
Adult Chinese Ministry

Church information Session April 2018

全教會溝通會議: 4/8主日下午1:30-3:30pm 在副堂舉行, 前一小時由主任牧師候選人潘儒達牧師解答問題. 後1小時:1)擴堂委員會報告最新計劃, 2)關於教會的近況報告,重點在靈命塑造和門徒培訓.

Church communication meeting: 4/8 Sunday, 1:30-3:30pm, held in the Chapel. The first hour is Q & A by Senior Pastor Candidate Pastor Pan. Next 1 hour: (1) The latest report of the Council Committees; (2) The report on the status of the church, focusing on spiritual formation and discipleship training.



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