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靈果粵語團契 Fruit of the Spirit (FOS) Cantonese Fellowship
1) 增長基督徒的信心與靈命;
2) 促進情誼, 學習互助互勉, 讓大家多結聖靈的果子, 成為主合用的器皿;
3) 向慕道者和未信主的朋友表達真摯的關懷, 引領他們認識福音的真諦和接受救恩。
3) 向慕道者和未信主的朋友表達真摯的關懷, 引領他們認識福音的真諦和接受救恩。
Through Bible study, discussion, sharing, potluck gatherings,
and other activities:
1) Foster growth in faith and spiritual maturity in Christians;
2) Promote friendship and encourage one another, so that
all will bear more spiritual fruits and become instruments
suitable to be used by God;
3) Express genuine care for seekers / non-believers, and help
them understand the Gospel so that they may receive the
precious gift of salvation.

聚會時間: 每週六 10:00am ~ 11:30am
地點: 波士頓郊區華人聖經教會, 主堂129 教室.
聯絡人: 余文藻
電話: 978-369-9684
團契 email: fos3113@gmail.com
團契牧者: 余文藻夫婦
Meeting/Contact Information
Meeting Time: Every Saturday 10:00am ~ 11:30am
Location: Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston, Room 129 Main Building,
Location: Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston, Room 129 Main Building,
149 Old Spring Street Lexington, MA 02421
Contact Person: Joseph Yu
Phone: 978-369-9684
Fellowship email: fos3113@gmail.com
Fellowship Shepherd: Joseph & Dora Yu
Phone: 978-369-9684
Fellowship email: fos3113@gmail.com
Fellowship Shepherd: Joseph & Dora Yu
靈果粵語團契成立於2001年六月, 是從當時庇哩亞團契的粵語組分支出來的.
FOS Cantonese Fellowship was founded in June 2001 as a spin-off from
Group C (Cantonese Group) of the Berean Young Professional Fellowship.
Dec 20, 2014 - Christmas Gathering
Oct 4, 2014 - FOS Kickoff Meeting
Sep 27, 2014 - Apply Picking