
Sermon Date Speaker Sermon Title
2012-12-16 蔡明哲長老 兩種人, 兩種下場
2012-12-09 Chuck Lowe When Life Can't Get Harder Revelation 14:1-20
2012-12-09 章開第牧師 雙獸相 Vision of the Beasts
2012-12-02 Chuck Lowe Satan & the Government Revelation 13:1-8
2012-12-02 周功和牧師 信徒的勝利
2012-11-25 David Eng Thanksgiving Psalm 103:1-12
2012-11-25 章開第牧師 祂要作王直到永遠
2012-11-18 Chuck Lowe Our Ancient Foe Revelation 12:1-17
2012-11-18 章開第牧師 最後的見證人
2012-11-11 David Ro One Life to Live: Don't Waste It! Philippians 1:12-26
2012-11-11 盧敬雄牧師 唯一的生命: 活得要有價值
2012-11-04 Chuck Lowe When Martyrs Die Revelation 11:1-14
2012-11-04 章開第牧師 大天使與小書卷 The Mighty Angel and Little Scroll
2012-10-28 Chuck Lowe The Trumpets That Shall Never Sound Retreat Revelation 8:1-9:21
2012-10-28 章開第牧師 人間地獄 Hell on Earth
2012-10-21 Guest Speaker Building Up God's Household Together Ephesians 2:16-22
2012-10-21 黃子嘉牧師 同心建造神的家 Building Up God’s Household Together
2012-10-14 Chuck Lowe When God says, "Not Yet"
2012-10-14 張子義牧師 揭開第七印
2012-10-07 Guest Speaker Missions Sharing
2012-10-07 楊一哲牧師 1. 我願傳福音; 2. 佤邦福音工作前瞻
2012-09-30 張路加牧師 走出曠野 使徒行傳8:26-40
2012-09-30 張路加牧師 生命的色彩
2012-09-30 David Gill Choices and Challenges in the Workplace
2012-09-29 David Gill Ten Great Principles of Workplace Ethics
2012-09-29 David Gill Four Ways to Salt the Workplace
2012-09-28 David Gill Good Work, Bad Work: the Biblical Perspective
2012-09-23 David Eng "That I Might Save Some" 1 Corinthians 9:19-27
2012-09-23 章開第牧師 災中之聖 Sanctification in Tribulation
2012-09-16 Chuck Lowe Seated, Not Standing (and why it matters) Revelation 3:21-5:14
2012-09-16 章開第牧師 災難的起始 Beginning of Birth Pangs
2012-09-09 Chuck Lowe It is Harder to be Saved Than You May Have Heard Revelation 2:1-7 & 3:14-22
2012-09-09 章開第牧師 羔羊是配 Worthy is the Lamb
2012-09-02 Chuck Lowe Speak, O Lord, As We Listen Revelation 1:1-18
2012-09-02 何明治長老 天庭的異象
2012-08-26 David Eng Impacting Our Society Titus 3:1-8
2012-08-26 饒孝楫牧師 人生的智慧
2012-08-19 Chuck Lowe A Leader and His Successor Joshua 12:1-24
2012-08-19 章開第牧師 常勝軍All Around Champaign
2012-08-12 Chuck Lowe Does God Predestine Some People to Hell? Joshua 11:1-23
2012-08-12 章開第牧師 征戰之神 God, the Conqueror
2012-08-05 Guest Speaker Blessed to be a Blessing 1 Corinthians 12:4-20
2012-08-05 盧植德牧師, 翻譯:張召斌 神會赦免種族滅絕之罪嗎?
2012-07-29 Chuck Lowe Does God Condone Genocide? Joshua 10:16-43
2012-07-29 章開第牧師 超越平凡Reaching Beyond Mediocrity
2012-07-22 Guest Speaker Open Doors 2 Corinthians 2:12, 1 Corinthians 16:8-9, Colossians 4:2-4, Acts 12:26-27
2012-07-22 戴繼宗牧師 敞開的門
2012-07-15 Chuck Lowe Should We Build a Gym? Joshua 9:1-10:15
2012-07-15 韋江牧師 屬神百姓的品格
2012-07-08 Chuck Lowe Does God Always Forgive Joshua 8:1-35
2012-07-08 章開第牧師 勝敗之際Defeat Leads to Victory
2012-07-01 David Eng Sin in the Camp Joshua 7:1-26
