2011波士頓華人聖經教會兒童事工親子講座 1

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2011波士頓華人聖經教會兒童事工親子講座 2011 CBCGB Children Ministry Parenting Conference 兒童的情緒健康與平衡發育 A Focus on the Emotional Health and the Well-rounded Development of Our Children 講員簡介Keynote Speakers 張自達姐妹從台灣的台大畢業之後來美,在1970年就讀普渡大學期間信主,重生後不久就被呼召做兒童事工。她曾擔任校長八年,教導每個年齡水平兒童,帶領兒童崇拜,同時做兒童事工師資培訓。由于她對傳福音給兒童有特別的負擔,在服事主四十年中,連續地主持並宣揚「萬國兒童佈道團」的「五日俱樂部」,帶領了無數的兒童相信主基督。張姐妹結婚三十九年,她有二個兒子和一個女兒。 Sister Linda Koh graduated from National Taiwan University before she moved to US. She was baptized while studying at Purdue University in 1970. As a re-born Christian, she responded to a God’s call to serve in children ministry. She has served children ministry for many years, taught Bible to all ages of children, led children worship and trained Sunday School Teachers. She has a special burden of preaching Gospel to children. In her 40 years of serving the Lord, she has led countless children to believe in Jesus. Sister Linda has been married for 39 years and has two sons and one daughter. 吳楊美珠姊妹生于台灣,畢業于台灣師範大學英文教育專業。來美後,她獲得New Hampshire大學圖書館科學碩士。她在美國從小學到高中教書二十一年。她也一同與她先生, Hyde Park CRC Church的吳牧師一起服侍。她幾十年如一日地熱情的與兒童分享基督的愛。她有二個兒女和三個外孫。 Sister Dora Wu was born in Taiwan and received her B.A. in teaching English from Taiwan Normal University. She then moved to the U.S. for advanced education and received a Master of Arts in School Library Science from the University of New Hampshire. She had taught in the U.S. from elementary school to high school for 21 years. She retired from her teaching career to serve in the Hyde Park CRC church with her husband, Pastor Ping Philip Wu. She has strong passion for teaching and sharing the love of Christ with children. She has two children and three grandsons. 課程大綱 Outline 1. 孩子情商的發育過程 How People Mature - the Maturity Indicators Table (small group discussion follows) 2. 中國傳統家庭教育模式的利與弊 Pros and Cons of the Traditional Chinese Education Model (small group discussion follows) 3. 情緒與靈命成長的關係 - 如何面對孩子的情緒,並在當下幫助孩子靈命成長 Understand How Emotion Impacts Spiritual growth 時間費用及地點Time Fee and Location 時間Time: March 19, 2011, 9 am-4 pm (Registration: 8:30 am, Lunch: 12 noon to 1 pm) 報名費Fee: $10.00 (CBCGB)/$15 (Others), Lunch included 地點Location: Chapel, CBCGB, 149 Spring Street, Lexington, MA 02421(教會副堂) 報名截止日期Deadline for Registration: March 16, 2011 To facilitate the arrangement of child care and lunch reservation, please register by the deadline
Special Meeting Date: 
Friday, March 18, 2011 - 19:00
Church Campus: 