Interchange meeting between the website team and the fellowship coordinators will be held at 12:30 pm, 6/20, in the church conference room.. 閱讀更多關於Interchange meeting between the website team and the fellowship coordinators will be held at 12:30 pm, 6/20, in the church conference room..
父親節主日聯合崇拜 Father’s Day Joint Sunday Worship 最大的誡命 The Greatest Commandment 語言 Undefined 閱讀更多關於父親節主日聯合崇拜 Father’s Day Joint Sunday Worship 最大的誡命 The Greatest Commandment發表回應前,請先登入
Fall kick-off: EM, Youth, AWANA (秋季事工開始) Date of Event: 星期五, 九月 11, 2015 - 19:30 to 22:30 Fall kick-off: EM, Youth, AWANA 閱讀更多關於Fall kick-off: EM, Youth, AWANA (秋季事工開始)
Labor Day weekend, no adult SS (勞動節週末, 沒有成人主日學) Date of Event: 星期日, 九月 6, 2015 - 09:30 to 12:30 Labor Day weekend, no adult SS* 閱讀更多關於Labor Day weekend, no adult SS (勞動節週末, 沒有成人主日學)
ACCESS Summerbridge program, 8/24-8/28 (建橋者暑期特別兒童週) Date of Event: 星期一, 八月 24, 2015 - 09:00 to 星期五, 八月 28, 2015 - 17:00 ACCESS Summerbridge program; 8/24 - 8/28 閱讀更多關於ACCESS Summerbridge program, 8/24-8/28 (建橋者暑期特別兒童週)