the proposed sequence of events.
  2. Church council members need to be committed to prayer through this process.
  1. Deacon Chris Cheng motioned to proceed with drafting requirements documents and the rough design for Phase II with the goal of completing requirements by June and completing the rough design by September.  Deacon Xinwen Wang seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.
  1. Pastor Chuck closed in prayer and Elder Ke-chieh adjourned the meeting at 12:37 pm.

CBCGB 教牧長執聯會2016 Q1 會議記要



  1. 出席者:
  1. 長老團(“BoE”): 車文建,朱克潔,何煜光, 何明治,楊德禮
  2. 執事會(“BoD”): 張子剛, 鄭嘉文(秘書),潘瀾(財務),尹思瑩,汪新文,吳海國(執事會主席),熊繼敏, 張建, 張團鋒,趙山川
  3. 教牧同工:鮑斯文牧師,章開第牧師(主任牧師),吳經權牧師,林珍妮牧師,劉梅碧儀牧師,盧植德牧師,韋江牧師,張越剛傳道
  1. 長老團: 盧忠信
  2. 執事會: 胡中義,Phil Sailer
  3. 牧師: 張子義牧師,潘儒達牧師

  1. 地點: 教會辦公樓地下室

  1. 會議議程及記錄
  1. 早上9:08,章開第牧師禱告開始。
  2. 教牧同工分享
  1. 教會事務
  1. 中文堂春季佈道會就在本週末,講員為黃立夫教授。40天的接力禱告仍在進行中。由於社區宣教事工負責同工的共同努力,佈道會的氣氛熱烈,活躍。
  2. 英文堂牧師的招聘工作仍在進行中。職務要求已經張榜公佈。第一輪電話面試和第二輪招聘委員會面試也在進行中。
  3. 青少年事工牧師招聘委員會由楊德禮,嚴凱莉,林珍妮牧師,徐嘉莉和章開第牧師組成。
  4. 教牧同工批准教會對三個神學生的資助計劃。我們樂見有更多的人全職侍奉。
  5. 我們教會主辦了兩場新英格蘭地區教牧同工會議。
  6. 開第牧師重申我們教會處在一個關鍵時刻:教會有兩位牧師即將離任;英文堂的定位和標誌工作還在進行中;以及教會擴建工作所帶來的挑戰。跪下禱告是終點,不僅僅是成事的途經。“禱告不是備胎,而是方向盤。”
  7. 2016年中文堂以及青少年夏令退休會合約和講員已經落實。講員是陳世欽牧師,現任世界華人福音事工聯絡中心(華福)總幹事。明年的夏令退休會,我們已經邀請到蘿威爾華人聖經教會的吳榮滁牧師作講員。
  8. 所有短宣應像其他事工一樣,完全在宣教事工下批准和協調。負責人不應忽視教會的章程規範。
  1. 勒克星頓母堂
  1. 除了最近更換的大堂空調之外,還有7個小空調也需要更換。有些已經損壞嚴重,隨時可能不工作。全部更換的總開銷大約二十五萬美元($250,000)。
  2. 教牧長執聯會需要牽頭,蒐集有關未來10年教會大樓的使用要求,為擴堂工程做準備。
  3. 中文堂人數已達到最大設計容量,目前急需400個額外的座位
  4. 開第牧師考慮是否提議將勒克星頓母堂,南區和城中區分堂的建堂募款放在一起執行,而不是分頭進行。
  1. 勒克星頓中文堂
  1. 中文團契和小組舉行的中國新年晚會邀請了許多慕導友來參加以福音為主題的各項活動。
  2. 福音小組繼續成長;2016年福音小組長的培訓工作即將開始。
  3. 2016年夏令退休會合約已經簽署;負責本次活動的事工正在做計劃和安排。
  4. 第30屆夫妻恩愛營於3月4日至6日在新罕布爾州的貝​​德福舉行。共有20對夫婦參加,其中19對來自我們教會。有5位慕導友在營會期間決志信主。
  5. 現有10人申請2016年司提反事工培訓,6人合格,其中3人為兄弟。培訓工作將於4月的第一個星期四開始。46位司提反事工報名參加將於4月1日至3日舉行的司提反退休會。特邀傅立德牧師為客座講員。
