SC-Mission Conference Nov 2019

Missions/Social Concerns Annual Conference 2019 差傳 / 社會關懷年會 

From Neighborhood to the Nations  從鄰里到萬邦 

November 1-3 (Friday-Sunday) 

Session 1  Nov 1 (Fri) 7:45 p.m. 

Meet Your Global Family 會晤你的普世家庭 

Session 2 Nov 2 (Sat) 3:30 p.m. 

Your Job and Your Calling 職業與呼召  

Dumpling Night / 餃子宴   Nov 2 (Sat) 5 p.m.  

Session 3  Nov 2 (Sat) 7 p.m. 

Great Open Doors and Great Walls  敞開的門與高築的牆  

Session 4 Nov 3 (Sun) 

9:30 a.m. Chinese

11:15 a.m. Crossbridge

1 p.m. COM (RugglesBaptistChurch)

Living Out the Message of John 3:16

活出約翰福音 3:16

Speaker / 講員:  Paul Borthwick 

Paul & Christie Borthwick serve on the staff of Development Associates International, a training group dedicated to the character and ministry development of leaders in the under-resourced world. In 2015, Paul concluded over 30 years of teaching at Gordon College in the area of Global Christianity.  He also served as an Urbana/Missions Associate with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship from 1999-2015.  Paul & Christie have been married since 1979 and live in Lexington, Massachusetts.  They are members of Grace Chapel

講員Paul Borthwick與夫人Christie同任職於【國際同工培訓】─ 一個專注於培養資源缺乏地帶教會領袖品格與事工的機構。講員曾在Gordon學院教授【國際基督教】逾30年,也曾在美國校園團契擔任宣教同工16年。講員與夫人結婚於1979年,定居在麻州Lexington。他們是Grace Chapel的會友。