Lexington main campus
Bulletin 2018-11-11
prayer doc
Mission Conference 2018
2018年差傳/社關年會: 11/9-11日, 主題: 『聖經的公義觀』, 講員: 國際正義使命團教會動員部主任Richard Lee牧師.
11/9(週五) 7:45pm 聖經的公義觀
11/10(週六) 5:30pm (餃子晚餐, 周六下午沒有聚會)
7:00pm 禱告與公義
11/11(主日) 9:30am 公義的上帝(華語堂) 11:15am (CB)
1:00pm (城區)
Guys Youth Pastor
Guys’ Youth Pastor/Minister
Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston
The Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston (CBCGB) is a nondenominational evangelical Christian church serving the Chinese and English speaking community in the Greater Boston area. Located in Lexington, MA, CBCGB currently has an average attendance of 650 in the Chinese congregation, 250 in the English congregation, 150 in the youth ministry and 150 in the children’s ministry.