  1. 勒克星頓兒童事工
  1. 鮑斯文牧師於1月19日至23日出席青少年牧師大會。該會議是一個很好的培訓和交流的機會。
  2. 特殊兒童照顧事工將於4月10日舉行一場現場說明會。
  3. 未來一段時間青少年事工主要活動:中文福音大會;受難日;復活節營會。
  4. 教會AWANA和週五嬰兒照顧急切需要負責人。
  5. 青少年事工正與英文堂合作,使事工效率更高。
  6. 鮑斯文牧師將主導12月27日至31日舉行的華人差傳大會的兒童事工。
  1. 勒克星頓低年級青少年事工
  1. 低年級青少年事工已完成以弗所書的學習,接下來將在周五晚上學習哥林多前書。
  2. 1月16日,青少年家長協會(YPA)組織了一場滑雪活動。
  3. 敬拜組的成員訓練即將開始。
  4. 低年級青少年事工於2月19日至21日舉行了冬季退休會。希望能有更多的輔導員加入,因為有現任輔導員需要作短期休整。
  5. 明年夏季的紐約短宣小組正在籌備中。
  6. 五月退休會的準備工作也在進行中。
  1. 勒克星頓高年級青少年事工
  1. 青少年短宣訓練工作正在進行,其中1月份有4節課,3月至6月,每月1課。
  2. 共有133位青少年登記了2月13日至15日舉行的冬季退休會。讚美主,讓每一個孩子都能感到參與其中。
  3. 高年級青少年事工也希望在秋季能有新的輔導員。有一位神學生將赴多倫多就職青少年牧師。屆時青少年事工只有一位神學生。
  4. 高年級ALIVE 正在學習羅馬書。高年級青少年主日學目前在學習一聖經為基礎的世界觀和道德倫理(生命的意義,婚姻,兩性關係,離婚,醫學倫理)。
  5. 本季度工作重點:
  1. 世界展望會(World Vision)30小時禁食活動(3/25-26)
  2. 五月退休會(5/28-30):4個活動- 男孩,女孩,Hopi,紐約市
  3. 受洗日的準備工作,短宣準備工作,青少年事工牧師招聘工作
  1. 讓我們一起禱告,求神幫我們在合適的時間內找到所需的青少年事工牧師。
  1. 勒克星頓英文事工
  1. 英文事工的定位,標誌,命名和網站工作正在進行中。
  2. 英文事工將在秋季繼續宣講“生命在其中”,重點將集中在耶穌基督第一次和第二次降臨中間這段時間。
  3. 心理健康講座將於4月8日和10日舉行,講員是Karen Mason博士。其中的主題有如何處理心理壓力。歡迎中文堂成員與會。
  4. 有一位英文事工成員將離職,去做神學生或其他事工。
  5. 新年至今(1月-2月)平均出席人數為:227;上年同期為:229
  6. 英文事工復活節聚餐將於3月27日下午1點舉行.
  7. 共有31位學生出席2月12日-14日舉行的ICF退休會,講員Mako Nagasawa。主題是社會公義。
  8. 社區宣教於兩週前在威斯理學院和佈瀾戴斯大學舉行。
  9. Charis事工為1號公路事工(Route One Ministries)準備了25個聖誕禮物藍子。
  10. Charis事工部分成員願意幫忙照料來自昆西和勒克星頓中文堂家庭的孩童
  1. 城中區分堂
  1. 城中區分堂正在尋找第三個星期五的聚會場所(現有Ruggles Baptist Church和MIT)。可能的地點在摩頓。
  2. 春季中文佈道會是教會歷史上第二次現場電視直播到城中區分堂。
  3. 4位慕道友將於復活節這一天受洗為基督徒。
  4. 城中區分堂將於4月24日帶領中文堂崇拜。
  1. 南區分堂
  1. 南區分堂於3月6日慶祝設堂5週年,共有98位成人參加。通過回憶過去5年來分堂所受的祝福,眾兄弟姐妹深受鼓舞,感謝神。
  2. 南區分堂已經收到州政府頒發的企業法人資格證書(Certificate of Incorporation);企業法人號碼(EIN)申請工作已經完成。下一步是申請非營利組織稅務豁免權利。
  3. 南區分堂將舉行全體會眾大會(3月20日),會議目的是討論建堂計劃以及將於4月份開始的建堂所需100萬美元資金的募款活動。
  1. 牧師在本教會之外的講道服務
  1. 開第牧師在2016年將有5+1形式的行程。“+1”是指由教會資助的6月份去英國基督教華僑佈道會講道安排。
  2. 潘儒達牧師將去東南福音營(4/1-3)和東北福音營(5/27-29)講道。
