Joint Good Friday Service (受难节联合崇拜)

Date of Event: 
03/25/2016 - 7:45pm to 9:30pm

Joint Good Friday Service (受难节联合崇拜)

Children Service Plan for 3/25 Good Friday
  • T&T will use the Junior High worship space
  • Sparks will use 107
  • no games, no handbook time, no opening ceremony or closing ceremony, combined council time
  • Abridged program (only 90 minutes), but children need to be brought back to the classroom by 9:00pm, and parents are to pick up children in their classrooms
1) T&T
Please have three teachers
7:30-7:55 Receive kids in the classroom and make sure they wear their name tags. Help set up chairs in basement. 
7:55-8:00 Bring the class downstairs to the junior high worship room.  
  • Henceforth whoever is manning the check-in desk (Chiali?) will direct T&T kids to go downstairs for worship
  • Bring name tag holder 
  • During worship and sermon, receive kids downstairs, give them a name tag and find them a seat
8:00-8:20 Worship songs (Charlene)
8:20-8:55 Sermon (Pastor Bowman)  
8:55-9:00 Closing song
9:00-9:05 Bring kids back up to classroom
9:05-end I will make an announcement with G4 about the Grand Prix car racing
2) Sparks
7:45-8:15 Settle in as usual and do some classroom activity (i.e. a coloring page of Jesus; one of the games from above, sing some songs)
8:15-8:30 Go to room 107, game of musical island (game team)
8:30-9:00 Short lesson about Good Friday and worship songs (Charlene)
9:00-9:15 Back to classroom, classroom activities
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