Youth Ministry: H. Taylor Birkhimer (青少年事工:柏恩光傳道)
Taylor was born and raised in Columbus Ohio. Taylor did not grow up going to church but heard the gospel and was invited to church during his teenage years. At first he went to church just for social reasons but God worked on his heart to bring him to Christ shortly after. After coming to Christ and being discipled he began serving in the church as a coworker but after a few years felt God's call to full time ministry. He earned his M.Div. and B.A. in Biblical Theological Studies in 2018 from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. God brought Taylor and his wife Kylie together halfway through his seminary education in June 2016. In his free time he enjoys working out, reading, eating good and new foods with his wife and friends, and talking about theology, philosophy, and apologetics.
柏恩光傳道出生並成長於俄亥俄州的哥倫布市。他不是在教會裡長大,而是在青少年時被邀請去教會聽到福音。起初他去教會只是為了社交,但是神在他的心裡動工,以致他不久便信主。信主並成為門徒後,柏傳道開始成為同工在教會服事,幾年後他感受到神全職傳道的呼召,於2018年在肯塔基州路易斯維爾取得美南浸信會神學院道學碩士學位和神學學士主修聖經研究。 2016年6月,在神學院進修期間,神帶領柏傳道和妻子凱莉結為夫婦。閒暇時間,柏傳道喜歡健身,讀書,和妻子及朋友們一塊兒品嚐美味和新奇的食物,以及探討神學、哲學和護教學。