Cross Bridge Ministry: Minister Jeffrey Hwang (跨越橋事工:黃以傑傳道)
Jeff was born and raised in the suburbs of Greater Boston. He began attending CBCGB at an early age along with his family. He grew up quite literally in this church, having come to faith in Jesus here and having been a part of the many different ministries with each life stage. Through a traumatic life-changing event, God began to pave a path for Jeff that was different from his peers. He attended Gordon College, graduating with degrees in biblical studies and economics and a minor in business administration. Though Jeff had aspirations to be successful by worldly standards, God challenged him to place his trust and identity in Christ alone. Sensing God’s call to vocational ministry at an early age and eventually obeying, Jeff continued his studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where he earned his Master of Divinity, while also continuing to serve at CBCGB. After graduating in 2015, Jeff served as the Assistant English Ministry Pastor at Logos Community Church in New York. Jeff is married to Ying, whom he met in the college fellowship at CBCGB. Together, they have an adopted Yorkie named Clover. God has called Jeff and Ying back to Boston, where Jeff will continue advancing the Kingdom of God through the local church as the Cross Bridge minister and Ying will continue serving God in the marketplace as a Tufts pediatrics medical resident. Having had his faith largely shaped and matured through the ministries of those who came before him at CBCGB, Jeff looks forward to continuing that work as the Cross Bridge minister.