
  • Senior Pastor: Pastor Juta Pan (主任牧師:潘儒達牧師)

    Pastor Juta Pan was from Taiwan. Growing up from a Free Methodist family, he converted to Christ at the age of 14. After 8-years journey of seeking God’s guidance, he confirmed God's calling and became a minister of Campus Evangelical Fellowship (CEF) in 1985. During 12 years’ service in CEF, he met his wife Chaoluan, who became a minister of CEF in 1988, and married her in 1990. In 1997, Juta came to Boston with his family for theological study. After obtaining his MA in Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 2000 and Master of Sacred Theology at School of Theology, Boston University in 2001, he went to Scotland to pursue his PhD at the School of Divinity, the University of Edinburgh. His dissertation entitled: "The Kingdom of God and the Pure Land: Towards the Dialogue of Christianity and Buddhism in the Context of Taiwan."  His theological study focuses on Theology, Missiology, and Christianity and Other Faiths. After finishing his study, Juta returned to Boston with his family and served at CBCGB in 2005. He was ordained as pastor at the same year in September, and has been the pastor of Fellowship Ministry, of Campus Ministry, of Evangelism Ministry, and of acting lead pastor of Chinese Ministry. He founded and currently serves as the pastor of City Outreach Ministry, a ministry focusing on Chinese overseas students, scholars, and young professionals in Boston city. In 2019, he was assigned by the church to be the senior pastor of CBCGB. He is also an adjunct faculty in several Chinese theological seminaries in North and South America teaching Systematic Theology, Christian Ethics, and Christianity and other Faiths. Juta was also a visiting scholar of Princeton Theological Seminary during his first sabbatical leave in 2011 and second sabbatical leave in 2018. His book: The Cross and the Lotus was published in 2016.  Juta’s wife, Chaoluan, is a scholar of Church History obtaining her ThD from School of Theology, Boston University. She is an adjunct professor at a seminary. They have one daughter, Lucilla.



  • Chinese Ministry (Caring): Steve Chang (中文部關懷事工:張子義牧師)

    Pastor Steve Chang was born in Er-shuei, Changhua County, Taiwan. He earned his M.Div. degree at the China Evangelical Seminary (CES), Taipei, Taiwan. While there, he also married Irene Chen. He was ordained as a minister when he served in the Spiritual Friends Church, Taipei. In 1987, the family moved to the States, where Pastor Steve served at Rutgers Community Christian Church (RCCC) in Somerset, N.J., and then at the Canaan Taiwanese Christian Church (CTCC) in Mountain View, CA. Since the fall of 2001, he has served as Caring Pastor in CBCGB. Pastor and Mrs. Chang have 3 daughters: Stephanie, Jennifer and Serena.

    張子義牧師出生於台灣彰化縣二水。他在台灣台北中華福音神學院(CES)獲得了他的道學碩士學位。在那裡,他和陳一萍結婚。他在北靈友堂被按立為傳道。1987年,全家搬到了美國,子義牧師在新澤西州若歌教會(RCCC)服事,然後在加州山景城的迦南台灣基督教會(CTCC)服事。自2001年秋天以來,他一直擔任CBCGB關懷牧師。張牧師和師母有3個女兒:Stephanie, Jennifer and Serena


  • Chinese Ministry (Fellowship): Pastor Yuegang Zhang (中文部團契事工:張越剛牧師)

    Yuegang Zhang was born in Yunnan, China.  He got his Ph. D. degree in Chemistry from SUNY Buffalo in 2001.  He accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord in 2001 at Chinese Christian Mandarin Church in Chicago.  Brother Yuegang moved to Boston in 2006 to work as a scientist at a pharmaceutical company.  He got the calling from God in 2010.  Brother Yuegang finally accepted the full time Fellowship Minister position in our Chinese Congregation in September 2014 and resigned from his scientific career.  He graduated from the Boston Campus of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary with M. Div. degree in 2017.  He lives with his wife, Sister Meiqin Xie, daughter Sarah, and son Joshua.  Sarah and Joshua have published with their father two volumes of English-Chinese bilingual Christian children’s books: Silly, Silly Mouse Jamie Book 1 and 2.

