
Sermon Date Speaker Sermon Title
2013-07-14 張宗培牧師 受限制的自由
2013-07-07 David Eng God Helps Those Who...? Joshua 17:1-18
2013-07-07 章開第牧師 逃城之神‏
2013-06-30 Chuck Lowe There's Hope For Us Yet Joshua 15:1-12
2013-06-30 張子義牧師 耶和華到如今既然賜福我們
2013-06-23 Chuck Lowe Wholehearted!
2013-06-23 章開第牧師 迦勒的道路(3)
2013-06-09 Chuck Lowe All Hands On Deck! Joshua 13:8-33
2013-06-02 Chuck Lowe How God Speaks To Us Through Joshua Joshua 13:1-7
2013-05-26 Chuck Lowe Our True Vocation 1 Corinthians 7:17-24
2013-05-19 David Eng On Being Called Luke 5:1-11
2013-05-12 Jackie Ro Mother of Incredible Faith Luke 1:26-38
2013-05-05 Chuck Lowe Work: Calling or Curse? Genesis 3:16-20
2013-05-05 章開第牧師 教會:真理的柱石與根基
2013-04-28 Chuck Lowe 5 (or 6) Days a Week Genesis 2:4-15
2013-04-21 Chuck Lowe "Do Not Be Troubled" John 14:1-7
2013-04-21 張子義牧師 作祭司的國度
2013-04-14 David Eng Growing in True Fellowship 1 John 1:1-7
2013-04-14 蔡景輝牧師 大使命
2013-04-07 Chuck Lowe The Difference a Death Makes: Reconciliation Colossians 1:21-23
2013-04-07 何明治長老 神對教會的永世計劃
2013-03-31 Chuck Lowe The Difference a Resurrection Makes: Victory! 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
2013-03-31 馮秉誠牧師 生命之道
2013-03-24 Chuck Lowe The Difference a Death Makes: Propitiation Numbers 25:1-13
2013-03-24 蔡景輝牧師 基督的身體
2013-03-17 Chuck Lowe The Difference a Death Makes: Redemption 1 Peter 1:13-21
2013-03-17 孫蔚信長老 新生命的模式
2013-03-10 Chuck Lowe The Difference a Death Makes: Justification Romans 3:21-26
2013-03-10 鄭偉梁牧師 精彩的基督化家庭
2013-03-03 Chuck Lowe Core Values Revelation 22:7-20
2013-03-03 張子義牧師 教會,永生神的家
2013-02-24 Chuck Lowe Is Jesus Coming Back Soon? Revelation 22:6-20
2013-02-24 章開第牧師 大團圓 The Epilogue
2013-02-17 Chuck Lowe Our Final Destiny Revelation 21:1-22:5
2013-02-17 章開第牧師 萬象更新 All Made New
2013-02-10 David Eng Loving in the "In-Between Places" Luke 7:36-50
2013-02-10 劉梅碧儀牧師, 翻譯:蔡景輝 最後的審判
2013-02-03 King-Fai Choi The Millennium Revelation 20
2013-02-03 蔡景輝牧師 千禧年
2013-01-27 Caleb Chang Victory of the Logos Revelation 19
2013-01-27 章開第牧師 神道之勝利
2013-01-20 Chuck Lowe How Much is Too Much? Revelation 18:1-24
2013-01-20 孫蔚信長老 哀哉巴比倫
2013-01-13 Chuck Lowe The beast and the 'Whore' Revelation 17:1-18
2013-01-13 章開第牧師 奧秘的巴比倫
2013-01-06 Ju-Ta Pan Step Out of Your Comfort Zone Luke 9:26-28
2013-01-06 潘儒達牧師 翻譯:俞吳華 走出安樂窩Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
2012-12-30 Chuck Lowe God's Judgment is True and Just Revelation 15-16
2012-12-30 盧植德牧師,翻譯:章開第 上帝的判斷義哉,誠哉!
2012-12-23 Caleb Chang Is Grace Free? Ephesians 2:8-9
2012-12-23 章開第牧師,翻譯:張召斌 恩典無價? Is Grace Free?
2012-12-16 David Eng What Do You Love Most About Christmas? Luke 2:22-38
