
Sermon Date Speaker Sermon Title
2011-06-12 韋江牧師 歷久常存
2011-06-05 David Eng Courageous Faith Daniel 3:1-30
2011-06-05 章開第牧師 王的惡夢
2011-05-29 Guest Speaker Choosing to Hope ... 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
2011-05-29 陳世協牧師 合一的張力
2011-05-22 Chuck Lowe God is in Control ... Daniel 1:1-21
2011-05-22 章開第牧師 勇於聖別
2011-05-15 Chuck Lowe A Country in Crisis, and a Church in a Crisis of Faith Daniel 1:1-2a
2011-05-15 章開第牧師 世界觀的交鋒
2011-05-08 Sandy Moy Liu Building a Spiritual Home Colossians 1:24-2:7
2011-05-08 劉梅碧儀牧師 翻譯: 劉配融 建造屬靈的家
2011-05-01 Guest Speaker Being Rich in Good Deeds 1 Timothy 6:17-19, Galatians 6:9-10
2011-05-01 李蔭棠牧師 翻譯: 張召斌 在好事上富足
2011-04-24 Steve Ko Resurrection Requires Response Luke 24:1-12
2011-04-24 章開第牧師 翻譯: 孫蔚信 全能者的軟弱
2011-04-17 David Eng Is It Worth It To Follow Jesus? Luke 18:18-30
2011-04-17 章開第牧師 視死如歸
2011-04-10 Chuck Lowe Will God Give Us What We Want if We Pray Hard Enough? Luke 18:1-8
2011-04-10 張子義牧師 這樣, 誰能得救呢?
2011-04-03 Chuck Lowe Would Jesus Use a Hands-Free Faucet? Luke 18:9-14
2011-04-03 蔡明哲 寡婦的切求和稅吏的禱告
2011-03-27 David Eng Why the Kingdom Matters Now Luke 17:20-37
2011-03-27 張路加牧師 今生無悔
2011-03-20 Chuck Lowe The Almighty Dollar Luke 16:1-9, 19-26
2011-03-20 蔡景輝牧師 神國來臨
2011-03-13 Chuck Lowe The Always-Waiting, Eager, Seeking Father Luke 15:11-24
2011-03-13 張子義牧師 你們的心, 上帝知道
2011-03-06 David Eng Lessons from an Evangelist Acts 8:26-35
2011-03-06 李秀全牧師 巧婦難為無米之炊?
2011-02-27 Steve Ko What Will It Cost You? Luke 14:25-33
2011-02-27 韋江牧師 本色
2011-02-20 Chuck Lowe How Jesus Ate Lunch, and Why Luke 14:1-24
2011-02-20 蔡景輝牧師 上帝請吃飯
2011-02-13 Guest Speaker Freeing the Captive Luke 13:18-35
2011-02-13 何明治長老 努力進神的國
2011-02-06 Chuck Lowe Freeing the Captive Luke 13:10-17
2011-02-06 蔡景輝牧師 可以嗎? 應該嗎?
2011-01-30 David Eng Ready and Not Waiting Luke 12:35-48
2011-01-30 潘儒達牧師 你預備好了嗎?
2011-01-23 Chuck Lowe God-Shaped Generosity 2 Corinthians 8:1-24
2011-01-23 蔡景輝牧師 貧窮的基督
2011-01-16 Chuck Lowe My Brother's Keeper Galatians 6:1-10
2011-01-16 張子義牧師 作神良善忠心的僕人
2011-01-09 Chuck Lowe God-Shaped Community 1 Peter 4:7-11
2011-01-09 蔡景輝牧師 好管家
2011-01-02 戴繼宗牧師 翻譯: 張召斌 給我一人 Give Me a Man
2010-12-26 吳經權牧師 翻譯: 潘瀾 正確的信心 The right kind of Faith
2010-12-19 韋江傳道 翻譯: 陳建煒 反差 Contrast
2010-12-12 陳景吾牧師 當歸向耶和華
2010-12-05 韋江傳道 難以割捨的愛
2010-11-28 張子義牧師 現今正是尋求耶和華的時候
2010-11-21 李明哲長老 現今當歸向上帝
