CBCGB Reopening 關於教會重啟

CBCGB Reopening Plan 教會重啟計劃

CBCGB Facilities Reopening Guidelines 教會重啟設施使用規則

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 教會邁向重新開啟: 經過審慎的討論和禱告, 教會同工們決定從2020年8月8日起,CBCGB啟動教会重新開放的第一階段. 在此階段,主日崇拜和所有例常聚會仍維持線上進行. 并有秩序地開啟一些室内和室外特殊活动. 有關完整的重啟計畫和和第一階段設施使用規則,請查詢聯結.

 CBCGB moves toward Phase I reopening: After prudent discussion and prayers, the coworkers of the church decide CBCGB moves towards phase I of the reopening in August 8 2020. During this Starting phase, all the Sunday services and regular meetings will remain online. Besides, we will cautiously open special indoor and outdoor meeting with the limited number and church and government guideline. Please consult the links to find out the entire reopening plan and facility usage guideline.

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Church Campus: 
Posting Date: 
星期五, 十月 16, 2020
End Date: 
星期一, 三月 1, 2021 - 23:00