  1. 執事會更新(海國執事)
  1. 產物委員會更新
  1. 房屋工程
  1. 大堂空調暖氣系統已安裝完畢。 2015年12月18日開始使用(聖誕主日聚會的前一天)。
  2. 151的視聽系統即將安裝完畢。
  3. 主建築三樓教室中的空調暖氣設備安裝了計時器。
  4. 如以前所提過的,計劃更換在副堂,走廊,一樓教室以及三樓教室的七個空調暖氣設備。正在使用的設備不再可靠,而且效率不高或設計得不夠。我們現階段沒有足夠的錢在資產基金中所以教會可能需要分幾步來實現這個計劃。
  5. 教會已收到在馬房和辦公室周圍擴建停車區域的報價單。計劃將馬房停車場中的樹樁清除並在辦公室前面添加四到五個車位。
  1. 房屋保養
  1. 車道已重新劃線。
  2. 151擴建工程所遺留的垃圾已經從低處的停車場移除。
  3. 四個儲藏室已清理(104,130,210,316房間)。
  4. 兩個數碼鐘已安裝在大堂的後牆用於幫助講員安排好講道時間。
  1. 房屋管理
  1. 幾個不同的年檢已完成(火災警報器,滅火器,電梯,廚房)。
  2. 幾個許可證已申請或更新(COM退修會責任書,151房屋許可,廚房食物供應許可)
  3. 副堂空調暖氣系統已修好。
  4. 副堂飯廳的椅子已預訂。
  5. 151地下和車庫已為過冬做好準備。
  1. 技術更新
  1. 在2月21日召開第一次會議,參加者有: 朱克潔長老, 吳海國執事, 張建執事, 張團鋒執事, 週寶森  (A/V 事工), Jason Lee,和 Jon Tang.
  2. 佈置的任務包括:
  1. 大堂置換工程(正在進行中)
  1. 購買了新的投影儀並正在測試。
  1. 建立教會計算機系統文件(正在進行中)
  2. 清理在辦公室地下室的IT房(正在進行中)
  3. 置換電話系統(正在進行中)
  1. 電話錄音已修好。
  2. 正在尋找新的系統。
  1. 建立視聽系統文件(待定)
  2. 直播流媒體(待定)
  1. 在最近的活動中進行了試運行。長期的解決方案有待被鑑定和執行。
  1. 進出卡系統(解決)
  1. 發現提議的系統太昂貴。
  2. 正在尋找更簡易和便宜的替代方案。
  1. 長老團更新(克潔長老)
  1. 技術委員會憲制已被批准。
  2. 人事任命
  1. 財政委員會成員任命通過
  2. 曾陽生弟兄再次被任命為社會關懷委員會主席。
  3. 何明治長老被任命為執事提名委員會主席。
  4. 張子剛執事被任命為技術委員會主席。
  1. 將在2016年被審閱的事工有:
  1. 差傳委員會(四月,盧忠信長老為協調人)
  2. 辦公室行政(五月,何煜光長老為協調人)
  3. 中文堂靈命造就(楊德禮長老為協調人)
  4. 英文堂(何明治長老為協調人)
  1. 教會異象陳述已修改。新的陳述更加一致和流暢。陳述是這樣的:
  1. To see every person become a disciple of Christ,
    across all cultures, from East to West,
    from Greater Boston to the world.
  2. 從大波士頓到世界各地,
  1. 4月17日教會信息會議暫定議程
  1. 開場禱告
  2. 英文堂和青少年牧師聘牧更新
  3. 教會異象陳述更新
  4. 主要設施的改進
  5. 教堂擴建計劃第二期計劃更新
  6. 問題解答
  7. 結束禱告
  1. 季度財政報告
  1. 二月財政:





















CBE 資金















  1. 到2月29日為止,我們的支出佔全年預算的62.1%,奉獻佔全年預算的76.1%(財政年度到6月30日止)
  2. 二月財政赤字部分因為青少年退修會(會費在1月收集,花費在2月)和除雪。
  1. 潘瀾 執事概括了財政委員會所看到的關於宣教和社會關懷基金的趨勢。
  1. 兩種基金都有剩餘,但大多數的“收入”是上幾年度所留下的而不是新的奉獻。
  2. 宣教基金的支出逐年有少許增長,而奉獻相對穩定。在最近的五年裡,宣教委員會少許減少了剩餘的基金。
  3. 社會關懷基金的奉獻逐年增加而支出相對穩定。