    張越剛生於中國雲南,於2001年在紐約州立大學水牛城校區獲得化學博士學位。2001年,他在芝加哥中華基督徒國語教會信主,2006年搬到波士頓在製藥公司進行科學研究。 張越剛2010年從神得到呼召,2013年開始在哥頓康威神學院學習。2014年9月,張越剛辭去科研職務,開始在聖經教會中文部做團契傳道全職服事。 妻子謝美琴姐妹在一家基督教幼兒園做老師,他們的女兒張書儀13歲,上八年級。兒子張書恩10歲,上五年級。書儀、書恩和爸爸一起出版了兩卷英漢雙語基督教童話書:《傑米傳奇》


  • Cross Bridge Ministry: Minister Jeffrey Hwang (跨越橋事工:黃以傑傳道)

    Jeff was born and raised in the suburbs of Greater Boston. He began attending CBCGB at an early age along with his family. He grew up quite literally in this church, having come to faith in Jesus here and having been a part of the many different ministries with each life stage. Through a traumatic life-changing event, God began to pave a path for Jeff that was different from his peers. He attended Gordon College, graduating with degrees in biblical studies and economics and a minor in business administration. Though Jeff had aspirations to be successful by worldly standards, God challenged him to place his trust and identity in Christ alone. Sensing God’s call to vocational ministry at an early age and eventually obeying, Jeff continued his studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where he earned his Master of Divinity, while also continuing to serve at CBCGB. After graduating in 2015, Jeff served as the Assistant English Ministry Pastor at Logos Community Church in New York. Jeff is married to Ying, whom he met in the college fellowship at CBCGB. Together, they have an adopted Yorkie named Clover. God has called Jeff and Ying back to Boston, where Jeff will continue advancing the Kingdom of God through the local church as the Cross Bridge minister and Ying will continue serving God in the marketplace as a Tufts pediatrics medical resident. Having had his faith largely shaped and matured through the ministries of those who came before him at CBCGB, Jeff looks forward to continuing that work as the Cross Bridge minister.



  •  Youth Ministry: Shanshan Ruth Tao (青少年事工:陶珊珊傳道)

    Shanshan (Ruth) Tao, was born in Zhejiang province in China in 1988. She grew up in a Christian family, however she did not start to have her own personal relationship with Jesus Christ until she went to college. After graduating from college in 2010, Ruth became a high school music teacher. In 2013, she came to the U. S. to study English. During that time, she became more convinced of God’s calling on her life. In 2015, Ruth began pursuing a Master of Church Music at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, majoring in Voice Performance. In 2019, due to health issues, she could not sing anymore, and she had to give up her studies at SWBTS. So she transferred to Dallas Theological Seminary, and pursued her Master of Arts in Christian Studies. She met her husband Zhihao Xiao in 2021, and they got married in June of 2022. Two months later, she graduated from DTS and came to the Greater Boston area. Ruth started to serve at CBCGB as the Interim Girl’s Youth Minister in October. Since college, she has been actively serving in fellowships and churches, working in worship ministry, children’s ministry, young professional ministry, and college students’ fellowships. She desires to follow the Lord’s lead and become more equipped, so she can serve His people better. 


    陶珊珊,1988年,出生在中國浙江。雖然,她從小在基督徒家庭長大,但是,直到大學時,才建立了她與基督深刻的關係。 2010年,她大學畢業後,擔任高中音樂老師。2013年,她赴美留學。在美留學期間,她更加堅定神對她的呼召。2015年,陶珊珊進入西南浸信會神學院,攻讀教會音樂碩士學位,主修聲樂表演。 2019年,由於健康原因,她無法唱歌,在即將完成學位的最後一個學期時,她不得不放棄在西南的學習,轉學至達拉斯神學院,攻讀基督教研究碩士。2021年,她結識了她的先生肖之昊,他們於2022年6月結婚。兩個月後,她從達拉斯神學院畢業,來到波士頓地區。同年10月份,她開始擔任CBCGB約聘青少年傳道。從大學開始,她就積極地參與團契與教會各項事工的服侍,例如:敬拜、兒童、職青、大學生事工等。她盼望繼續順服神的帶領,接受更多的裝備,從而更好地服侍神,建造祂的百姓。


  • Youth Ministry: H. Taylor Birkhimer (青少年事工:柏恩光傳道)

    Taylor was born and raised in Columbus Ohio. Taylor did not grow up going to church but heard the gospel and was invited to church during his teenage years. At first he went to church just for social reasons but God worked on his heart to bring him to Christ shortly after. After coming to Christ and being discipled he began serving in the church as a coworker but after a few years felt God's call to full time ministry. He earned his M.Div. and B.A. in Biblical Theological Studies in 2018 from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. God brought Taylor and his wife Kylie together halfway through his seminary education in June 2016. In his free time he enjoys working out, reading, eating good and new foods with his wife and friends, and talking about theology, philosophy, and apologetics.

