
Adult Chinese Ministry

127th Baptism Ceremony


4/26  第127屆浸禮: 共有41位受洗歸主! 他們是: 陳書珍, 王倩亭, 馮景華, 孔學君, 雷榮富, 李黎, 林志龍, 張雅婷, 倪紅燕, 石寶崑, 王竟晗, 王頌, 吳清群, 邢小瑞, 楊洋, 余暉, 沈燁, 俞小敏, 張方儉, 劉瑋, 楊蘭珠, 李德姣, 陳潔, 張紅, Prisca Huang, Jeanine Zheng, Charley Zhao, Hayley Ye, David Li, Ian Huang, Jessica Wang, Spencer Liu, Wilson Hsu, Risa Komatsu, Maggie Zhang, Joyce Wang, Lindsey Eng, Jessica Lei, Jim Wang, Vivien Chen, Evan Zhao.另有兩位5/10受浸: Ethan Wu, David Lin.


4/26 CBCGB127th Baptism ceremony, a total of 41 brothers and sisters were baptized.




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