CBCGB Covid19 Recommendation 新冠病毒因應措施 (03/24/2020)


更新: 由於新冠病毒在麻省升級,教會決定所有聚會改為網絡形式,至少到四月12號教會全文通告>>

 CBCGB Recommendations regarding Coronavirus Disease 2019 (updated on 2020/03/24)


New recommendations this week:     

  1. We ask everyone to attend Sunday services and all church activities remotely. Please also  avoid close contact with others (being within 6 feet from another person) as much as possible. This is particularly important for those who are at high risk of becoming very ill from novel coronavirus (COVID-19), including older adults, people with diabetes, chronic heart or lung diseases, and compromised immunity. 

  2. We recommend streamlining the Sunday service process to minimize the number of essential co-workers required to physically come to church. All co-workers should wear a mask while not on stage. When using church equipment or instruments, please use germicidal disposable wipes to clean the surfaces before and after use. The church will prepare masks for essential co-workers (available at the entrance of the sanctuary). The disinfection supplies can be found in the steel storage cabinet by the main entrance.

  3. Essential co-workers should not come to church if they are feeling sick with any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, myalgia, sore throat, or shortness of breath. Please contact your team leader immediately when you become sick, even during the service, and suspend participation in group preparation/service. We recommend team leaders  to consider having a contingency plan in place beforehand. 

  4. We ask all people (including those scheduled to serve as the essential co-workers) to stay home and consider wearing a mask to protect their family IF 

a.       You have traveled to/from or transferred at airports via Europe, UK, Ireland, China, Japan, South Korea, Italy, Iran, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Israel, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkey, and other US states in the past 14 days: OR

b.      You have been exposed to any confirmed or presumed cases of COVID-19: OR

c.       You are currently feeling sick with any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, myalgia, sore throat, or shortness of breath.


Ongoing Precautions:   

  1. During the pandemic of COVID-19, we should be cautious, but not overly anxious. We should continue to worship the greatest healer, Jesus, being flexible and creative in our format as needed. We recommend fellowships and small groups to arrange online access to their meetings to allow ongoing fellowship. To ensure our spiritual and mental health through uninterrupted fellowship, we encourage fellowship coordinators and ministry leaders to assist those with limited internet experience or seek alternative means of connecting them.

  2. Please wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds often, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available. We have made hand sanitizer readily available on every floor of the church and in Building 151.

  3. Cough/sneeze into a tissue. Dispose of used tissues immediately into a trash can. If you don’t have a tissue, cough/sneeze into the crook of your elbow, not your hands. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, which accelerates the spread of infections.

  4. Because all diseases can have an atypical presentation, in this sensitive period, please seek medical attention as early as possible if you are feeling sick.

  5. For further information, please visit:




CBCGB 新冠病毒因應措施 (最後更新 2020/3/24)



  1. 我們請大家持續用網路線上參與主日崇拜跟教會的各種聚會。請大家盡可能待在家中,避免與人近距離接觸 (與人保持兩公尺以上的距離)。這對於高危險族群 (老年人跟有糖尿病、心臟病、肺病、免疫力低下者)尤其重要,因為已有明確資料顯示,這些人得到新型冠狀病毒,併發症跟死亡率的比例都相當高。
  2. 我們建議教會精簡主日崇拜準備流程,盡量減少需要到現場服事的同工人數。同工在教會服事時,若沒有在台上,請戴口罩。教會會幫現場同工準備口罩(請在會堂門口領取)。當使用教會的器材、樂器時,請於使用前後,用有殺菌效果的濕紙巾擦拭表面 (清潔時請戴手套)。清潔用具儲放在教會大門旁邊的灰色鐵櫃中。
  3. 被安排需要到教會服事的弟兄姊妹,若身體不適或有感冒症狀 (發燒、咳嗽、肌肉痛、喉嚨痛或呼吸困難),請留在家裡休養。若在服事當下身體不適,也請立即告知同工,離開服事崗位,尋求醫療照護。請同工團隊事先安排候補同工以應變突發狀況。
  4. 請符合以下任一條件的弟兄姊妹在家自我隔離,避免接觸人群,並考慮戴口罩保護家人 (若事先被安排需要到教會服事,請找尋替代同工): 1) 過去兩週有在歐洲、英國、愛爾蘭、中國大陸、日本,南韓,義大利,伊朗、澳洲、巴西、加拿大、智利、以色列、馬來西亞、巴基斯坦、泰國、土耳其、美國其他州的旅遊史 (包含轉機經過); 2) 過去兩週曾經接觸疑似或確認感染新型冠狀病毒的病患; 3)正有類流感症狀 (發燒、咳嗽、肌肉痛、喉嚨痛或呼吸困難) 的人。



  1. 新冠病毒流行期間,教會的態度是謹慎但不過度焦慮。教會鼓勵用彈性創意的聚會方式,更多地彼此連結團契,同心在耶穌求平安、得安息。 我們建議各團契安排線上聚會,讓所有的人都能透過網路持續彼此連結團契。我們建議各團契跟事工負責人對於網路工具不熟的弟兄姊妹主動提出協助,或用別的方式關心連結,以確保大家在疫情期間持續團契,身心靈都健康。
  2. 請大家勤洗手,用肥皂清水搓洗20秒以上,或請用60%以上的酒精消毒,教會已在各樓層跟151皆設有乾洗手液供大家使用。
  3. 咳嗽及打噴嚏請用衛生紙承接,並隨即丟棄衛生紙。若您沒有衛生紙,請用手肘內灣遮掩,不要以手摀口。請在咳嗽及打噴嚏之後盡快洗手。也請盡量不要以手揉眼睛或碰觸口鼻,因這些都是可能引病毒到體內的途徑。
  4. 因為所有疾病都會有不典型的表現,在此非常時期,若您有任何身體不適,請儘早尋求專業醫療的診斷及治療。
  5. 若想要進一步認識新冠病毒及防疫措施,可以參考:




Church Campus: 
Announcement Summary: 

New recommendations this week 本週更新

Posting Date: 
星期六, 三月 7, 2020
End Date: 
星期日, 四月 12, 2020 - 20:45