Children Ministry: Steven Bowman (兒童事工:鮑斯文牧師)
Pastor Bowman was born and raised a few miles down the road from CBCGB, in Cambridge, MA. He and his family currently live in Acton, MA. God in His mercy rescued him from a life of rebellion in 1991. Almost immediately upon becoming a Christian God called him to be a blessing to His children. Pastor Bowman began assisting in Grace Chapel’s children’s ministry in the beginning of 1992 and then teaching and then directing and he continues to serve children. In July of 1996 God brought Maria De Los Angeles Brenes Delgado into his life and they were married in “Angie’s” home country of Costa Rica in February of 1997. Angie has been a missionary here in the states as well as in Mexico and China. In 2000 they were blessed with their daughter Abigail. Pastor Bowman graduated from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in 2003 with a degree in Christian Education. The Bowman’s believe in and encourage families serving and practicing faith together in their homes, local church and overseas. By the age of 12 Abigail joined her family on her 8th short-term mission trip on 5 different continents. The Bowman’s love children and seek to partner with God in blessing children to know, love, follow and serve Jesus Christ. In June of 2014 God has called Pastor Bowman to the CBCGB family from CBCGL after 9 years of serving as Children’s Minister.
鮑斯文牧師出生及成長於麻州的劍橋市(Cambridge),距離波士頓華人聖經教會只有幾英里的路程。他和家人現在住在麻州艾克頓鎮(Acton)。 1991年蒙神的憐憫悔改信主。信主後隨即蒙召作為孩子的祝福。鮑牧師1992開始在Grace Chapel兒童事工服事,做過助理、教師、主管。 1996年七月神把Maria De Los Angeles Brenes Delgado帶進他的生命,他們於1997年二月在Angie的家鄉哥斯達黎加結婚。 Angie曾在那裡以及墨西哥和中國宣教。 2000年神賜給他們女兒Abigail. 鮑牧師於2003年從哥頓康維爾神學院畢業,主修基督教教育。他們一家相信並鼓勵家庭服事,並在家庭、當地教會或海外學習信心操練的功課。 Abigail目前已經完成了她的在五個國家的第八次短宣。他們一家也熱愛孩子,在孩子們認識、愛、跟隨和服事耶穌基督的祝福中,尋求與神同工。 2014年六月神呼召鮑牧師離開了服事九年的羅威爾華人聖經教會兒童事工,來到波士頓華人聖經教會大家庭。