No ALIVE (Special Conference)
Date of Event:
星期五, 十一月 8, 2013 - 19:30 to 22:00
Please join us upstairs in the sanctuary to hear a special speaker!
Lexington main campus
Please join us upstairs in the sanctuary to hear a special speaker!
No ALIVE this week due to Staff Wedding! Congratulations Terry & Cornelia!!
Please join us in the basement for Jr and Sr ALIVE worship, games, small group, and fellowship!
The final bylaws revision proposal which is to be voted on in a special membership meeting schedu
Council meeting in the morning; BOE and BOD meetings in the afternoon. All meetings will be held
The next quarterly Church council retreat will be held in Elder KC Chu's house, 7 Blinn Rd., Lexi
定於11/17主日下午1:30pm – 3:30pm在副堂以town hall meeting的方式舉行, 歡迎華語部和英語部的會友屆時參加.