COVID volunteer opportunities 疫情期間志願者機會



鼓勵按照所居住的鎮,小組和團契有一定的組織協調。各鎮的網頁上都有列出志願者機會。 網頁有很多志願者機會。希望兄弟姐妹積極參與,服務社區,傳遞主愛,造就門徒,榮耀基督。


Dear Brothers and  Sisters in Christ,

Many of our church members are willing to serve the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Concerns Committee has done lots of research and discussions, and we are listing the following volunteer opportunities.

We encourage church members to organize by small groups or fellowships in the town they live in. The town web sites have listed volunteer opportunities. There are also lots of opportunities in web page.  We encourage our church members to actively participate, serve the community, extend the love of our Lord, train the disciples and glorify Christ.

Social Concerns Committee 網頁有很多志願者機會。 has listed lots of opportunities


1. 服務社區的長者 Serve the seniors in your town

許多鎮的服務長者機構有需要司機幫助給長者送食物的機會。也需要志願者給長者打電話問候。請看鎮上Council on Aging的網頁。

There are Meals on Wheels driver and making phone calls to seniors opportunities through Council on Aging in your town. Please check your town web site.

南岸社區急需司機 Meal on the wheels drivers for South Shore


2. 美國紅十字會麻州分會的機會 Red Cross Massachusetts Region opportunities

獻血 Donate blood

關於獻血情況的報導。News on blood donation


3. 在家裡通過網絡的志願機會 Virtual/Volunteer from home

紅十字會 Red Cross

通過網絡與肺炎病人談話進行鼓勵 Online chat with COVID patients



A brother of our church volunteered to assemble N95 masks in their town building.



本教會一些兄弟姐妹為鎮上的長者送食物。Brothers and Sisters volunteered to deliver food for sniors in their town.


一位弟兄和孩子、朋友一起製作面罩,捐贈給醫院。A brother made face shields with his children and friends and donated to a hospital.

一位姐妹和鎮上的華人一起烹飪食物送給醫院。A Sister cooked with other Chinese in their town and delivered food to a hospital.

疫情期間,本教會為東亞的一個慈善機構捐款 17043美元。Brothers and sisters in our church donated $17,043 to a charity agency in Eastern Asia.

教會社會關懷委員會為菲律賓的Vision of Hope機構奉獻$2500。Social Concerns Committee provided $2500 to Vision of Hope in Phillipines.

社會關懷委員會資助了波士頓中國城的在疫情中有困難的建橋者機構。Social Concerns Committee provided financial support to ACCESS in Boston Chinatown.


Church Campus: 
Announcement Summary: 
Posting Date: 
Friday, April 3, 2020
End Date: 
Saturday, July 25, 2020 - 14:00