Chinese Ministry (Fellowship): Pastor Yuegang Zhang (中文部團契事工:張越剛牧師)
Yuegang Zhang was born in Yunnan, China. He got his Ph. D. degree in Chemistry from SUNY Buffalo in 2001. He accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord in 2001 at Chinese Christian Mandarin Church in Chicago. Brother Yuegang moved to Boston in 2006 to work as a scientist at a pharmaceutical company. He got the calling from God in 2010. Brother Yuegang finally accepted the full time Fellowship Minister position in our Chinese Congregation in September 2014 and resigned from his scientific career. He graduated from the Boston Campus of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary with M. Div. degree in 2017. He lives with his wife, Sister Meiqin Xie, daughter Sarah, and son Joshua. Sarah and Joshua have published with their father two volumes of English-Chinese bilingual Christian children’s books: Silly, Silly Mouse Jamie Book 1 and 2.
張越剛生於中國雲南,於2001年在紐約州立大學水牛城校區獲得化學博士學位。2001年,他在芝加哥中華基督徒國語教會信主,2006年搬到波士頓在製藥公司進行科學研究。 張越剛2010年從神得到呼召,2013年開始在哥頓康威神學院學習。2014年9月,張越剛辭去科研職務,開始在聖經教會中文部做團契傳道全職服事。 妻子謝美琴姐妹在一家基督教幼兒園做老師,他們的女兒張書儀13歲,上八年級。兒子張書恩10歲,上五年級。書儀、書恩和爸爸一起出版了兩卷英漢雙語基督教童話書:《傑米傳奇》。