    柏恩光傳道出生並成長於俄亥俄州的哥倫布市。他不是在教會裡長大,而是在青少年時被邀請去教會聽到福音。起初他去教會只是為了社交,但是神在他的心裡動工,以致他不久便信主。信主並成為門徒後,柏傳道開始成為同工在教會服事,幾年後他感受到神全職傳道的呼召,於2018年在肯塔基州路易斯維爾取得美南浸信會神學院道學碩士學位和神學學士主修聖經研究。 2016年6月,在神學院進修期間,神帶領柏傳道和妻子凱莉結為夫婦。閒暇時間,柏傳道喜歡健身,讀書,和妻子及朋友們一塊兒品嚐美味和新奇的食物,以及探討神學、哲學和護教學。


  • Children Ministry: Steven Bowman (兒童事工:鮑斯文牧師)

    Pastor Bowman was born and raised a few miles down the road from CBCGB, in Cambridge, MA.  He and his family currently live in Acton, MA.  God in His mercy rescued him from a life of rebellion in 1991.  Almost immediately upon becoming a Christian God called him to be a blessing to His children.  Pastor Bowman began assisting in Grace Chapel’s children’s ministry in the beginning of 1992 and then teaching and then directing and he continues to serve children.  In July of 1996 God brought Maria De Los Angeles Brenes Delgado into his life and they were married in “Angie’s” home country of Costa Rica in February of 1997.  Angie has been a missionary here in the states as well as in Mexico and China.  In 2000 they were blessed with their daughter Abigail.  Pastor Bowman graduated from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in 2003 with a degree in Christian Education.  The Bowman’s believe in and encourage families serving and practicing faith together in their homes, local church and overseas.  By the age of 12 Abigail joined her family on her 8th short-term mission trip on 5 different continents.  The Bowman’s love children and seek to partner with God in blessing children to know, love, follow and serve Jesus Christ.  In June of 2014 God has called Pastor Bowman to the CBCGB family from CBCGL after 9 years of serving as Children’s Minister.

    鮑斯文牧師出生及成長於麻州的劍橋市(Cambridge),距離波士頓華人聖經教會只有幾英里的路程。他和家人現在住在麻州艾克頓鎮(Acton)。 1991年蒙神的憐憫悔改信主。信主後隨即蒙召作為孩子的祝福。鮑牧師1992開始在Grace Chapel兒童事工服事,做過助理、教師、主管。 1996年七月神把Maria De Los Angeles Brenes Delgado帶進他的生命,他們於1997年二月在Angie的家鄉哥斯達黎加結婚。 Angie曾在那裡以及墨西哥和中國宣教。 2000年神賜給他們女兒Abigail. 鮑牧師於2003年從哥頓康維爾神學院畢業,主修基督教教育。他們一家相信並鼓勵家庭服事,並在家庭、當地教會或海外學習信心操練的功課。 Abigail目前已經完成了她的在五個國家的第八次短宣。他們一家也熱愛孩子,在孩子們認識、愛、跟隨和服事耶穌基督的祝福中,尋求與神同工。 2014年六月神呼召鮑牧師離開了服事九年的羅威爾華人聖經教會兒童事工,來到波士頓華人聖經教會大家庭


  • City Outreach Ministry: Minister Juan Chen (城區事工:陳娟傳道)


    Juan was born and raised in a small coastal town in Fujian, China. She loves sea and food (especially seafood) and enjoys spending time with children. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degree in education, and subsequently taught schools in Chiang Mai and Los Angeles. When she was a teenager, she dreamed about becoming a missionary. She began her theological training at BU School of Theology in 2015 with the goal to become a missionary. One year into her study, she felt God’s calling to work with college students in Boston. The large turn-over rate of student population in the Boston area makes it an ideal mission field! God has clearly provided the way. After completed her M. Div. degree, she becomes a minister of CBCGB working at City Outreach Ministry (COM) serving students. She is excited about the fulfillment of her dream to become a missionary and the opportunity to share Gospel with students in the Boston area.  

