
Sermon Date Speaker Sermon Title
2014-02-02 蔡景輝牧師 我的愛子
2014-01-26 Jeffrey Arthurs Divine Dawdling John 11:1-44
2014-01-26 章開第牧師 X’Mas 您找那位?
2014-01-19 Jeffrey Arthurs Have You Considered My Servant Job?
2014-01-19 張子義牧師 祂名為:以馬內利
2014-01-12 章開第牧師 基督的家譜
2014-01-05 潘儒達牧師(中) 楊孟珊姊妹(英) 耶穌的眼光,我們的眼光 Jesus’ View; Our View
2013-12-29 David Eng One Step Forward Philippians 3:4b-14
2013-12-29 蔡景輝牧師 (英) 潘瀾弟兄 (中) 我們在天上的父 Our Father
2013-12-22 Pastor King Fai Choi Giving Gifts to Jesus Mt 2:1-12
2013-12-22 章開第牧師 (中) 蔡景輝牧師 (英) 大喜的信息 Good News of Great Joy
2013-12-08 Jeffrey Hwang The Greatest Conception in History Luke 1:39-56
2013-12-08 蔡明哲長老 亞伯拉罕的順服和神的應許
2013-12-01 King Fai Choi How Will This Be? Luke 1:26-38
2013-12-01 張子義牧師 天起了涼風
2013-11-24 David Eng Christmas: The Beginning of the End (and how everything fits together)
2013-11-24 章開第牧師 恩感之頌
2013-11-17 Chuck Lowe Keep Building Haggai Overview
2013-11-17 章開第牧師 我以你為印
2013-11-10 Ron Adhikari The Majesty of God - The God of Missions Psalm 145:1-7
2013-11-10 羅達理牧師 神的威嚴─宣教的神
2013-11-03 Bryan Che Offering Our Vocational Lives to God 1 Samuel 2:30; Proverbs 16:9; Ecclesiastes 9:11
2013-11-03 章開第牧師 聖俗確有別
2013-10-27 Chuck Lowe On That Day Haggai 2:20-23
2013-10-27 章開第牧師 榮耀的吸引
2013-10-20 章開第牧師 王的觀點
2013-10-13 Chuck Lowe Solving the iPad Effect Haggai 2:10-19
2013-10-13 張子義牧師 轉回
2013-10-06 Terry Grear Choosing What Kingdom You're Going to Live In Matthew 14:22-33
2013-10-06 韋江牧師 突破
2013-09-29 Chuck Lowe Does It Seem Like Nothing? Haggai 2:1-9
2013-09-29 章開第牧師 同在的應許
2013-09-22 Chuck Lowe Is There Room at the Center of Your Life? Haggai 1:12-15
2013-09-22 唐崇榮牧師 彼得前書1:10~12
2013-09-15 Chuck Lowe Paneled Homes & Ruined Temples Haggai 1:1-15
2013-09-15 章開第牧師 優先的抉擇
2013-09-08 Chuck Lowe Salvation: Old & New various Old Testament texts
2013-09-08 章開第牧師 被擄與歸回
2013-09-01 Chuck Lowe MLK & Chinese Church Eph. 2:11-22
2013-09-01 何明治長老 重築祭壇
2013-08-25 David Eng Complete in Christ! Colossians 2:6-15
2013-08-25 胡維華牧師 校外教學
2013-08-18 David Eng What It Means to Serve God Josha 24:1-28
2013-08-18 章開第牧師 蓋棺論定
2013-08-11 Jeffrey Hwang Covenantal Obedience Joshua 23
2013-08-11 章開第牧師 一代儒將
2013-08-04 Caleb Chang Cities for the Levites Joshua 21:1-45
2013-08-04 張子義牧師 回首來時路
2013-07-28 章開第牧師 化干戈為玉帛
2013-07-21 King-Fai Choi Cities of Refuge Joshua 20
2013-07-21 章開第牧師 利未之城
2013-07-14 Jeffrey Hwang How Long Will You wait Joshua 18-19