  4. 由於約言的保證不一致並沒有跟踪實際的奉獻,差傳事工和社會關懷事工的領袖會因為無法準確的預計而減少支出。這是一個潛在的“雞和蛋”的問題:事工由於得不到約言的保證而不花錢/奉獻和約言的保證/由於事工沒有支出而得不到奉獻。
  5. 宣教事工和社會關懷事工都需要更好的和會眾聯繫和交流,以及宣傳他們的事工。
  6. 差傳委員會會在四月長老團會議時審閱。
  1. 社會關懷事工預算通過(繼敏執事)
  1. 根據社會關懷事工憲章,教牧長執聯會需要審議並通過社會關懷事工的預算。
  2. 繼敏執事列出了2016年社會關懷事工的預算大綱,其中包括教育,CBCGB運行的事工,所支持的外部組織,新的倡議,救災經費,以及保留/應急經費。
  3. 一些教牧長執聯會成員提出關於保留/應急經費的問題。這一預算的數額在社會關懷事工憲章中有說明。
  4. 張子剛執事提議通過社會關懷事工總數為$70,438的預算。張建 執事附議。決議通過。
  1. 教堂擴建計劃第一期第二部分更新和第二期計劃的簡短分享(克潔長老)
  1. 我們需要教堂擴建工程的理由:
  1. 解決中文堂主日在以後20年對於教會設施的需求。
  2. 為支持和擴展教會其他事工,如差傳,社區外展,社會關懷等事工,建立一個堅實的基礎。
  3. 為孩子,青少年以及AWANA事工所使用的室內活動中心。
  4. 支持向當地中國移民外展的設施。
  5. 在過去的五年裡,華人(26,000人)在周圍的十個城鎮已達到所有人口(490,000人)的5.4%。 CBCGB只有接觸到這些華人中的5%(1,300人)。
  1. 第一期
  1. 財政狀況
  1. 第一部分的預算是120萬。 151建成的實際花費為114萬
  2. 第二部分的預算是40萬
  1. 上部停車場估價為10萬(已花費5.5萬)
  2. 上部車道估價為16萬,另加5千土地調查費以及1萬諮詢費。
  1. 總的一期工程現階段的估價為140萬
  2. 已花費119萬,剩餘27萬
  1. 第二部分動向:
  1. 土地調查已於3月1日開始
  2. 和諮詢師 一起進行的路線設計已於3月12日開始
  3. 正在計劃申請許可證
  4. 正在計劃尋找工程隊。
  1. 克潔長老公佈了安裝環形車道的三種方案。
  1. 其中兩種方案是在151的旁邊安裝車道。方案的難點在於地勢的陡峭以及和相鄰建築非常接近。
  2. 第三種方案是尋求“波士頓房屋”這個公司的同意使我們的車道可以將出口建在他們的停車場裡。
  1. 第二期工程
  1. 第二期和第三期的後備方案
  1. 第二期:預算240萬
  1. 室內體育館/多功能大廳
  1. 第三期:預算240萬
  1. 門廳,敬拜大廳,教室
  1. 長老團討論了將二期和三期工程的籌款合併或將三期工程的一部分合併入二期的可能性。
  2. 二期 工程的預算為240萬。現有的提議是一半的預算通過捐獻的方式籌得,另一半通過會員貸款的方式籌得。
  3. 責任:
  1. 宣傳和籌款將由牧師及長老團負責(由吳京寧弟兄及張建 執事 帶領)
  2. 具體要求將由執事會及牧師負責(由Phil執事帶領)
  3.  設計和建設由教會擴堂團隊負責
  4. 財政計劃將由王繼弟兄和克潔長老負責
  1. 一系列計劃
  1. 教會領袖們對第二期計劃達成共識
  2. 起草需要的文件
  3. 起草粗略設計
  4. 各方對粗略設計有統一意見
  5. 和會眾溝通
  6. 宣傳,籌款和貸款
  7. 細節設計併申請許可證
  8. 尋找工程建築人員
  1. 教牧長執聯會成員提出:
  1. 明確哪一項事工將用到新的設施很重要因為這樣可以使設計對於使用達到最優化。
  2. 會眾需要在過程中更早的參與。教會領袖需要準備和會眾就以下兩個問題進行溝通:
  1. 財政計劃變更的理由,從前的計劃是第二期全部貸款
  2. 第二期工程和第三期工程互換的理由
  1. 這一系列計劃需要更清楚的註明預算是怎樣決定的。現階段的提案是由預算決定的,當需要和設計更加細化的時候預算可能會需要重新調整。克潔長老會去修改提議的一系列計劃。
  2. 教牧長執聯會成員需要在整個過程中不斷禱告。
  1. 鄭嘉文執事提出通過起草第二期的需要的文件和粗略設計,目標是在六月完成文件和在九月完成粗略設計。汪新文執事附議。提議一致通過。
  1. 盧植德牧師做結束禱告,克潔長老在12:37pm結束會議。