Mission & Social Concern Conference 2015

Mission and Social Concern Conference 11/13 to 11/15



講員: 車大光(Pastor James Cha)牧師.


Friday, Nov 13th, 2015 | 2015 年11月13日 Evening Session (7:45PM) [Sanctuary] | 週五晚上 7:45pm

"Missions at End Times: Fear Not!" | 末世宣教:不要怕!Mark 13:1-13  

Saturday, Nov 14th, 2015 | 2015年11月14日

Afternoon Workshops (4:00PM) | 週六下午 4:00pm

"Workshop – Called to be Consecrated" | 研討會 – 奉召分別為聖  

Dinner (5:30PM) [Church Basement] | 週六晚餐 5:30pm  

Evening Session (7:00PM) [Sanctuary] | 週六晚上 7:00pm "Ambassadors of Jesus Christ to the Muslims" | 派去回教徒中的耶穌基督大使

2 Corinthians 5:20  

Sunday, Nov 15th, 2015 | 2015年11月15日 

Morning Session (9:30am Chinese, 11:15 English) 週日上午 (9:30am 中文, 11:15am 英文)


"Into the River of Life" | 主日學 - 照入破舟之光  Ezekiel 47  

Morning Workshops (9:30am - English)* | 週日上午 11:15am - 中文 (Workshop Abstracts)  

Lunch with Speaker** (12:30pm)

* Please SIGNUP for workshops to help us coordinate rooms (Workshop Signup) 

** To help us prepare enough food, please RSVP here. $3 suggested donation (RSVP on Workshop Signup form) 

 差傳/社會關懷年會及工藝品/食品義賣:11/13-15日,  年會資料與宣教/社會關懷2016基金認獻相關網頁https://www.cbcgb.org/ministries/missions/conference



    年會期間將舉行手工藝品和烘焙義賣. 所有收入歸入宣教基金所有收入歸入宣教基金. 參加者請在網頁註冊: http://google/forms/nB9r2EeGie 

    Conference Informational Booths (In Church Lobby throughout conference) 

Missions Bake Sale:

Route One Ministries


Starlight Ministries 



Crescent Project

Speaker Biography: Pastor James Cha was born in Pusan, Korea, and immigrated to the US when he was eight years old. He studied electrical engineering at Cornell University, where, in 1983 he committed his life to be Christ's ambassador to the Muslims. He worked 10 years as an electrical engineer before receiving an MA in Biblical Exposition at Columbia Biblical Seminary in South Carolina. He and his family served 10 years in Central Asia (Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan) as church planting missionaries with Pioneers, and are now back in the US reaching out to the Muslims here. He is the DC area representative of Crescent Project. He is happily married to Faith, and they have three children: Joniel, Josiah, and Karis.

車大光牧師:車大光牧師出生於韓國釜山,八歲移民到美國。他在康奈爾大學學習電氣工程。在1983年決志用一生來在回教徒中擔當基督的大使。他在電子工程師崗位上工作了十年,然後到南卡羅來納州的哥倫比亞聖經神學院,獲得釋經學碩士學位。他們一家以宣教士身分在中亞(烏茲別克斯坦和吉爾吉斯斯坦)服事十年。現在牧師與師母 Faith和孩子Joniel,Josiah, Karis 定居美國, 向在美國的回教徒傳福音。車牧師是華盛頓區的代表。