Townhall meeting - church reopening

The Church Reopening Task Force Team would like to invite you to join a reopening Town Hall Church Reopening

September 13th (Sunday) 4:30 pm to 5:15 pm.

Discussion Subjects: Identifying and planning for each reopening phase. Phse II details.  Survey results. Feedbacks. Q &A.

Questions may also be submitted ahead of time using the following link: before the end of the day on Friday, September 11, 2020.    

To access the meeting, click here:

教會重新開啟籌劃小組將於9月13日下午4:30至5:15招開重新開啟溝通座談會。屆時, 我們將與弟兄姊妹分享籌劃小組工作進程: 計劃,發展,同工合作,計劃實施。我們也將分享7月份進行的問卷調查的結果。我們知道眾弟兄姊妹很想了解詳情並願意參與服事。因此,我們鼓勵您來參加,我們希望在籌劃第二期開啟時能聽到您的反饋和想法。我們將有同工們回答一些大家共同關心的問題。 

請在9月11日之前通過 提交您的建議或問題. 您也可現場通过會議鏈接提交您的建議或問題。 
