CBCGB 暫停每月聖餐禮宣言

CBCGB 暫停每月聖餐禮宣言



聖餐是基督教會的兩大聖禮之一,神的眾教會順服耶穌基督的命令,定期在崇拜中舉行聖餐禮,也努力嚐試還原最後晚餐的形式於現今的禮儀中。然而由於對聖餐經文的詮釋有不完全相同的觀點,在各教會傳統中對於聖餐有不完全相同的實踐。首先對於聖餐的意義和功能,就有不完全相同的詮釋。[1]  在禮儀的實踐上,關於誰能主持聖餐,誰能領受聖餐,多久舉行一次,用甚麼餅,用甚麼飲料,用甚麼杯,程序如何,剩下來的餅和葡萄汁(酒)該如何處理,各教會也有不同的做法。面對眾教會在實踐上的差異,我們需要持定的正如保羅所持有的原則,在基本的教義上堅持立場(如加拉太書1-2章、腓立比書3章) ,在相對的實踐形式上尊重和包容差異(如羅馬書14-15章)。精義重於形式,我們也應當堅守精義,而在形式上接受相對的差異。 


如同多數的新教教會/更正教會,CBCGB在聖餐禮的意義上,主張由改教神學家慈運理(Huldrych Zwingli)最早提出的「紀念」說。認為聖餐禮的遵守不是人得著或維持救恩的關鍵,餅和杯象徵耶穌的身體和寶血,本身也不具有特殊的功能。聖餐禮的持守在於透過實行這個禮儀,紀念耶穌的身體為我們而捨命,使我們藉著祂的死代替我們的刑罰,使我們得著新生命。紀念耶穌的寶血為我們流,透過祂的血我們和神立下新約,在新約中神應許永遠為我們的神,我們立志一生信靠祂、順服祂、跟隨祂、榮耀祂。在一次一次的禮儀中,我們紀念耶穌捨命的恩典和慈愛,讓我們一再的被祂的愛所激勵,在其中得著更新,靈命得著成長。




[1] 有關教會歷史中的對聖禮的四種主要觀點, 請參考Erickson, Millard, 《基督教神學》, 卷三, 台北:華神出版社, 2005, pp.402-409, (Erickson, Millard, Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998, pp.1109-1112)。


Statement that CBCGB Will Cancel Holy Communion Temporarily


After prudent thinking, prayer, and discussion among the board of elders and pastoral staff, the church has decided that, during the COVID-19 pandemic when all the meetings of the church have to be online, we will temporarily cancel Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month. We will change our practice to remember the salvation and love of our Lord through the reading of scripture, singing hymns of Jesus’s suffering and death, meditating on the Lord’s death, and prayer. The practice will be led by the preacher at the end of the sermon. We make such changes based on the conviction below.


The Essential Meaning is Prior to the Form:

Holy Communion is one of the two Sacraments of the Church. God’s churches follow the commands of Jesus Christ in the Bible and practice Holy Communion periodically during worship. The churches also attempt to reflect the original practice taught in the Bible. However, since there are different interpretations of the Holy Communion passages, there are different practices in different church traditions. First, there are different interpretations to the meaning and function of Holy Communion. [1] Second, there are different practices in churches regarding who is qualified to officiate communion, who is qualified to partake the bread and cup, how frequently we administer it, what type of bread to use, what type of drink to use, what kind of cup, what the process should be, and how to do deal with leftover bread and grape juice/wine. Given the various understandings and practices of Christian churches, we need to follow Paul’s example, to hold steadfast in essential truth as held in Galatians 1-2 and Philippians 3, and to respect and accept the various forms of practice as expressed in Romans 14-15. The essential meaning is prior to the form. Let’s hold steadfast in essential truth and accept the differences in form.

The Essence of Holy Communion is “To Remember”:

As with most Protestant churches, CBCGB holds the standpoint of “Memorialism” first proposed by Ulrich Zwingli, the reformed theologian. We claim that Holy Communion is not the means of receiving or keeping salvation. The bread and the cup are the symbols of Jesus’s body and blood without possessing special power by themselves. To practice Holy Communion is to remember that Jesus’s body was given for us so that we receive new life through his atonement on the cross. It is also to remember that His blood was poured out for us and that through His blood, God has made a covenant with us. In this new covenant, God promises he will be our God, and we decide to believe, obey, follow, and glorify Him with our entire lives. As we practice Holy Communion repeatedly, we are inspired by Jesus’ love, and we experience renewal and growth in our spiritual lives.

Flexible Practices in a Special Context:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, for the wellbeing of all brothers and sisters in the church and for the wellbeing of Massachusetts communities, the church has decided to move all meetings online. After making such change, to have Holy Communion once a month as usual becomes a difficult practice. During discussions between elders and pastoral staff, we claim that the rite itself is not the purpose; the purpose is attained through the practice of rite in that we remember the salvation of the Lord and thus build up intimate relationship with Him. The priority is not insisting on the practice of rite but delivering God’s blessing through practice. When we are unable to hold Holy Communion according to our traditional practice, we considered that if we practiced Holy Communion online and asked the congregation to prepare their own bread and cup, it may cause a burden for those in special situations. It may also cause misunderstanding and confusion in the congregation. Based on the above conviction, we decided to cancel Holy Communion. 


In order to help the congregation to remember the salvation and love of Jesus Christ, we have decided to follow the practice listed below on the first Sunday of every month. During that Sunday service at the end of the sermon, the preacher will lead the congregation in reading Scripture describing Jesus’ suffering and death, in singing a hymn of Jesus’s salvation, and in praying and meditating on the Lord’s death. Through these practices, we thus remember the death of Jesus Christ for us. This is an alternative practice to Holy Communion for the congregation to remember the salvation of our Lord during this unusual period. We sincerely hope that all the brothers and sisters can understand and accept this alterative practice. Through such practice, we can still remember the salvation of our Lord together. Further, we hold the hope that when we return to in-house worship, we can all gather again and remember the salvation and love of our Lord through partaking the bread and the cup. If any brother or sister has a question about our decision, you are welcome to contact any of the pastoral staff or lay leaders.


[1] There are 4 primary interpretations to the meaning and function of the Holy Communion in different church traditions. See Erickson, Millard, Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998, pp. 1109-1112 

Church Campus: 
Announcement Summary: 

Statement that CBCGB Will Cancel Holy Communion Temporarily

Posting Date: 
星期四, 四月 30, 2020
End Date: 
星期一, 六月 1, 2020 - 14:15