



願景:為居住在波士頓市區的中國學生和學者及其家人帶來傳福音。 使他們成為忠誠的工人,建立上帝的國度。


●      主要角色:城區事工牧師/傳道負責城區屬靈和行政事工帶領;和策畫小組配搭,尋求並推動城區事工異象,帶領城區事工的推展,以成全聖徒各盡其職建立基督的身體,在波士頓及各校園傳揚福音拓展神國。


●      職責

●      城區負責牧師在事工上向主任牧師負責

●      代表城區事工和母堂各堂會及事工:長老、牧師、負責同工,保持聯絡,促進個別事工的的統合及配搭。

●      和城區策畫小組及傳道配搭,帶領整體城區事工發展的規劃與推動,策畫年度方向和事工計畫,並統合及協調各事工及團契,推動具體事工計畫。

●      負責城區主日崇拜主要講道職責,並負責城區主日崇拜之講道安排。

●      主持聖禮:輪流主持每月一次的聖餐,帶領每年兩次的洗禮

●      參與其他講道、教導以裝備城區會眾成為門徒,在靈性上成長。

●      和敬拜事工負責人配搭,規劃城區主日崇拜和其他崇拜事工

●      策畫城區福音事工策略、和各事工推動會友廣傳福音,履行基督的大使命

●      以牧養和關懷解決會友身、心、靈的需要,並訓練和支持各團契的輔導進行牧養關懷的工作。

●      團懷各團契的發展和需要,協助訓練團契同工,並且提供團契運作和發展的資源。

●      協助和推動日常運作和行政管理

●      和租用場地教會和校園維繫關係,並和波士頓其他校園事工保持聯絡。


●      資格

·       重生得救、敬虔愛主,清楚全職傳道呼召

·       活出基督的生命,具有僕人領導的特質

·       認同CBCGB的憲章、信仰宣言、使命異象、和靈恩宣言,認同城區事工核心價值

·       有校園事工的異象和負擔, 有校園事工經驗者更佳(全職或帶職)

·       神學院MDiv或同等學歷學位以上畢業,有至少三年全職服事經驗更佳

·       能和其他教牧同工、長老、並城區策畫同工有效配搭

·       能用華語講道和教導, 具有流利英語溝通能力




Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston 


Job Description for a Pastor/Minister of its City Outreach Ministry 


The Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston (CBCGB) is seeking a pastor/minister for its City Outreach Ministry (COM)


Vision: Bring evangelism to Chinese students and scholars and their families living in the Boston urban area. Edify and equip them as faithful coworkers for building God’s kingdom.





The Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston (CBCGB) was established by Chinese immigrants in 1969. It currently serves about 1,200 worshippers each week on two campuses: the primary campus in Lexington and the City Outreach Ministry (COM) campus near downtown Boston.


CBCGB serves a broad mix of demographic and cultural groups, spanning Chinese immigrants from Taiwan, mainland China, Southeast Asia, second-generation American Born Chinese (ABC)’s, and a diverse set of non-Chinese people groups.  The church has planted three daughter churches located in the suburban metropolitan Boston area and sent out and supported many overseas missionaries from its midst.



CBCGB began to expand its outreach programs to the mandarin speaking Chinese students and scholars attending universities in the Boston urban area in the early 2000. It was initiated through establishing student and young professional fellowship groups. Sunday worship in the inner city started in 2009.





●      Leave our comfort zone and go into the harvest field.

●      Identify with those being ministering to, with the sense of “The Word became flesh.”

●      The Bible is the foundation of our faith and practice.

●      Make church a home away from home.



COM has 6 regular ministries:

1.     Worship: music, presiding, PPT, audio visual, Sunday bulletin.

2.     Spiritual formation: adult Sunday school, annual Bible reading, mobile book store and library.

3.     Children: children Sunday school, Friday night activities.

4.     Outreach: evangelism, evangelistic meetings.

5.     Reception, caring: newcomer registration, welcoming, and follow-up.

6.     Administration: facilities, meal, security, finance.

And 4 special ministries:

1.     Dating and Marriage: seminars, workshops, special events, dating counseling, pre-marital counseling.

2.     Career Development: seminars, workshops.

3.     Short Term Mission and Social Concerns: partner with Lexington campus’ summer short term mission program, currently supporting Hope House at Maine for one week in August. Social concern services include home shelter meal service, senior home visitation, food bank service, etc.

4.     Fall Evangelistic Retreat: recurring yearly event -- a Gospel camp with invited speaker.



Five fellowships

1.     MIT Campus Evangelical Fellowship (students, scholars, and young professionals).

2.     Boston Student Fellowship (primarily graduate and undergraduate students).

3.     River of Delights Fellowship (young professionals).

4.     Longwood Fellowship (primarily medical professionals and scholars).

5.     Malden Student Fellowship (for students with easier access to the MBTA Orange Line).


Planning Group

A group of coworkers (currently with 9 members) to assist the COM pastor/minister for ministry review, development, and decision making.



The Opening: CBCGB-COM Pastor/Minister


Main responsibility: Provide spiritual and administrative leadership for CBCGB-COM.

●      In conjunction with the CBCGB vision:

o   Develop and implement COM strategies for campus ministry in the Boston urban area.

o   Develop and implement COM strategies for ministering to professionals in the urban Boston area.

●      Lead pulpit ministries and teaching and training programs to equip saints for building God’s kingdom.


Detailed list of responsibilities:

●      On all matters, report to the CBCGB Senior Pastor.

●      On behalf of COM, coordinate ministries with pastoral staff, elders, and deacons.

●      Collaborate with COM planning group, lead planning and execution of all COM ministries, and conduct ministry periodic review.

●      Establish preaching roster, preach on majority of Sundays, delegate and assign others when appropriate.

●      Lead and guide all liturgies: monthly holy communions and biannual baptism.

●      Lead training of COM coworkers including a junior COM minister.

●      Lead and provide direction on all worship ministry related matters.

●      Provide direction for spiritual formation.

●      Provide direction on planning and execution for all evangelism ministries.

●      Lead and/or designate coworkers for caring and counseling.

●      Design and update ministry groups as needed.

●      Appoint ministry coworkers.

●      Establish new fellowship groups as appropriate.

●      Set direction for all ministry and fellowship groups.

●      Provide training and mentorship to all ministry and fellowship leaders.

●      Collaborate with coworkers for daily operations.

●      Be responsible for engaging with all outside entities such as facility rentals, cross church ministries in the urban Boston area, campus relationships, etc.



●      Born again Christian with clear calling to ministry.

●      Demonstrated Christian character including servant leadership.

●      Agree with CBCGB by-law, statement of faith, mission and vision statement, charismatic statement, and COM core-values.

●      Has a vision and calling for campus ministry; previous campus ministry experience strongly desirable.

●      Theological training with a MDiv degree or equivalent; previous ministry experience strongly desirable.

●      Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a team. Willing and able to work with church pastoral staff, elders, and deacons.

●      Capable of preaching fluently in Mandarin, and communicating in English


If interested, please send your resume to HR-1@CBCGB.ORG