City Outreach Ministry: Minister Juan Chen (城區事工:陳娟傳道)
Juan was born and raised in a small coastal town in Fujian, China. She loves sea and food (especially seafood) and enjoys spending time with children. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degree in education, and subsequently taught schools in Chiang Mai and Los Angeles. When she was a teenager, she dreamed about becoming a missionary. She began her theological training at BU School of Theology in 2015 with the goal to become a missionary. One year into her study, she felt God’s calling to work with college students in Boston. The large turn-over rate of student population in the Boston area makes it an ideal mission field! God has clearly provided the way. After completed her M. Div. degree, she becomes a minister of CBCGB working at City Outreach Ministry (COM) serving students. She is excited about the fulfillment of her dream to become a missionary and the opportunity to share Gospel with students in the Boston area.